
2013年度センター試験英語解説 共通テスト・センター試験英語解説


問題次の文章と表を読み、下の問いに対する答えして(  )に入れるのに最も適当なものを、下の1~4のうちから1つずつ選べ。

The World Health Organization (WHO) has published a report on the availability and distribution of human health resources around the world. The world health report 2006 analyzes factors affecting countries’ health care environments. The data collected reveal a range of situations and have helped WHO propose a long-term action plan for improving health care offered in every country. One of the key factors contributing to a country’s health care conditions is its numbers of health care workers. The report estimates the shortage of these professionals at an alarming 4.3 million worldwide. It further points out that the shortage is most severe in the poorest nations, especially those located south of the Sahara Desert which are faced with high rates of disease. As Table 1 shows, Senegal and Ghana, for example, have very low numbers of doctors and nurses per 10,000 people.
Surprisingly, perhaps, countries such as Russia and Cuba actually have higher proportions of medical professionals than some richer countries. The systems for qualifying health care workers do differ from country to country. Still, these two countries clearly give priority to ensuring that there are sufficient numbers of professionals.
Another important factor is a country’s health care spending, shown in Table 1 as a percentage of its gross domestic product (GDP), or the total value of all its goods and services. Despite their lower proportions of doctors, countries such as the USA, Sweden, and France spend much more on health care, both as a percentage of GDP and as an actual amount, than Russia and Cuba.
With these factors and other conditions in mind, WHO has proposed solutions to the global shortage of health care workers. Areas of particular concern include war-torn countries such as Somalia and Afghanistan. Countries and organizations have provided financial aid in the past. Because money donated has not always led to more spending in health care, however, the report recommends a 10-year plan to help countries build sustainable training systems. International cooperation is vital to WHO’s proposal; countries at risk must be able to rely on the support of various global partners. Japan, the UK, and other countries are expected to give assistance including medical knowledge. Perhaps WHO’s vision of universal access to health care” can become a reality.

Table 1

Health Care Indicators by Country

country Doctors per
10,000 people*
Nurses per
10,000 people*
Health care spending (2003)
% of GDP Actual amount spent
per person (US$)
Senegal 0.6 3.2 5.1 29
(A) 1.5 9.2 4.5 16
Afghanistan 1.9 2.2 6.5 11
Japan 19.8 77.9 7.9 2662
(B) 25.6 93.7 15.2 5711
Sweden 32.8 102.4 9.4 3149
France 33.7 72.4 10.1 2981
(C) 42.5 80.5 5.6 167
Cuba 59.1 74.4 7.3 211

*Data collected at different times between 2000-2005
(WHO (2006) The World Health Report 2006 を参考に作成)

which of the following combinations represents the three countries (A), (B), and (C) in Table 1? (  )
(A) Ghana / (B) Somalia/ (C) Russia
(A) Ghana / (B) the USA / (C) Russia
(A) Russia / (B) Somalia / (C) the USA
(A) Russia / (B) the USA / (C) Ghana


which of the following combinations represents the three countries (A), (B), and (C) in Table 1?

表の(A),(B),(C)に入る国名を選ぶという問題ですね。表を完成させればよいのですから、本文の表に関して書かれてある部分を見ていきましょう。本文のTable 1と「国名」に注目するとすぐ見つけられますね。

最初のTable 1に後にはこのような文があります。

Senegal and Ghana, for example, have very low numbers of doctors and nurses per 10,000 people.


Doctors per
10,000 people*
Nurses per
10,000 people*

の部分を見ればよいです。Senegal は表の一番上にありますが、0.6 / 3.2 と本文にあるようにかなり低い数値です。Ghana も同じように低いのですから表の (A) は Ghana とわかりますね。この時点で選択肢は 1. と 2. に絞ることができました。


countries such as Russia and Cuba actually have higher proportions of medical professionals than some richer countries.

これも先ほどと同じところを見ればよいですね。Cuba の「Doctors per 10,000 people」は 59.1とこの表の中で最高です。ということはその上の 42.5 の (C) が Russia なのでしょう。というか、先ほど選択肢を 1. と 2. に絞りましたよね。よくよく見ると (C) はどちらも Russia ということで、この部分はあれこれ考える必要はなかったということでした。

もう1つ Table 1 があります。その少し後にこのような文があります。

their lower proportions of doctors, countries such as the USA, Sweden, and France spend much more on health care, both as a percentage of GDP and as an actual amount, than Russia and Cuba.


