
2014年度センター試験英語解説 共通テスト・センター試験英語解説


問題 次のページのマラソン大会の申し込みに関するウェブサイトを読み、次の問いの(  )に入れるのに最も適当なものを、下の1~4のうちから1つずつ選べ。

Which of the following statements is NOT true about applying? (  )

1. You must apply during the month of August.
2. You must be at least 16 years old when you apply.
3. You must enter your application via the Internet.
4. You must submit no more than one application.


  • Period: August 1 – August 31, 2014 (NO late applications will be accepted.)
  • Anyone 16 or older on the day of the race may apply for entry.
  • Online applications only.
  • One application per person. Multiple applications will be automatically rejected.
  • Reporting any false personal information will result in elimination.


  • Unfortunately, due to the size of Lakeville Sports Field, not all applications can be accepted. The 15,000 runners will be determined by lottery.
  • Applicants will receive their acceptance or rejection letter in mid-October.


  • Online credit card payments only.
  • The application fee cannot be returned. No exceptions.
  • The entry fee will be charged only to those selected by lottery.
Category Application fee ※ Entry fee ※※
 Minor (16 or 17) $15 $25
 Adult (18 to 64) $15 $50
 Senior (65 or over) $15 $15

※ No application fee if you live in Lakeville!
※※ $5 discount if you entered either of the last two Lakeville Marathons!


  • Check-in: Opens at 7:00. All participants must present a photo ID (for example, driver’s license or passport) and their acceptance letter on the day of the lace.
  • Race schedule: Starts at 8:00/Finishes at 16:00 (Runners who fall to finish by the designated time must stop running.)

For inquiries, contact:


Which of the following statements is NOT true about applying?

applying「申し込むこと」とありますので、ウェブサイトの APPLICATION「申し込み」の項目を見ればよいことがわかりますね。

Period: August 1 – August 31, 2014 (NO late applications will be accepted.)


NO late applications will be accepted.



1. You must apply during the month of August.

先ほどの本文と一致していますね。ということでこの選択肢は正解だから・・・と、1. をマークしてしまうとダメです。問題文に NOT とありますね。正しくないものを選ぶのですから、この選択肢を選んではいけません。

Anyone 16 or older on the day of the race may apply for entry.


2. You must be at least 16 years old when you apply.

申し込みは16歳以上というのはどちらもそうなのですが、 ポイントは本文の on the day of the race と選択肢の when you apply ですね。


これで正解は 2. と分かりましたが、念のため他の部分も確認してみましょう。

Online applications only.


3. You must enter your application via the Internet.

One application per person. Multiple applications will be automatically rejected.


4. You must submit no more than one application.


Reporting any false personal information will result in elimination.




問題 次のページのマラソン大会の申し込みに関するウェブサイトを読み、次の問いの(  )に入れるのに最も適当なものを、下の1~4のうちから1つずつ選べ。


A 70-year-old woman living in Lakeville who competed in the 26th marathon will have to pay (  ) to participate.

1 $10
2 $15
3 $25
4 $30


  • Period: August 1 – August 31, 2014 (NO late applications will be accepted.)
  • Anyone 16 or older on the day of the race may apply for entry.
  • Online applications only.
  • One application per person. Multiple applications will be automatically rejected.
  • Reporting any false personal information will result in elimination.


  • Unfortunately, due to the size of Lakeville Sports Field, not all applications can be accepted. The 15,000 runners will be determined by lottery.
  • Applicants will receive their acceptance or rejection letter in mid-October.


  • Online credit card payments only.
  • The application fee cannot be returned. No exceptions.
  • The entry fee will be charged only to those selected by lottery.
Category Application fee ※ Entry fee ※※
 Minor (16 or 17) $15 $25
 Adult (18 to 64) $15 $50
 Senior (65 or over) $15 $15

※ No application fee if you live in Lakeville!
※※ $5 discount if you entered either of the last two Lakeville Marathons!


  • Check-in: Opens at 7:00. All participants must present a photo ID (for example, driver’s license or passport) and their acceptance letter on the day of the lace.
  • Race schedule: Starts at 8:00/Finishes at 16:00 (Runners who fall to finish by the designated time must stop running.)

