
2008年度センター試験英語解説 共通テスト・センター試験英語解説

  1. A young woman is practicing for an archery event while her brother watches. However, when the woman shoots her arrow, it falls short in front of the target. Her brother tries to help her by moving the target to the place where the arrow fell. Surprisingly, she then shoots the arrow to the very place the target had been before.
  2. A young woman is practicing her skills with a bow and arrow as her brother watches. When she misses the target, both of them are very surprised because she is usually accurate. Her brother helpfully collects her gear so she can practice again some other time. However, the woman and her brother are upset because they cannot reach the arrow in the tree.
  3. In order to develop her skill in archery, a young woman practices hard. At first, she and her brother are greatly disappointed because the arrow never hits the target. After her brother tries to help by shortening the distance to the target, she gradually hits the target more and more often. Indeed, now they are greatly surprised whenever she misses the target.
  4. One day, a young woman goes with her brother to improve her skill in archery. She and her brother are disappointed at her lack of accuracy in this spot. She never gives up trying, however, and she practices hard. Finally, she manages to successfully hit the tree with her arrow, and they are both delighted.



「(わざわざ当てやすいように場所を変えたのに) 何で元のとこに行くねーん」

このような突っ込みになったでしょうか? それを踏まえて選択肢のオチの部分、つまり最後の英文を見ていきます。

2. However, the woman and her brother are upset because they cannot reach the arrow in the tree.


4. they are both delighted.

最後のコマですが、喜んでいますか? 特に兄のほうは明らかに喜んではいませんね。この選択肢は違います。


3. Indeed, now they are greatly surprised whenever she misses the target.


indeed は [前言を強調的に言い直して] それにまた,いやそれどころか、という意味です。

indeed という英単語があるということは、前文に同じような内容の英文があるということですね。「的をはずすと本当に驚く」というのはどういうことなのかを確かめるために、確認してみましょう。

she gradually hits the target more and more often.



1. Surprisingly, she then shoots the arrow to the very place the target had been before.


