
2008年度センター試験英語解説 共通テスト・センター試験英語解説


問題次の文の(  )に入れるのに最も適当な文を、1~4の内から1つ選べ。

A role model is an ideal person whom we admire. Role models may have various backgrounds and ways of looking at things. However, they all inspire others through their actions. I would like to introduce two people I admire.
Mr. Chico Mendes is one of my role models. He was born in the Amazon region in 1944 to a poor Brazilian family that had farmed rubber from rubber trees for many generations. They loved the rainforest and ( 問1 ). However, mining companies and cattle ranchers started destroying the Amazon rainforest which is more than 180 million years old. They burned and cut down hundreds of thousands of trees, endangering the living environment of the people

( 問1 )
1. did not tell outsiders the location of their trees
2. did not want strangers living anywhere near them
3. protected the indigenous tribes from being killed
4. used its resources in a way that did not destroy it


空所の次の英文の先頭に However があることに注目しましょう。
however は逆接の接続詞なので、その前後には逆の意味がきますね。

ということは、however 以下の英文と逆の意味の英文が( 問1 )のある英文に入ることがわかります。

However, mining companies and cattle ranchers started destroying the Amazon rainforest which is more than 180 million years old.


1. did not tell outsiders the location of their trees
2. did not want strangers living anywhere near them
3. protected the indigenous tribes from being killed
4. used its resources in a way that did not destroy it
それ (熱帯雨林) を破壊しないような方法でその資源を使った。

however 以下の英文と逆の意味になる選択肢は、4。



問題次の文の(  )に入れるのに最も適当な文を、1~4の内から1つ選べ。

The movement ( 問2 ), as Chico’s efforts led people in other countries to protect the earth’s forests and the forests’ native inhabitants. Mr. Chico Mendes is role model for me because of his courage, dedication and self-sacrificing work to protect not only the Amazon
rainforest, but the natural environment of the entire planet.

( 問2 )
1. eventually spread to other parts of the world
2. remained basically a problem for Brazilian people
3. was especially concerned with global warming
4. was focused mainly on the Amazon rubber trees


空所の次の英単語である as に注目しましょう。

接続詞の as は「~するにしたがって」という比例をあらわす意味があり、The movement ( 問2 ), の英文はそれに続くもので考えたらよいとわかります。

as Chico’s efforts led people in other countries to protect the earth’s forests and the forests’ native inhabitants.



1. eventually spread to other parts of the world
2. remained basically a problem for Brazilian people
3. was especially concerned with global warming
4. was focused mainly on the Amazon rubber trees



問題次の文の(  )に入れるのに最も適当な文を、1~4の内から1つ選べ。

Dr. Mae Jemison, the first Afro-American female astronaut to travel into space, is my other role model. Mae was born into a middle-class American family. She entered university at the age of 16, and went on to receive degrees in Chemical Engineering, African-American Studies and Medicine. She became a fluent speaker of Japanese, Russian and Swahili. In 1992, she was the science mission specialist on the space shuttle Endeavour, on a cooperative mission between the U.S. and Japan. ( 問3 ), Dr. Jemison has used her education to improve the lives of others by providing primary medical care to poor people. She has helped countless people through various educational and medical projects.
The main characteristics of my two role models are that they sympathize with other people’s distress and are committed to improving the world by helping others. They are caring people who use their potential to benefit the world, making it a better place.

( 問3 )
1. A compassionate person
2. Because she loves traveling
3. In order to gain experience
4. Wanting an adventure


まず ( 問3 ) 次に[ , ]があり、さらに英文が続くのでそこを読んでいきましょう。

Dr. Jemison has used her education to improve the lives of others by providing primary medical care to poor people.
「Jemison 先生は貧しい人々へのプライマリ・メディカル・ケアの提供によって、


1. A compassionate person
2. Because she loves traveling
3. In order to gain experience
4. Wanting an adventure

正解は1.。分詞構文でBeing が省略されていて、「情け深い人物なので、 Jemison 先生は・・・」と同格の関係になっていますね。


第3問Cは空所が含まれる英文を読み、その前後をチェックし (特に接続詞) その意味関係から選択肢を絞っていくとよいと思われます。


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