新しい高等学校学習指導要領(平成 30 年 3 月告示、令和4年度高等学校入学者から年次進行で適用)による受験生が、令和7年度の大学入学共通テストを受験します。
今回はその「令和7年度大学入学共通テスト 試作問題」を実際に解いて、思うところを書いてみます。
第A問 問題
You are working on an essay about whether high school students should be allowed to use their smartphones in class. You will follow the steps below.
- Step 1: Read and understand various viewpoints about smartphone use.
- Step 2: Take a position on high school students’ use of their smartphones in class.
- Step 3: Create an outline for an essay using additional sources.
[Step 1] Read various sources
Author A (Teacher)
My colleagues often question whether smartphones can help students develop life-long knowledge and skills. I believe that they can, as long as their use is carefully planned. Smartphones support various activities in class that can enhance learning. Some examples include making surveys for projects and sharing one’s learning with others. Another advantage is that we do not have to provide students with devices; they can use their phones! Schools should take full advantage of students’ powerful computing devices.
Author B (Psychologist)
It is a widespread opinion that smartphones can encourage student learning. Being believed by many, though, does not make an opinion correct. A recent study found that when high school students were allowed to use their smartphones in class, it was impossible for them to concentrate on learning. In fact, even if students were not using their own smartphones, seeing their classmates using smartphones was a distraction. It is clear that schools should make the classroom a place that is free from the interference of smartphones.
Author C (Parent)
I recently bought a smartphone for my son who is a high school student. This is because his school is located far from our town. He usually leaves home early and returns late. Now, he can contact me or access essential information if he has trouble. On the other hand, I sometimes see him walking while looking at his smartphone. If he is not careful, he could have an accident. Generally, I think that high school students are safer with smartphones, but parents still need to be aware of the risks. I also wonder how he is using it in class.
Author D (High school student)
At school, we are allowed to use our phones in class. It makes sense for our school to permit us to use them because most students have smartphones. During class, we make use of foreign language learning apps on our smartphones, which is really helpful to me. I am now more interested in learning than I used to be, and my test scores have improved. The other day, though, my teacher got mad at me when she caught me reading online comics in class. Occasionally these things happen, but overall, smartphones have improved my learning.
Author E (School principal)
Teachers at my school were initially skeptical of smartphones because they thought students would use them to socialize with friends during class. Thus, we banned them. As more educational apps became available, however, we started to think that smartphones could be utilized as learning aids in the classroom. Last year, we decided to allow smartphone use in class. Unfortunately, we did not have the results we wanted. We found that smartphones distracted students unless rules for their use were in place and students followed them. This was easier said than done, though.
問 1 Both Authors A and D mention that ( 1 ).
- apps for learning on smartphones can help students perform better on exams
- one reason to use smartphones as an educational tool is that most students possess one
- smartphones can be used to support activities for learning both at school and at home
- smartphones make it possible for students to share their ideas with classmates
問 2 Author B implies that ( 2 ).
- having time away from digital devices interferes with students’ motivation to learn
- sometimes commonly held beliefs can be different from the facts that research reveals
- students who do not have smartphones are likely to consider themselves better learners
- the classroom should be a place where students can learn without the interference of teachers
[Step 2] Take a position
問 3 Now that you understand the various viewpoints, you have taken a position on high school students’ use of their smartphones in class, and have written it out as below. Choose the best options to complete ( 3 ), ( 4 ), and ( 5 ).
Your position: High school students should not be allowed to use their smartphones in class.
- Authors ( 3 ) and ( 4 ) support your position.
- The main argument of the two authors: ( 5 ).
Options for ( 3 ) and ( 4 ) (The order does not matter.)
- A
- B
- C
- D
- E
Options for ( 5 )
- Making practical rules for smartphone use in class is difficult for school teachers
- Smartphones may distract learning because the educational apps are difficult to use
- Smartphones were designed for communication and not for classroom learning
- Students cannot focus on studying as long as they have access to smartphones in class
[Step 3] Create an outline using Sources A and B
Outline of your essay:
Using smartphones in class is not a good idea
Smartphones have become essential for modern life, but students should be prohibited from using their phones during class.
Reason 1: [From Step 2]
Reason 2: [Based on Source A] ……… ( 6 )
Reason 3: [Based on Source B] ……… ( 7 )
High schools should not allow students to use their smartphones in class.
Source A
Mobile devices offer advantages for learning. For example, one study showed that university students learned psychology better when using their interactive mobile apps compared with their digital textbooks. Although the information was the same, extra features in the apps, such as 3D images, enhanced students’ learning. It is important to note, however, that digital devices are not all equally effective. Another study found that students understand content better using their laptop computers rather than their smartphones because of the larger screen size. Schools must select the type of digital device that will maximize students’ learning, and there is a strong argument for schools to provide computers or tablets rather than to have students use their smartphones. If all students are provided with computers or tablets with the same apps installed, there will be fewer technical problems and it will be easier for teachers to conduct class. This also enables students without their own smartphones to participate in all class activities.