Health care spending (2003)
% of GDP Actual amount spent
per person (US$)

の部分を見ればよいですね。「% of GDP」が 15.2、「Actual amount spent per person (US$)」が 5711 とどちらも一番高いのが (B) です。Sweden と France はすでに表にありますので、(B) は the USA となります。ということで正解は 2. ですね。


というか、表の [Health care spending (2003)] より、常識で考えても (B) に入るのは「ソマリア」か「アメリカ」かと言われると「アメリカ」ですよね。

そして [Doctors per 10,000 people] より、(A) (C) が「ロシア」か「ガーナ」かを当てはめるのですが、この2つの国だと「ロシア」のほうが裕福そうです。本文が読めなくても、常識から考えても十分表を埋めることができたのではないかと思われます。


問題次の文章と表を読み、下の問いに対する答えして(  )に入れるのに最も適当なものを、下の1~4のうちから1つずつ選べ。

The World Health Organization (WHO) has published a report on the availability and distribution of human health resources around the world. The world health report 2006 analyzes factors affecting countries’ health care environments. The data collected reveal a range of situations and have helped WHO propose a long-term action plan for improving health care offered in every country. One of the key factors contributing to a country’s health care conditions is its numbers of health care workers. The report estimates the shortage of these professionals at an alarming 4.3 million worldwide. It further points out that the shortage is most severe in the poorest nations, especially those located south of the Sahara Desert which are faced with high rates of disease. As Table 1 shows, Senegal and Ghana, for example, have very low numbers of doctors and nurses per 10,000 people.
Surprisingly, perhaps, countries such as Russia and Cuba actually have higher proportions of medical professionals than some richer countries. The systems for qualifying health care workers do differ from country to country. Still, these two countries clearly give priority to ensuring that there are sufficient numbers of professionals.
Another important factor is a country’s health care spending, shown in Table 1 as a percentage of its gross domestic product (GDP), or the total value of all its goods and services. Despite their lower proportions of doctors, countries such as the USA, Sweden, and France spend much more on health care, both as a percentage of GDP and as an actual amount, than Russia and Cuba.
With these factors and other conditions in mind, WHO has proposed solutions to the global shortage of health care workers. Areas of particular concern include war-torn countries such as Somalia and Afghanistan. Countries and organizations have provided financial aid in the past. Because money donated has not always led to more spending in health care, however, the report recommends a 10-year plan to help countries build sustainable training systems. International cooperation is vital to WHO’s proposal; countries at risk must be able to rely on the support of various global partners. Japan, the UK, and other countries are expected to give assistance including medical knowledge. Perhaps WHO’s vision of universal access to health care” can become a reality.

Table 1

Health Care Indicators by Country

country Doctors per
10,000 people*
Nurses per
10,000 people*
Health care spending (2003)
% of GDP Actual amount spent
per person (US$)
Senegal 0.6 3.2 5.1 29
(A) 1.5 9.2 4.5 16
Afghanistan 1.9 2.2 6.5 11
Japan 19.8 77.9 7.9 2662
(B) 25.6 93.7 15.2 5711
Sweden 32.8 102.4 9.4 3149
France 33.7 72.4 10.1 2981
(C) 42.5 80.5 5.6 167
Cuba 59.1 74.4 7.3 211

*Data collected at different times between 2000-2005
(WHO (2006) The World Health Report 2006 を参考に作成)

According to the report, which two aspects influence a country’s health care situation most? (  )

1. Sustainable training systems and health care spending.
2. Sustainable training systems and money donated.
3. The numbers of health care workers and health care spending.
4. The numbers of health care workers and money donated.


According to the report, which two aspects influence a country’s health care situation most? (  )
「その報告書によれば、どの2つの面が国の医療状況に最も影響を及ぼしますか。(  )」

この問題文の a country’s health care situation に該当する部分が本文の第二段落最初にあります。

One of the key factors contributing to a country’s health care conditions is its numbers of health care workers.

situation と conditions が違いますが、ほぼ同じことですね。さらに言えば問題文の「influence / 影響する」と本文の「contribute / 寄与する」が対応しています。このように問題文に該当する部分を本文から探すときには、言い換えられている場合もありますので、それに引っかからないよう気をつけないといけませんね。

上記の本文の内容から問題文の two aspects のうちの1つは its numbers of health care workers とわかります。ではもう1つを本文から探しましょう。

先ほど確認した本文の最初に One of the key factors とありましたね。それと対応する形で、第三段落の最初には「Another important factor / 別の重要な要因は・・・」とあります。この語句を見た瞬間に「ここだ!」と気づければもう大丈夫ですね。


Another important factor is a country’s health care spending

ということで問題文の two aspects のうちのもう1つは health care spending とわかります。


1. Sustainable training systems and health care spending.
2. Sustainable training systems and money donated.
3. The numbers of health care workers and health care spending.
4. The numbers of health care workers and money donated.

Sustainable training systems or The numbers of health care workers と
health care spending or money donated の選択問題みたいなものです。

ですので最初に第二段落の文を読んで選択肢に The numbers of health care workers があるかどうかをチェックする際、選択肢の後半部分にも目が入るでしょう。

すると「残りは health care spending か money donated が出てくれば、この問題は解けるなぁ」と考えられますね。

そして第三段落の最初で Another important factor を見た瞬間に「この辺が選択肢後半の該当部分だな」と心構えをしておき、health care spending が目に入ったら解答をマークするというのが、実際の解答手順になるのではないでしょうか。