For inquiries, contact:


A 70-year-old woman living in Lakeville who competed in the 26th marathon will have to pay (  ) to participate.
「第26回マラソンに参加したレークヴィルで暮らす70歳の女性は、参加するために (  ) 支払う必要があるだろう」

問題文に pay とありますので、ウェブサイトの PAYMENT に注目すればよいことがわかります。

まず70歳ですから、Category の Senior (65 or over) を見ればよいです。普通なら Application fee の $15 と、Entry fee の $15 の合計 $30 を支払う必要があります。では選択肢 4. が正解かというと、違いますね。そんな単純な問題はセンター試験にでません。


※ No application fee if you live in Lakeville!
「もしレークヴィルに住んでいるなら、application fee はナシ」

この問題文の女性はliving in Lakevilleとありますので、この割引を受けられます。ということは必要なのは Entry fee の $15 だけなので、正解は選択肢の 2. ・・・かというとこれも違います。


※※ $5 discount if you entered either of the last two Lakeville Marathons!

問題文の女性は「competed in the 26th marathon / 第26回マラソンに参加」とあります。今回のレークヴィルマラソンはタイトルから、第28回とわかります。この女性が参加した第26回のマラソンは最近2つの大会に含まれますので、この女性はこの割引も受けることができます。

ということでEntry fee の $15 から $5 を割り引いた $10 が、この女性が支払う金額になります。正解は選択肢 1. ですね。



問題 次のページのマラソン大会の申し込みに関するウェブサイトを読み、次の問いの(  )に入れるのに最も適当なものを、下の1~4のうちから1つずつ選べ。

According to the website, which of the following is true?

1. You can pay the application and entry fees in cash.
2. You have to make all inquiries by phone.
3. You must check online to see if you are accepted.
4. You will have eight hours to finish the race.


  • Period: August 1 – August 31, 2014 (NO late applications will be accepted.)
  • Anyone 16 or older on the day of the race may apply for entry.
  • Online applications only.
  • One application per person. Multiple applications will be automatically rejected.
  • Reporting any false personal information will result in elimination.


  • Unfortunately, due to the size of Lakeville Sports Field, not all applications can be accepted. The 15,000 runners will be determined by lottery.
  • Applicants will receive their acceptance or rejection letter in mid-October.


  • Online credit card payments only.
  • The application fee cannot be returned. No exceptions.
  • The entry fee will be charged only to those selected by lottery.
Category Application fee ※ Entry fee ※※
 Minor (16 or 17) $15 $25
 Adult (18 to 64) $15 $50
 Senior (65 or over) $15 $15

※ No application fee if you live in Lakeville!
※※ $5 discount if you entered either of the last two Lakeville Marathons!


  • Check-in: Opens at 7:00. All participants must present a photo ID (for example, driver’s license or passport) and their acceptance letter on the day of the lace.
  • Race schedule: Starts at 8:00/Finishes at 16:00 (Runners who fall to finish by the designated time must stop running.)

For inquiries, contact:


According to the website, which of the following is true?


1. You can pay the application and entry fees in cash.
「Application fee と Entry fee を現金で払うことができる」

選択肢に pay とあるので、ウェブサイトの PAYMENT を見ればよいですね。


Online credit card payments only.


2. You have to make all inquiries by phone.

選択肢にある inquiries はウェブサイトの一番下にもあります。ここをチェックですね。

For inquiries, contact:


3. You must check online to see if you are accepted.

選択肢にある accepted に関する語が SELECTION の項目にあります。1つずつ確認していきましょう。

Unfortunately, due to the size of Lakeville Sports Field, not all applications can be accepted. The 15,000 runners will be determined by lottery.
Applicants will receive their acceptance or rejection letter in mid-October.


4. You will have eight hours to finish the race.

これはウェブサイトの RACE DAY の2つ目の項目にあります。

Race schedule: Starts at 8:00 / Finishes at 16:00 (Runners who fall to finish by the designated time must stop running.)
「レーススケジュール : 8:00スタート、16:00終了 (指定の時間までゴールできないランナーは走るのをやめなくてはなりません)」