Source B
A study conducted in the U.S. found that numerous teenagers are addicted to their smartphones. The study surveyed about 1,000 students between the ages of 13 and 18. The graph below shows the percentages of students who agreed with the statements about their smartphone use.
問 4 Based on Source A, which of the following is the most appropriate for Reason 2? ( 6 )
- Apps that display 3D images are essential for learning, but not all students have these apps on their smartphones.
- Certain kinds of digital devices can enhance educational effectiveness, but smartphones are not the best.
- Students should obtain digital skills not only on smartphones but also on other devices to prepare for university.
- We should stick to textbooks because psychology studies have not shown the positive effects of digital devices on learning.
問 5 For Reason 3, you have decided to write, “Young students are facing the danger of smartphone addiction.” Based on Source B, which option best supports this statement? ( 7 )
- Although more than half of teenagers reported using their smartphones too much, less than a quarter actually feel regret about it. This may indicate unawareness of a dependency problem.
- Close to three in four teenagers spend too much time on their phones. In fact, over 50% check their phones immediately after waking. Many teenagers cannot resist using their phones.
- Over 70% of teenagers think they spend too much time on their phones, and more than half feel anxious without them. This kind of dependence can negatively impact their daily lives.
- Teenagers are always using smartphones. In fact, more than three-quarters admit to using their phones too much. Their lives are controlled by smartphones from morning to night.
第A問 解説 問1
A は「教師」、D は「生徒」です。その両方が言っている内容で、共通するものを選ぶ問題です。選択肢を確認しましょう。
1. apps for learning on smartphones can help students perform better on exams
D はこう言っています
I am now more interested in learning than I used to be, and my test scores have improved.
D は「テストの点数が向上した」と言っています。
A はこう言っています。
My colleagues often question whether smartphones can help students develop life-long knowledge and skills. I believe that they can
私の同僚は、スマートフォンが学生の生涯にわたる知識とスキルを伸ばすのに役立つかどうかについてよく質問します。 私はできると信じています
A は「知識やスキルを伸ばす」とは言っています。しかし、「テスト・試験」については言及していません。この選択肢は違います。
2. one reason to use smartphones as an educational tool is that most students possess one
スマートフォンを教育ツールとして使用する理由の 1 つは、ほとんどの学生がスマートフォンを所有していることです
A はこう言っています。
Another advantage is that we do not have to provide students with devices; they can use their phones!
もう 1 つの利点は、生徒にデバイスを提供する必要がないことです。彼らは自分の電話を使うことができます!
D はこう言っています。
It makes sense for our school to permit us to use them because most students have smartphones.
3. smartphones can be used to support activities for learning both at school and at home
A はこう言っています。
Smartphones support various activities in class that can enhance learning.
D はこう言っています。
During class, we make use of foreign language learning apps on our smartphones, which is really helpful to me.
4. smartphones make it possible for students to share their ideas with classmates
A はこう言っています。
Some examples include making surveys for projects and sharing one’s learning with others.
「学習」を共有するのであって、「考え」を共有するとは言っていません。また Dは「共有」という内容自体に触れていません。この選択肢は違います。
A も D も「授業中にスマートフォンをつかうことに賛成」です。それは勉強に役立つからです。ですが、そことは違う点でも共通点を見つけないといけませんでした。その意味でも選択肢「1」がいやらしいですね。
第A問 解説 問2
著者 B は「心理学者」です。選択肢を確認しましょう。
1. having time away from digital devices interferes with students’ motivation to learn
著者 B はこう言っています。
In fact, even if students were not using their own smartphones, seeing their classmates using smartphones was a distraction.
「not using their own smartphones / 自身のスマートフォンを使用しない」と「distraction / 注意散漫」だけ見ると、正解に感じるかもしれません。ですが、内容を確認すると、選択肢とは逆のことを言っています。この選択肢は違います。
2. sometimes commonly held beliefs can be different from the facts that research reveals
著者 B はこう言っています。
Being believed by many, though, does not make an opinion correct.
A recent study found that when high school students were allowed to use their smartphones in class, it was impossible for them to concentrate on learning.
3. students who do not have smartphones are likely to consider themselves better learners
4. the classroom should be a place where students can learn without the interference of teachers
著者 B はこう言っています。
It is clear that schools should make the classroom a place that is free from the interference of smartphones.
B が本当に言いたいことは、「授業中にスマートフォンを使わせてはいけない」ということです。ただそこにとらわれると、正解が見えなくなるかもしれませんね。ちょっとひねった問題でした。
第A問 解説 問3
著者 C はこう言っています。
I also wonder how he is using it in class.
