
2014年度センター試験英語解説 共通テスト・センター試験英語解説


問題次の文章はある報告書の一部である。この文章とグラフを読み、下の問いの(  )に入れるのに最も適当なものを、それぞれ下の1~4のうちから1つずつ選べ。

Magnet and Sticky: A study on State-to-State Migration in the US

Some people live their whole lives near their places of birth, while others move elsewhere. A study conducted by the Pew Research Center looked into the state-to-state moving patterns of Americans. The study examined each state to determine how many of their adult citizens have moved there from other states. States with high percentages of these residents are called “magnet” states in the report. The study also investigated what percent of adults born in each state are still living there. States high in these numbers are called “sticky” states. The study found that some states were both magnet and sticky, while others were neither. There were also states that were only magnet or only sticky.

If a state is magnet, (  ).

1. few adults born there have stayed
2. few adults living there were born elsewhere
3. many adults born there have stayed
4. many adults living there were born elsewhere


If a state is magnet, (  ).
「もし州がmagnetなら、(  )。」

magnet は「マグネット」・・・磁石・・・「州が磁石」とはどういうことなのでしょう?


States with high percentages of these residents are called “magnet” states in the report.
「これらの居住者が高い率の州はそのリポートで magnet州と呼ばれます」

では「これらの居住者」とはどういう居住者なのでしょう? these が指す内容ですね。指示語がさす内容は、直前の文にあることが多いです。

The study examined each state to determine how many of their adult citizens have moved there from other states.

ということで、他の州から移動してきた居住者が多い州が magnet州であると分かります。そこから「マグネット」は磁石だから引きつける・・・人を引きつける州のことかなぁ・・・と連想できたらよいですね。

ちなみに to 以下は不定詞の副詞的用法です。「~ために」となりますね。また determine は「~を決心する」という意味ですが、「(意味を) 正確に決める・限定する」「(範囲・量・方向などを) 測定する」という意味もあります。どちらも根っこの意味は同じですね。


1. few adults born there have stayed
2. few adults living there were born elsewhere
3. many adults born there have stayed
4. many adults living there were born elsewhere

人を引きつける州ですから、4. が正解ですね。少し選択肢の意味がややこしいのですが、1. は「多くが他に出て行ってしまう」、2. は「他の州から入ってこない」ということです。どちらにしろ魅力がありませんね。

また 3. は”sticky” statesの話です。本文の続きにこうあります。

The study also investigated what percent of adults born in each state are still living there. States high in these numbers are called “sticky” states.
「その研究は各州で生まれた成人の何パーセントが、まだそこに住んでいるかも調査しました。これらの数が多い州は sticky州と呼ばれます」

ちなみに sticky は「ねばねばする・粘着質の」の意味です。そこから「捕まえたら逃さない」→「外に出ていかない」という意味で使われています。

選択肢の 3. では「他の州に出ていかない」とは言っていますが、「他の州から入ってくる」ことは言っていません。ということで選択肢 3. の内容は magnet州ではありませんから、正解にはなりませんね。



問題次の文章はある報告書の一部である。この文章とグラフを読み、下の問いの(  )に入れるのに最も適当なものを、それぞれ下の1~4のうちから1つずつ選べ。

There other extreme examples also appear in Figures 1 and 2. The first is Nevada, where the high proportion of adult residents born out of state makes this state America’s top magnet. New  York is at the opposite end of the magnet scale, even though it is attractive to immigrants from other nations. The third extreme example is Texas, at the opposite end of the sticky scale from Alaska. Although it is a fairly weak magnet, Texas is the nation’s stickiest state.

Which three states are represented in Figures 1 and 2 as (A), (B), and (C)?
1. (A) Nevada / (B) New York / (C) Texas
2. (A) Nevada / (B) Texas / (C) New York
3. (A) New York / (B) Nevada / (C) Texas
4. (A) New York / (B) Texas / (C) Nevada


Which three states are represented in Figures 1 and 2 as (A), (B), and (C)?

図1、2の(A)(B)(C)はどの州をあらわすか? という問題ですね。これは第三段落に書かれてあります。

The first is Nevada, where the high proportion of adult residents born out of state makes this state America’s top magnet.
「最初はネバダ州で、他の州で生まれた成人の居住者の高い割合によって、この州がアメリカの top magnet となっています」

Nevada が top magnet なのですから、表1のトップである(A)は Nevada ですね。したがってこの時点で、選択肢の 1. と 2. に絞ることができます。

New York is at the opposite end of the magnet scale, even though it is attractive to immigrants from other nations.
「たとえそれが他国の移民に魅力的でも、ニューヨークは magnet scale の反対です」

ということは、(C)が New York なのでしょうか。念のため続きも見てみましょう。

The third extreme example is Texas, at the opposite end of the sticky scale from Alaska. Although it is a fairly weak magnet, Texas is the nation’s stickiest state.
「3番目の極端な例はテキサスです。それは sticky scale のアラスカの反対側です。かなり弱い magnet ですが、テキサスは国の最も sticky な州です」

