

belong に関する問題

発想の転換が必要な問題だと思います。所有格と belong の問題は難易度が少し高いですね。

She is a member of the tennis club.
She (   ) (   ) the tennis club.

【解答】belongs to

Is this your bag?
(   ) this bag (   ) to you?

【解答】Does / belong

Who does this house belong to?
(   ) house (   ) this?

【解答】Whose / is

enjoy ⇔ have a good time に関する問題


We enjoyed the party yesterday.
We had a (   ) (   ) at the party yesterday.

【解答】good time

We enjoyed ourselves at the party.
We (   ) a good (   ) at the party.

【解答】had / time

I enjoyed myself at the party.
I (   ) a good (   ) at the party.

【解答】had / time


teach と teacher 、sing と singer 、run と runner などいろいろあります。

Tom plays soccer very well.
Tom is a very (   ) soccer (   ).

【解答】good / player

Mr. Brown is a very careful driver.
Mr. Brown (   ) very (   ).

【解答】drives / carefully

She sings very well.
She is a (   ) (   ).

【解答】good singer

She can swim very well.
She is a very (   ) (   ).

【解答】good swimmer

Ms. Brown is our English teacher.
Ms. Brown (   ) (   ) English.

【解答】teaches us

Kenji speaks English well.
Kenji is a (   ) (   ) of English.

【解答】good speaker

be good at に関する問題

very well とあれば、be good at のパターンを考えましょう。at の後ろに動詞が来る場合は ~ing という動名詞になることに注意です。

He plays baseball very well.
He is (   ) (   ) playing baseball.

【解答】good at

My sister can draw a picture very well.
My sister is very good (   ) (   ) a picture.

【解答】at drawing

She is good at swimming.
She is a good (   ).


without に関する問題

without は前置詞ですので、後ろに動詞が来る場合は、~ing という動名詞の形にしましょう。

He left the town. He didn’t say good-bye.
He left the town (   ) (   ) good-bye.

【解答】without saying

Jiro didn’t answer my question and ran away.
Jiro ran away (   ) (   ) my question.

【解答】without answering

I can’t do the work if you don’t help me.
I can’t to the work (   ) (   ) help.

【解答】without your

You can’t solve this problem alone.
It is (   ) for you to solve this problem (   ) anyone to help you.

【解答】impossible / without


how の感嘆文の出題が多いです。what の感嘆文はあまり見られないですね。文末に ! がある場合は、感嘆文であることが多いです。

These roses smell very sweet.
(   ) (   ) these roses smell!

【解答】How sweet

When I saw the mountain, I was surprised at its beauty.
When I saw the mountain, I thought, “(   ) beautiful (   ) is!”

【解答】How / it

no と any に関する問題

not ~ any で「一つも~ない」となります。それと no との書きかえ問題です。

There was nothing he wanted to say.
He didn’t have (   ) (   ) say.

【解答】anything to

Naoko has no brothers.
Naoko does (   ) have (   ) brothers.

【解答】not / any

look forward to に関する問題

look forward to の後ろに動詞が来る場合は、~ing の動名詞になります。to だからと不定詞と勘違いしないよう注意しましょう。

I can’t wait for your visit tomorrow.
I’m (   ) (   ) to your visit tomorrow.

【解答】looking forward

I am happy because I’ll meet him next week.
I’m looking (   ) to (   ) him next week.

【解答】forward / meeting

born に関する問題

birth があれば、be born を考えましょう。

What is his birthplace?
(   ) was he (   )?

【解答】Where / born

December is my birthday.
I was (   ) (   ) December 19.

【解答】born on


He flew from London to New York.
He went from London to New York (   ) (   ).

【解答】by plane

My father usually walks to his office.
My father usually goes to his office (   ) (   ).

【解答】on foot


I studied English very hard during my stay in California.
I studied English very hard (   ) I was (   ) in California.

【解答】while / staying

Mariko had a fever, and so she was absent from school.
Mariko was absent from school (   ) she had a fever.



What is the price of this computer?
(   ) (   ) is this computer?

【解答】How much

When was that tower built?
(   ) (   ) is that tower?

【解答】How old


My house is on the hill.
The house on the hill is (   ).


Amy Myers is one of my friends.
Amy Myers is a friend (   ) (   ).

【解答】of mine


Rika likes cooking. Kenta likes cooking, too.
(   ) Rika (   ) Kenta (   ) cooking.

【解答】Both / and / like

Tom and I went skiing yesterday.
I went skiing (   ) Tom yesterday.


Tom can speak French very well. He can speak Japanese very well, too.
Tom can speak not (   ) French (   ) also Japanese very well.

【解答】only / but

We worked all day long.
We worked (   ) morning (   ) night.

【解答】from / to


I read the book yesterday. It was interesting.
I (   ) the book interesting yesterday.


Ken missed the last bus.
Ken (   ) (   ) the last bus.

【解答】couldn’t catch

It’s twenty minutes’ walk from here to the city hall.
It (   ) twenty minutes (   ) walk from here to the city hall.

【解答】takes  / to

She came to Japan when she was five.
She came to Japan (   ) the (   ) of five.

【解答】at / age

I visit Kate, and she visits me, too.
Kate and I visit (   ) (   ).

【解答】each other

What do you call this river?
What is the (   ) (   ) this river?

【解答】name of

Baseball is a popular sport in Japan.
(   ) people like baseball very much.


Clean your teeth before going to bed.
Clean your teeth before (   ) (   ) to bed.

【解答】you go

That man has stopped smoking.
That man no (   ) smokes.


She will study abroad next summer.
She will study in a (   ) country next summer.


Kate was late for the meeting this morning.
Kate wasn’t (   ) (   ) for the meeting this morning.

【解答】in time

Do you have time now?
(   ) you (   ) now?

【解答】Are / free

Mrs. Right is my mother’s sister.
Mrs. Right is my (   ).


Let’s play basketball when school is over.
Let’s play basketball (   ) (   ).

【解答】after school


鼻が乾いているネコです。中学生・高校生の英語を指導しています。そこで気づいたことや、みんながよくするミスをを踏まえて記事を書いています。英語参考書の出版経験あり。X や Facebook では、「お気楽英語」の更新情報をつぶやいたり、なんかそれらしいことをつぶやいたりしています。


