
2013年度センター試験英語解説 共通テスト・センター試験英語解説


問題次の文章は、映画紹介サイトに投稿されたある日本映画についての感想である。文章を読み、下の問いの(  )に入れるのに最も適当なものを、下の1~4のうちから1つずつ選べ。

“Tomo and Aki” (2005) Japan

Satoko form Osaka, Japan
I finally watched the DVD of “Tomo and Aki,” the award winning film based on the famous book by Yukio Kodama. I love this book and have read it many times. Kodama’s detailed descriptions of life in Japan’s countryside are amazing, and the story is both funny and touching. Tomo and Aki, a young urban couple, move to a rural village but struggle with their strange new life. I avoided the movie for a long time because I thought it could never be as good as the book. While I was right in some ways, the movie was still very enjoyable to watch.

While the small village in the movie is realistic, I never quite felt like I was there as I did when reading Kodama’s words. The actor playing Tomo, a shy and ordinary character in the book, looks too confident and handsome for the role. On the other hand, the actress who plays Aki is very believable, perfectly showing emotions such as joy, frustration, and sorrow. Aki really regrets their move. Throughout the first half of the movie, she tries to maintain at least one small part of her city lifestyle by often wearing high heels and perfect makeup around the village. In the powerful conclusion of the movie, she gives birth to twins, which helps her to let go of the past completely and become truly content with her life in the village. One interesting point is the appearance of Jun Daichi, only 15 years old then, playing a supporting role as a boy from a neighboring village. I am a big fan of this actor, who became famous for his later work but already shows his talent for acting in this small part.

Although I was extremely familiar with the book, watching the movie increased my appreciation of the original story. Anyone who loves the book can still enjoy this movie, and if you love the movie, go read the book too!

After watching the movie, Satoko thought that it (   ).

1. accurately showed the life of Yukio Kodama
2. gave her a feeling of being in the village
3. made her like the book even more
4. should be avoided by the fans of the book


After watching the movie, Satoko thought that it (   ).
「その映画を見た後、Satoko はそれは (  ) と考えた」


1. accurately showed the life of Yukio Kodama


2. gave her a feeling of being in the village


While the small village in the movie is realistic, I never quite felt like I was there as I did when reading Kodama’s words.

代名詞や代動詞があって意味が少々つかみづらいですね。there は the small village そしてdid は felt を指しています。またlike は「~が好き」ではなく「~のような」です。そして Kodama’s words というのは「コダマの小説」ですね。


3. made her like the book even more


Although I was extremely familiar with the book, watching the movie increased my appreciation of the original story.


4. should be avoided by the fans of the book


Anyone who loves the book can still enjoy this movie, and if you love the movie

この選択肢は間違いですね。ちなみに肯定文中の any は「どの~」を表します。


最初に少し映画に対して否定的な意見が書かれていましたので、それに引っ張られるとミスをしてしまうかも。Satoko のレビューを最後まで読まないと設問の該当部分がないので、少し大変でしたね。しかし正解の選択肢そのものの内容が本文にありましたので、その意味では正解を選びやすかったように思います。


問題次の文章は、映画紹介サイトに投稿されたある日本映画についての感想である。文章を読み、下の問いの(  )に入れるのに最も適当なものを、下の1~4のうちから1つずつ選べ。

“Tomo and Aki” (2005) Japan

Joe from Buffalo, NY, USA
My Japanese friend took me to the Asian Film Festival yesterday to see “Tomo and Aki.” I usually avoid foreign language movies as I find it difficult to read the subtitles and pay attention to the scenes at the same time. However, this movie was so fascinating and delightful that I soon forgot I was reading the dialogue. The story describes a young woman who movies to the countryside with her husband when he tries to escape his busy life in the city. The best part of the movie is how it shows the interesting and unique life in Japan’s countryside. The camera work and soundtrack also add to the experience and fit nicely with the lively atmosphere of the film. I was fascinated and entertained throughout the entire two

The opening scene immediately grabbed my attention with a huge frog jumping in front of Aki, the main female character, and her screaming voice echoing into the surrounding mountains. Actually, I was very impressed with the actress’s performance as she transforms herself from a fashion store salesclerk into a successful farmer. The actress is also a talented comedian, particularly in the scenes where she is trying to manage a vegetable garden while battling insects, rainstorms, and lot of mud.

Among the many older village people, who are usually staring curiously at the young couple, there are some truly amusing and unique characters. My favorite was an old woman, a legend in the village, who eventually becomes a good friend of the couple. In a memorable scene towards the end of the movie, the old woman teaches Aki how to cook wild mushrooms while telling strange traditional, folk stories from the village.