ということで sticky がアラスカの反対側で、一番上にある Texas が(B)となります。

ということで正解は 2. です。本文の3つの部分のうち2つを読めば正解を導くことができますね。あるいは読んでいて多少意味が分からなくても、他の部分で補うことができるとも言えます。ここは時間をかけずに済ませたい問題ですね。



問題 次の文章はある報告書の一部である。この文章とグラフを読み、下の問いの(  )に入れるのに最も適当なものを、それぞれ下の1~4のうちから1つずつ選べ。

Magnet and Sticky: A study on State-to-State Migration in the US

Some people live their whole lives near their places of birth, while others move elsewhere. A study conducted by the Pew Research Center looked into the state-to-state moving patterns of Americans. The study examined each state to determine how many of their adult citizens have moved there from other states. States with high percentages of these residents are called “magnet” states in the report. The study also investigated what percent of adults born in each state are still living there. States high in these numbers are called “sticky” states. The study found that some states were both magnet and sticky, while others were neither. There were also states that were only magnet or only sticky.
Figures 1 and 2 show how selected states rank on magnet and sticky scales, respectively. Florida is a good example of a state that ranks high on both. Seventy percent of its current adult population was born in another state; at the same time, 66% of adults born in Florida are still living there. On the other hand, West Virginia is neither magnet (only 27%) nor particularly sticky (49%). In other words, it has few newcomers, and relatively few West Virginians stay there. Michigan is typical example of a state which is highly sticky, but very low magnet. In contrast, Alaska, which ranks near the top of the magnet scale, is the least sticky of all states.
There other extreme examples also appear in Figures 1 and 2. The first is Nevada, where the high proportion of adult residents born out of state makes this state America’s top magnet. New York is at the opposite end of the magnet scale, even though it is attractive to immigrants from other nations. The third extreme example is Texas, at the opposite end of the sticky scale from Alaska. Although it is a fairly weak magnet, Texas is the nation’s stickiest state.

The study went on to explore the reasons why “movers” leave their home states and “stayers” remain. As for movers, there is no single factor that influences their decisions to move to other states. The most common reason they gave for moving is to seek job or business opportunities. Other report moving for personal reasons: family ties, the desire to live in a good community for their children, or retirement.
(Pew Research Center (2008) American Mobility を参考に作成)

問3 The main purpose of this passage is to (  ).

1. describe various patterns in American migration
2. explain why some states are less popular than others
3. list states with a high ratio of adults who were born there
4. report how the Pew Research Center collected date


The main purpose of this passage is to (  ).
「この一節の主な目的は (  ) ことにあります」


1. describe various patterns in American migration


2. explain why some states are less popular than others


3. list states with a high ratio of adults who were born there

確かに Sticky のグラフがありますからその一面があるかもしれませんが、そうなると Magnet のグラフの立場がありませんね。

4. report how the Pew Research Center collected date
「Pew Research Center がどのようにデータを集めたのかを報告する」

それについて触れられている部分ありますが、それがメインではありませんよ。メインはやはり選択肢 1. にあるように、アメリカの移住のパターンについてですね。




問題次の文章はある報告書の一部である。この文章とグラフを読み、下の問いの(  )に入れるのに最も適当なものを、それぞれ下の1~4のうちから1つずつ選べ。

The study went on to explore the reasons why “movers” leave their home states and “stayers” remain. As for movers, there is no single factor that influences their decisions to move to other states. The most common reason they gave for moving is to seek job or business opportunities. Other report moving for personal reasons: family ties, the desire to live in a good community for their children, or retirement.
(Pew Research Center (2008) American Mobility を参考に作成)

問4 What topic might follow the last paragraph?

1. Reasons why some Americans stay in their home states.
2. States that attract immigrants from other countries.
3. Types of occupations movers look for in other states.
4. Ways to raise children in a magnet state community.


What topic might follow the last paragraph?



The study went on to explore the reasons why “movers” leave their home states and “stayers” remain.


そこから続きは「As for movers, ・・・/ 移住者について・・・」と、movers について書かれてあります。ですが、stayers についてはその後、記述はありません。

ということはこの段落はまだ続きがあり、そこでは stayers について書かれてあると予想できます。それを踏まえて選択肢を確認してみましょう。

1. Reasons why some Americans stay in their home states.
2. States that attract immigrants from other countries.
3. Types of occupations movers look for in other states.
4. Ways to raise children in a magnet state community.

もう大丈夫ですね。選択肢 1. の stay の語に注目すれば、この選択肢が正解と分かります。最初に少し触れましたが、この問題を「最終段落の内容は選択肢のどれですか?」ととらえてしまうと、どの選択肢も選べなくなります。その結果、3. とか 4. を選んでしまう人がいたかも・・・



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