
2009年度センター試験英語解説 共通テスト・センター試験英語解説


1. All drum major uniforms are similar. They all include high boots, white gloves and a tall hat, with a white feather near the top and cords across the front. The letters on the front of the uniform are always different, of course, as is the flag to be carried. However, all drum majors lead the marching band in the same way, with high steps and arms held straight.

2. Many would say that the drum major is the most important part of the marching band. He wears a special uniform and has a distinctive marching style. The uniform has buttons running up the center and he wears white groves, white boots and tall hat. The hat has three cords across the front and a white feather near the top.

3. Most people love to watch the drum major, with his distinctive uniform and special way of marching. From the feather displayed on the top of the tall hat to the high boots and white groves, everyone thinks the outfit is splendid. What most people like best, though, is the way they lead the marching band: baton in their left hand, arms swinging by their sides and their short, little steps.

4. Seeing the drum major lead the marching band live is very exciting. He marches out in front of the band, with his arms swinging and a long, thin baton in his right hand. His uniform looks distinctive, with the school letters across the front and a row of buttons running up both sides. His hat is striking, with three white cords across the front and an eye-catching white feather set near the top.


1. All drum major uniforms are similar. They all include high boots, white gloves and a tall hat, with a white feather near the top and cords across the front. The letters on the front of the uniform are always different, of course, as is the flag to be carried. However, all drum majors lead the marching band in the same way, with high steps and arms held straight.

ざーっと読んでいって flag という英単語に「あれ?」と気づければOK この人「旗」を持っていませんね。ついでに言うとこの文の as は関係代名詞で、前文の内容を先行詞とします。


The letter on the front of the uniform are always different


最後に arms held straight とありますので、「この人腕曲がってるよ」と突っ込めればOK です。

ついでにこれは、少し前にある with とつながって「付帯状況」をあらわしています。

「with his arms crossed / 腕を組みながら」とか習いましたよね。arms の後ろが「過去分詞」なのは、その行為を意識して行なっているからです。意識をして行なえない行為の場合は「現在分詞」になります。

2. Many would say that the drum major is the most important part of the marching band. He wears a special uniform and has a distinctive marching style. The uniform has buttons running up the center and he wears white groves, white boots and tall hat. The hat has three cords across the front and a white feather near the top.

この文のポイントは「buttons running up the center / センターに並んでいるボタン」ですね。

うっかり「button / ボタン」 を「baton / バトン」と見間違えたり、running up the center を「道の真ん中を走っている」なんて勘違いしたりした人がいるかも。

3. Most people love to watch the drum major, with his distinctive uniform and special way of marching. From the feather displayed on the top of the tall hat to the high boots and white groves, everyone thinks the outfit is splendid. What most people like best, though, is the way they lead the marching band: baton in their left hand, arms swinging by their sides and their short, little steps.

baton in their left hand を見て、その場で絵を確認できたら、すぐ間違いに気づきますね。

「右」と「左」は間違い探しでもよくあるパターンですね。最後の their short, little steps も、この絵からすると変な感じがしますが、「これで短く小さなステップ?」と言っても本人がそうだと言えば水掛け論になってしまいます。


4. Seeing the drum major lead the marching band live is very exciting. He marches out in front of the band, with his arms swinging and a long, thin baton in his right hand. His uniform looks distinctive, with the school letters across the front and a row of buttons running up both sides. His hat is striking, with three white cords across the front and an eye-catching white feather set near the top.

1~3が間違いということはこの 4.が正解なのは分かっているので、本来はこの選択肢を読まずに次へ進むのが時間短縮のテクニックである。とはいえ、ボーっと1~3を読んじゃって、まだ正解を絞りきれていない人はこの選択肢も読まなくてはいけません。(いや、やっぱり 1.は flag で消しておいてもらわないと困るかな・・・)

ザーッと読んでいくと baton in his right hand が出てきました。ここで「アッ」と気づかなくてはいけません。3.の baton in their left hand と被ってますね。3.が消せていなかった人はこの時点で絵を確認して選択肢を絞ることができるでしょう。

さらに読んでいくと buttons running up both sides が出てきました。ここで「アッ」と気づかなくてはいけません。2.の buttons running up the center と被っていますね。2.が消せていなかった人はこの時点で絵を確認して選択肢を絞ることができるでしょう。