Overall, I really liked this movie. The story is entertaining and the acting is great, but best of all, you can really see a different side of Japanese culture in the movie. I highly recommend this film!

Before watching the movie, Joe expected that it would be (   ).

1. a valuable cultural experience
2. different from the original book
3. great because it was famous
4. hard for him to follow the story


Before watching the movie, Joe expected that it would be (   ).
「その映画を観る前、ジョーは(   )だろうと予想した」

1. a valuable cultural experience


you can really see a different side of Japanese culture in the movie.

とあります。しかし、これはジョーが映画を見た後の感想ですね。問題文は Before watching the movie ですから、この選択肢はダメです。

2. different from the original book

これは問1で確認した Satoko の感想ですね。

3. great because it was famous


this movie was so fascinating and delightful
I really liked this movie.


4. hard for him to follow the story


I usually avoid foreign language movies as I find it difficult to read the subtitles and pay attention to the scenes at the same time.


本文に出てくる subtitles ですが、映画の場合複数形で「字幕」の意味になります。「副題」の意味で考えるとわけがわからなくなりますね。

また、選択肢の hard が本文の avoid、選択肢の to follow the story が本文の

to read the subtitles and pay attention to the scenes at the same time




問題次の文章は、映画紹介サイトに投稿されたある日本映画についての感想である。文章を読み、下の問いの(  )に入れるのに最も適当なものを、下の1~4のうちから1つずつ選べ。

“Tomo and Aki” (2005) Japan

Satoko form Osaka, Japan
I finally watched the DVD of “Tomo and Aki,” the award winning film based on the famous book by Yukio Kodama. I love this book and have read it many times. Kodama’s detailed descriptions of life in Japan’s countryside are amazing, and the story is both funny and touching. Tomo and Aki, a young urban couple, move to a rural village but struggle with their strange new life. I avoided the movie for a long time because I thought it could never be as good as the book. While I was right in some ways, the movie was still very enjoyable to watch.

While the small village in the movie is realistic, I never quite felt like I was there as I did when reading Kodama’s words. The actor playing Tomo, a shy and ordinary character in the book, looks too confident and handsome for the role. On the other hand, the actress who plays Aki is very believable, perfectly showing emotions such as joy, frustration, and sorrow. Aki really regrets their move. Throughout the first half of the movie, she tries to maintain at least one small part of her city lifestyle by often wearing high heels and perfect makeup around the village. In the powerful conclusion of the movie, she gives birth to twins, which helps her to let go of the past completely and become truly content with her life in the village. One interesting point is the appearance of Jun Daichi, only 15 years old then, playing a supporting role as a boy from a neighboring village. I am a big fan of this actor, who became famous for his later work but already shows his talent for acting in this small part.

Although I was extremely familiar with the book, watching the movie increased my appreciation of the original story. Anyone who loves the book can still enjoy this movie, and if you love the movie, go read the book too!

Joe from Buffalo, NY, USA
My Japanese friend took me to the Asian Film Festival yesterday to see “Tomo and Aki.” I usually avoid foreign language movies as I find it difficult to read the subtitles and pay attention to the scenes at the same time. However, this movie was so fascinating and delightful that I soon forgot I was reading the dialogue. The story describes a young woman who movies to the countryside with her husband when he tries to escape his busy life in the city. The best part of the movie is how it shows the interesting and unique life in Japan’s countryside. The camera work and soundtrack also add to the experience and fit nicely with the lively atmosphere of the film. I was fascinated and entertained throughout the entire two hours.

The opening scene immediately grabbed my attention with a huge frog jumping in front of Aki, the main female character, and her screaming voice echoing into the surrounding mountains. Actually, I was very impressed with the actress’s performance as she transforms herself from a fashion store salesclerk into a successful farmer. The actress is also a talented comedian, particularly in the scenes where she is trying to manage a vegetable garden while battling insects, rainstorms, and lot of mud.

Among the many older village people, who are usually staring curiously at the young couple, there are some truly amusing and unique characters. My favorite was an old woman, a legend in the village, who eventually becomes a good friend of the couple. In a memorable scene towards the end of the movie, the old woman teaches Aki how to cook wild mushrooms while telling strange traditional, folk stories from the village.

Overall, I really liked this movie. The story is entertaining and the acting is great, but best of all, you can really see a different side of Japanese culture in the movie. I highly recommend this film!

Both Satoko and Joe praise (   ).

