
2017年度センター試験英語解説 共通テスト・センター試験英語解説



Wearing proper shoes can reduce problems with your feet. Here are some important points to think about in order to choose the right shoes. (1)Make sure the insole, the inner bottom part of the shoe, is made of material which absorbs the impact on your foot when walking. (2)The upper part of the shoe should be made of breathable material such as leather or cloth. (3)Some brand-name leather shoes are famous because of their fashionable designs. (4)When you try on shoes, pay attention not only to their length but also to their depth and width. Wearing the right shoes lets you enjoy walking with fewer problems.



Wearing proper shoes can reduce problems with your feet.


Wearing the right shoes lets you enjoy walking with fewer problems.



(1) Make sure the insole, the inner bottom part of the shoe, is made of material which absorbs the impact on your foot when walking.

(2) The upper part of the shoe should be made of breathable material such as leather or cloth.

be made of 材料
be made from 原料

(3) Some brand-name leather shoes are famous because of their fashionable designs.

(4) When you try on shoes, pay attention not only to their length but also to their depth and width.

not only A but also B

(1)(4) は必要ですね。(2) は水虫とかそういう問題に対しての話でしょうか。

(3) はなくてもよいです。足の問題に関して「ファッショナブルなデザイン」は関係ありません。




In Japan, there are several ways of transporting goods. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. (1)Transportation by air, though it can be expensive, is suitable for carrying goods which require speedy delivery. (2)Buses can carry many passengers, and they are convenient for daily life. (3)Ships, on the other hand, can carry large quantities at low cost, but it takes much time for them to reach their destinations. Trains can stop only at stations, but their arrival times can easily be estimated. (4)Although trucks cannot carry much compared with trains, they are useful for carrying things from door to door. Such merits and demerits of each method of transportation should be taken into consideration, so the best way can be chosen, depending on the needs.



In Japan, there are several ways of transporting goods.


(1) Transportation by air, though it can be expensive, is suitable for carrying goods which require speedy delivery.

(2) Buses can carry many passengers, and they are convenient for daily life.

(3) Ships, on the other hand, can carry large quantities at low cost, but it takes much time for them to reach their destinations.

Trains can stop only at stations, but their arrival times can easily be estimated.

(4) Although trucks cannot carry much compared with trains, they are useful for carrying things from door to door.

一見どれも同じような感じですが、(2) のバスだけは、運ぶのは「人」です。その他は「物」ですね。

最初の文にも transporting goods とありますので、この問題は物の輸送手段についての文になります。

ということで、取り除いた方が良いものは (2) です。



問題 次の問いのパラグラフ(段落)には、まとまりをよくするために取り除いた方がよい文が1つある。取り除く文として最も適当なものを、下線部1~4のうちから1つ選べ。

If you forget something you once learned, go back to the place where you originally learned it. Experimental studies support this idea. For instance, two groups of divers went into the sea. (1)After listening to a list of words underwater, they came back on land and wrote down as many words as they could remember. (2)A day later, one group sat on land, while the other went back into the sea. (3)Researchers carefully chose the list of words, and the divers selected the diving site. (4)Each group was asked to recall and write the words they had learned the day before. It turned out that the divers in the sea recalled words better than the divers on land. Thus, a person’s ability to remember seems to be better if learning and recalling are done in the same environment.



For instance, two groups of divers went into the sea.


(1) After listening to a list of words underwater, they came back on land and wrote down as many words as they could remember.

(2) A day later, one group sat on land, while the other went back into the sea.

(3) Researchers carefully chose the list of words, and the divers selected the diving site.

(4) Each group was asked to recall and write the words they had learned the day before.

(1)(2)(4) は実験の内容ですが、(3) は実験の事前準備ですね。For instance, の文の時点で、すでに実験が始まっていますので、こんなところに (3) が入ると、時系列がおかしくなります。

ということで、取り除いた方が良いものは (3) です。


