
2014年度センター試験英語解説 共通テスト・センター試験英語解説



Children between the ages of three and five begin to ask many questions. (1)The average weight of children around these ages is more than 12 kilograms. (2)The way parents handle their children’s questions is important. (3)Some parents may be proud of their children’s development and happily answer all their questions. (4)This encourages children to use their imagination and become more creative. On the other hand, if parents are not patient enough to answer questions, children might feel that they shouldn’t be curious about things. As a result, they may begin to feel nervous about trying new activities.




Children between the ages of three and five begin to ask many questions.



(1) The average weight of children around these ages is more than 12 kilograms.

(2) The way parents handle their children’s questions is important.

The way (in which) parents handle ・・・のように、関係詞の in which が省略されている形です。

(3) Some parents may be proud of their children’s development and happily answer all their questions.

・be proud of ~ / ~を誇りに思う

(4) This encourages children to use their imagination and become more creative.

(2) (3) は第一文の「子供の質問」というテーマに沿った文なので、取り除くのは良くないですね。また (4) ですが、その直後に On the other hand, があります。これは「他方・もう一方」の意味で、「同じ物の中の異なる要素、特にその善し悪しを比較するときに使う」のだそうです。


On the other hand, if parents are not patient enough to answer questions, children might feel that they shouldn’t be curious about things.

これはまさに (4) の内容と比較対照される内容になります。よって (4) も必要。

(1) ですが、「子供の平均体重」は今回のパラグラフになくても構わないですよね。むしろ話がぶれてしまうので取り除いた方がよい文となるわけです。




Which do you prefer, living in the country or in the city? (1)According to a United Nations survey, half of the seven billion people on this planet are living in the countryside. However, more and more people are moving into urban areas. (2)It is estimated that about two thirds of the world’s population will live in cities within the next 35 years. (3)Living in a city apartment is convenient but sometimes lonely. (4)Cities are likely to be too crowded and become very difficult places to live. Having said that, due to recent population trends, we soon may not have a choice about where to live.



Which do you prefer, living in the country or in the city?


(1) According to a United Nations survey, half of the seven billion people on this planet are living in the countryside.

・according to ~ / ~によれば
・survey / 調査 [e] にアクセントがあります。アクセントに注意すべき単語です!

この英文の次に However という逆接の接続詞があります。その英文も確認してみましょう。

However, more and more people are moving into urban areas.

逆接の接続詞の前後には、反対の内容がきます。「半分は地方に住んでいる。しかし多くの人が市街地に移動している」と考えると、何も問題はありませんね。というか、選択肢 1. がなければ、「田舎と都会のどちらが好きですか? しかし多くの人が市街地に移動している」となり、これは前後関係がめちゃくちゃですね。

(2) It is estimated that about two thirds of the world’s population will live in cities within the next 35 years.

(3) Living in a city apartment is convenient but sometimes lonely.

(4) Cities are likely to be too crowded and become very difficult places to live.

・be likely to ~ / ~しそうだ

残りの選択肢はどれも「都市に住む」ということが書かれてある・・・と思わせておいて、3. は「都市のアパートに住む」ことが書かれてありますね。このパラグラフのテーマは「田舎に住むか、都会に住むか」ということなので 3. はダメですね。



Having said that, due to recent population trends, we soon may not have a choice about where to live.

まず最初の Having said that, ですが、「そうは言っても」「というわけで」の意味になります。いわゆる分詞構文で接続詞が省略されていますので、話の流れでうまく訳を使い分ける必要があります。

due to は「~のため」の意味。今回の文章のような副詞句を導くときは、owing to や because of の方が望ましい・・・らしいですが、実際アメリカでは、普通に due to を使っているそうです。


問題 次の問いのパラグラフ(段落)には、まとまりをよくするために取り除いた方がよい文が1つある。取り除く文として最も適当なものを、下線部1~4のうちから1つ選べ。

With a little bit of care, your goldfish can live much longer than you might expect. First, choose the largest possible tank you can afford and decorate it with objects such as small rocks and plants. (1)However, be careful not to put sharp objects in the tank that could harm your fish. Second, feed them only as much as they can eat in a few minutes and immediately remove any leftover food. (2)You can soon teach them to eat from your hand. (3)The most important thing is to clean the tank and change the water at least once every two weeks. (4)To make it easier for the fish to adjust to new water, partial water changes are much better than complete water changes. By doing all these things, you can be sure your fish will survive into their “golden years.”



With a little bit of care, your goldfish can live much longer than you might expect.


(1) However, be careful not to put sharp objects in the tank that could harm your fish.

that は関係代名詞ですが、先行詞は sharp objects です。関係詞と先行詞の間が空いていますので、少し注意が必要ですね。

文頭に however という逆接の接続副詞があります。この前後の文は逆の内容がきます。ではその前の文を確認してみましょう。

First, choose the largest possible tank you can afford and decorate it with objects such as small rocks and plants.
「最初に、あなたが (金銭的・空間的に) 持つ余裕があるできるだけ大きな水槽を選んで、小さな岩や水草のような物でそれを飾ってください」


ちなみに choose the largest possible tank (that) you can afford you の前に関係代名詞が省略されています。

afford は通常 can とともに用いられ「~の余裕がある」の意味です。今回で言えば (金銭的・空間的に) 持つ余裕がある水槽、ということです。

(2) You can soon teach them to eat from your hand.

(3) The most important thing is to clean the tank and change the water at least once every two weeks.

(4) To make it easier for the fish to adjust to new water, partial water changes are much better than complete water changes.


your goldfish can live much longer


金魚を長生きさせるための話ということを考えると、選択肢 2. の手から餌をあげるとかそういうことはどうでももいいですよね。ということで選択肢 2. が不要な文ということです。