1. the performance of the main actor
2. the performance of the main actress
3. the quality of the camera work
4. the quality of the original book


Both Satoko and Joe praise (   ).
「Satoko と Joe の両方は (  ) を称賛している」

1. the performance of the main actor


The actor playing Tomo, a shy and ordinary character in the book, looks too confident and handsome for the role.

too は「~過ぎ」をあらわすことがわかれば、少なくともサトコがこの俳優を褒めていないことは分かりますね。too がなければ、ほめているように感じますが、何事も過ぎたるは及ばざるがごとしということでしょうか。


I am a big fan of this actor, who became famous for his later work but already shows his talent for acting in this small part.

あれ? さっき俳優のことダメ出ししていましたよね。これはどういうことでしょう?


ダメ出しされた方の俳優は映画のタイトルにもなっている「トモ」を演じている主演俳優ですよね。サトコが大ファンなのは「small part / 小さな役」を演じている俳優なのです。



2. the performance of the main actress


the actress who plays Aki is very believable, perfectly showing emotions such as joy, frustration, and sorrow.


I was very impressed with the actress’s performance


The actress is also a talented comedian


3. the quality of the camera work


The camera work and soundtrack also add to the experience and fit nicely with the lively atmosphere of the film.


4. the quality of the original book


I thought it could never be as good as the book.
「私はそれ (映画) が原作ほどよいとは決して思えなかった」


Although I was extremely familiar with the book, watching the movie increased my appreciation of the original story. Anyone who loves the book can still enjoy this movie, and if you love the movie, go read the book too!
私はその本に非常に精通していましたが、映画を見ると原作への理解が深まりました。 この本を愛する人なら誰でもこの映画を楽しむことができます。映画が好きなら、本も読んでください!

この部分は問1で確認しましたので再度訳はしませんが、the book や the original story が何度も出てくるなど、サトコの「原作」に対する思いがうかがい知れますね。





According to the reviews, the theme of the story can be best described as (  ).

1. a character’s adaptation to a new life
2. a historically accurate description of old village life
3. the changing roles of women in modern society
4. the importance of sharing cultural traditions


According to the reviews, the theme of the story can be best described as (  ).
「レビューによると、その物語のテーマは (  ) だと最も見なされ得る」

describe A as B / AをBとみなす



1. a character’s adaptation to a new life

2. a historically accurate description of old village life

3. the changing roles of women in modern society

4. the importance of sharing cultural traditions



Tomo and Aki, a young urban couple, move to a rural village but struggle with their strange new life.
Aki really regrets their move. Throughout the first half of the movie, she tries to maintain at least one small part of her city lifestyle by often wearing high heels and perfect makeup around the village. In the powerful conclusion of the movie, she gives birth to twins, which helps her to let go of the past completely and become truly content with her life in the village.

let go で「行かせる」。それに of がつくことで「離れる」イメージになります。


The story describes a young woman who movies to the countryside with her husband when he tries to escape his busy life in the city.
she transforms herself from a fashion store salesclerk into a successful farmer.

ということから考えると選択肢の 1. が正解ですね。

論説文の問題の基本ですが、ある人が考えを伝えようと書かれた文には「事実」と「意見」の部分があります。今回の問題では、レビュー者の「意見 (感想)」から判断するのではなく、「事実 (あらすじ)」から自分自身で解答を判断することが求められています。(そこまでおおげさじゃないか・・・)



Which of the following shows the order of the scenes as they appear in the movie? (  ).

1. (B) → (C) → (D) → (A)
2. (B) → (D) → (C) → (A)
3. (D) → (A) → (B) → (C)
4. (D) → (B) → (A) → (C)


Which of the following shows the order of the scenes as they appear in the movie? (  ).


1. Throughout the first half of the movie,
2. In the powerful conclusion of the movie,
3. The opening scene
4. In a memorable scene towards the end of the movie,

これらの順番ですが、「3 → 1 → 4 → 2」の順になることが分かりますね。ではそれらの順番に並び替えたうえで、内容を確認してみましょう。

The opening scene immediately grabbed my attention with a huge frog jumping in front of Aki
Throughout the first half of the movie, she tries to maintain at least one small part of her city lifestyle by often wearing high heels and perfect makeup around the village.
In the powerful conclusion of the movie, she gives birth to twins, which helps her to let go of the past completely and become truly content with her life in the village.
In a memorable scene towards the end of the movie, the old woman teaches Aki how to cook wild mushrooms while telling strange traditional, folk stories from the village.

ということで、正解の順番は、(D) → (B) → (A) → (C)となりますね。





鼻が乾いているネコです。中学生・高校生の英語を指導しています。そこで気づいたことや、みんながよくするミスをを踏まえて記事を書いています。英語参考書の出版経験あり。X や Facebook では、「お気楽英語」の更新情報をつぶやいたり、なんかそれらしいことをつぶやいたりしています。