著者 C は、スマートフォン使用の賛否の判断ができるだけの、情報を持っていないようですね。著者 E はこう言っています。
Last year, we decided to allow smartphone use in class. Unfortunately, we did not have the results we wanted.
ということで、著者 E は反対の立場です。したがって( 3 )→「B」、( 4 )→「E」です。
賛成か反対かさえわかればいいので、時間をあまりかけずに行きたいです。特に Author C (Parent) は、いろいろ書いてありますが、解答に関係ある部分は少ししかありません。
引き続き「B」と「E」に共通する主張である( 5 )に入るものを、選択肢から考えていきましょう。
1. Making practical rules for smartphone use in class is difficult for school teachers
著者 E はこう言っています。
We found that smartphones distracted students unless rules for their use were in place and students followed them. This was easier said than done, though.
「言うは易く行うは難し」なので、著者 E は選択肢の内容と合っています。著者 B はこう言っています。
It is clear that schools should make the classroom a place that is free from the interference of smartphones.
2. Smartphones may distract learning because the educational apps are difficult to use
著者 E はこう言っています。
As more educational apps became available, however, we started to think that smartphones could be utilized as learning aids in the classroom.
3. Smartphones were designed for communication and not for classroom learning
4. Students cannot focus on studying as long as they have access to smartphones in class
著者 B はこう言っています。
A recent study found that when high school students were allowed to use their smartphones in class, it was impossible for them to concentrate on learning.
著者 E はこう言っています。
We found that smartphones distracted students unless rules for their use were in place and students followed them.
ということで、( 5 )→「4」です。
第A問 解説 問4
理由 2 がある、Outline of your essay: の Introduction を見てみましょう。
Smartphones have become essential for modern life, but students should be prohibited from using their phones during class.
Conclusion を見てみましょう。
High schools should not allow students to use their smartphones in class.
つまり「授業中にスマートフォンを禁止する理由」について、Source A に書かれてあることを、選択肢から探す問題です。
1. Apps that display 3D images are essential for learning, but not all students have these apps on their smartphones.
3D 画像を表示するアプリは学習に不可欠ですが、すべての生徒がこれらのアプリをスマートフォンに持っているわけではありません
Source A にこうあります。
Although the information was the same, extra features in the apps, such as 3D images, enhanced students’ learning.
情報は同じでしたが、3D 画像などのアプリの追加機能により、生徒の学習が強化されました。
2. Certain kinds of digital devices can enhance educational effectiveness, but smartphones are not the best.
特定の種類のデジタル デバイスは教育効果を高めることができますが、スマートフォンは最適ではありません。
選択肢「1」で確認したとおり、特定の種類のデジタル デバイスは教育効果を高めることができます。また、Source A にこうあります。
Another study found that students understand content better using their laptop computers rather than their smartphones because of the larger screen size.
別の研究では、画面サイズが大きいため、学生はスマートフォンよりもラップトップ コンピューターを使用した方がコンテンツをよりよく理解できることがわかりました
3. Students should obtain digital skills not only on smartphones but also on other devices to prepare for university.
4. We should stick to textbooks because psychology studies have not shown the positive effects of digital devices on learning.
心理学の研究では、デジタル デバイスが学習に与えるプラスの効果は示されていないため、教科書に固執する必要があります。
Source A にこうあります。
For example, one study showed that university students learned psychology better when using their interactive mobile apps compared with their digital textbooks.
たとえば、ある調査によると、大学生はインタラクティブなモバイル アプリを使用した場合に、デジタル教科書を使用した場合よりも心理学をよりよく学んだことがわかりました
デジタル デバイスが学習に与えるプラスの効果は示されています。ということで、この選択肢は違います。
第A問 解説 問5
ソースB はこのような表があります。
1. Although more than half of teenagers reported using their smartphones too much, less than a quarter actually feel regret about it. This may indicate unawareness of a dependency problem.
10 代の若者の半数以上がスマートフォンの使いすぎを報告していますが、実際に後悔していると感じているのは 4 分の 1 未満です。これは、依存関係の問題を認識していないことを示している可能性があります。
表の I often feel regret using my phone too much. に注目しましょう。27% は「less than a quarter / 4 分の 1 未満」ではありません。この選択肢は違います。
2. Close to three in four teenagers spend too much time on their phones. In fact, over 50% check their phones immediately after waking. Many teenagers cannot resist using their phones.
10 代の若者の 4 人に 3 人近くが、携帯電話を長時間使用しています。 実際、50% 以上の人が起床直後に携帯電話をチェックしています。多くの 10 代の若者は、携帯電話の使用をやめることができません。
表の I spend too much time on my phone. は 72% です。これは「Close to three in four / 4 人に 3 人近く」です。また、表の I check my phone right after waking up. は 54% です。これは「over 50% / 50%以上」です。この選択肢が正解です。
3. Over 70% of teenagers think they spend too much time on their phones, and more than half feel anxious without them. This kind of dependence can negatively impact their daily lives.
10 代の若者の 70% 以上が、携帯電話を長時間使用していると考えており、半数以上が携帯電話がないと不安を感じています。この種の依存は、日常生活に悪影響を与える可能性があります。
表の I often feel anxious without my phone. は 45% です。これは「more than half / 半数以上」ではありません。この選択肢は違います。
4. Teenagers are always using smartphones. In fact, more than three-quarters admit to using their phones too much. Their lives are controlled by smartphones from morning to night.
10代の若者は常にスマートフォンを使用しています。 実際、4 分の 3 以上が携帯電話の使いすぎを認めています。 彼らの生活は、朝から晩までスマートフォンでコントロールされています
表の I spend too much time on my phone. は 72% です。これは「more than three-quarters / 4 分の 3 以上」ではありません。この選択肢は違います。
第B問 問題
In English class you are writing an essay on a social issue you are interested in. This is your most recent draft. You are now working on revisions based on comments from your teacher.
問1 Based on comment (1), which is the best sentence to add?
- As a result, people buy many similar items they do not need.
- Because of this, customers cannot enjoy clothes shopping.
- Due to this, shop clerks want to know what customers need.
- In this situation, consumers tend to avoid going shopping.
問2 Based on comment (2), which is the best expression to add?
- for instance
- in contrast
- nevertheless
- therefore
問3 Based on comment (3), which is the most appropriate way to rewrite the topic sentence?
- buy fewer new clothes
- dispose of old clothes
- find ways to reuse clothes
- give unwanted clothes away
問4 Based on comment (4), which is the best replacement?
- buy items that maintain their condition
- choose inexpensive fashionable clothes
- pick items that can be transformed
- purchase clothes that are second-hand
第B問 解説 問1
コメント (1) を見てみましょう。
You are missing something here. Add more information between the two sentences to connect them.
ここに何かが欠けています。2 つの文の間にさらに情報を追加して、それらを結び付けなさい
According to a government survey, approximately 64% of shoppers do not think about what is already in their closet.
政府の調査によると、買い物客の約 64% は、すでにクローゼットの中にあるものについて考えていません
So, try to plan your choices carefully when you are shopping.
1. As a result, people buy many similar items they do not need.
2. Because of this, customers cannot enjoy clothes shopping.
3. Due to this, shop clerks want to know what customers need.
4. In this situation, consumers tend to avoid going shopping.
第B問 解説 問2
コメント (2) を見てみましょう。
Insert a connecting expression here.
Even though the price might be higher, it is good value when an item can be worn for several years.
Cheaper fabrics can lose their color or start to look old quickly, so they need to be thrown away sooner.
1. for instance
2. in contrast
3. nevertheless
4. therefore
第B問 解説 問3
コメント (3) を見てみましょう。
This topic sentence doesn’t really match this paragraph. Rewrite it.
このトピック センテンスは、この段落と実際には一致しません。書き直しなさい
下線部(3) を含む段落を確認しましょう。
Finally, (3) think about your clothes. For example, sell them to used clothing stores. That way other people can enjoy wearing them. You could also donate clothes to a charity for people who need them. Another way is to find a new purpose for them. There are many ways to transform outfits into useful items such as quilts or bags.
最後に、(3) あなたの服について考えてみましょう。たとえば、古着屋に売ります。そうすれば、他の人が着て楽しむことができます。また、服を必要としている人々のために、慈善団体に服を寄付することもできます。別の方法は、それらの新しい目的を見つけることです。衣装をキルトやバッグなどの便利なアイテムに変える方法はたくさんあります。
1. buy fewer new clothes
2. dispose of old clothes
3. find ways to reuse clothes
4. give unwanted clothes away
第B問 解説 問4
コメント (4) を見てみましょう。
The underlined phrase doesn’t summarize your essay content enough. Change it.
In conclusion, it is time for a lifestyle change. From now on, check your closet before you go shopping, (4) select better things, and lastly, give your clothes a second life. In this way, we can all become more sustainable with fashion.
下線部の「select better things / より良いものを選ぶ」は、本文のこの部分を指しています。
In addition, purchase high-quality clothes which usually last longer.
1. buy items that maintain their condition
2. choose inexpensive fashionable clothes
3. pick items that can be transformed
4. purchase clothes that are second-hand
「クローゼットをチェック」が「First」の段落の内容。「服に第二の命を与える」が「Finally」の内容。とくれば、下線部が「In addition」の内容だと推測できますね。
「令和7年度大学入学共通テスト 試作問題」を解いてみて