問題次の文章と表を読み、下の問いに対する答えして(  )に入れるのに最も適当なものを、下の1~4のうちから1つずつ選べ。

The World Health Organization (WHO) has published a report on the availability and distribution of human health resources around the world. The world health report 2006 analyzes factors affecting countries’ health care environments. The data collected reveal a range of situations and have helped WHO propose a long-term action plan for improving health care offered in every country. One of the key factors contributing to a country’s health care conditions is its numbers of health care workers. The report estimates the shortage of these professionals at an alarming 4.3 million worldwide. It further points out that the shortage is most severe in the poorest nations, especially those located south of the Sahara Desert which are faced with high rates of disease. As Table 1 shows, Senegal and Ghana, for example, have very low numbers of doctors and nurses per 10,000 people.
Surprisingly, perhaps, countries such as Russia and Cuba actually have higher proportions of medical professionals than some richer countries. The systems for qualifying health care workers do differ from country to country. Still, these two countries clearly give priority to ensuring that there are sufficient numbers of professionals.
Another important factor is a country’s health care spending, shown in Table 1 as a percentage of its gross domestic product (GDP), or the total value of all its goods and services. Despite their lower proportions of doctors, countries such as the USA, Sweden, and France spend much more on health care, both as a percentage of GDP and as an actual amount, than Russia and Cuba.
With these factors and other conditions in mind, WHO has proposed solutions to the global shortage of health care workers. Areas of particular concern include war-torn countries such as Somalia and Afghanistan. Countries and organizations have provided financial aid in the past. Because money donated has not always led to more spending in health care, however, the report recommends a 10-year plan to help countries build sustainable training systems. International cooperation is vital to WHO’s proposal; countries at risk must be able to rely on the support of various global partners. Japan, the UK, and other countries are expected to give assistance including medical knowledge. Perhaps WHO’s vision of universal access to health care” can become a reality.

Table 1

Health Care Indicators by Country

country Doctors per
10,000 people*
Nurses per
10,000 people*
Health care spending (2003)
% of GDP Actual amount spent
per person (US$)
Senegal 0.6 3.2 5.1 29
(A) 1.5 9.2 4.5 16
Afghanistan 1.9 2.2 6.5 11
Japan 19.8 77.9 7.9 2662
(B) 25.6 93.7 15.2 5711
Sweden 32.8 102.4 9.4 3149
France 33.7 72.4 10.1 2981
(C) 42.5 80.5 5.6 167
Cuba 59.1 74.4 7.3 211

*Data collected at different times between 2000-2005
(WHO (2006) The World Health Report 2006 を参考に作成)

問3 Which of the following statements is NOT true? (   )

1. The lack of health care workers worldwide is reported to be around 4.3 million.
2. The proportion of doctors and nurses is higher in Sweden than in Japan.
3. WHO’s report includes an action plan to help countries with poor health care systems.
4. WHO’s report proposes sending more doctors and nurses to poorer countries.


Which of the following statements is NOT true? (   )

NOT に注意です。これを見逃して「正しい」ものを選ぼうとしてしまうと、えらいことになります。といっても字体を変えてくれていますので、大丈夫ですね。ちなみに去年(2012年)の問題には NOT がありませんでした。

1. The lack of health care workers worldwide is reported to be around 4.3 million.

4.3 million に注目して本文を見ていくと、このような文がありました。

The report estimates the shortage of these professionals at an alarming 4.3 million


「The lack」と「the shortage」や 「around 4.3 million / 約430万」と「estimate at 4.3 million / 430万と見積もる」、 「health care workers / 医療従事者」と「these professionals / これらの専門家」などに注目ですね。

2. The proportion of doctors and nurses is higher in Sweden than in Japan.


Japan 19.8 77.9
Sweden 32.8 102.4


3. WHO’s report includes an action plan to help countries with poor health care systems.

help A with B / AのBを手伝う

4. WHO’s report proposes sending more doctors and nurses to poorer countries.

この 3. と 4. の選択肢は迷うところですね。

最終段落の however の後の英文に注目してみましょう。ちなみに however は逆接の接続詞で、この後ろにある文は筆者の主張があることが多いので重要なことが多いです。

the report recommends a 10-year plan to help countries build sustainable training systems.

report という単語があることからも、この英文が選択肢 3. と 4. に関係することがわかりますが、これだけで判断できますか?


International cooperation is vital to WHO’s proposal; countries at risk must be able to rely on the support of various global partners.
「国際協力はWHOの提案に不可欠です; 危険にひんしている国々はさまざまなグローバル・パートナーの支援に頼ることができるべきです」

うーん・・・どうでしょうか? まだ判断つかないですねぇ。


Japan, the UK, and other countries are expected to give assistance including medical knowledge.



Perhaps WHO’s vision of “universal access to health care” can become a reality.

・・・ということで最後まで本文を確認しました。しかしこれといった決め手がないように感じます・・・がよくよく考えてみますと、選択肢 4. にある「貧しい国々のもとへより多くの医者および看護師を送り出す」という話ってありましたっけ?

それを踏まえてもう一度最初に確認した however を含む文を確認しますと、

however, the report recommends a 10-year plan to help countries build sustainable training systems.



ということで、選択肢 4. は違うので正解は 4. となります。

実際にはザーッと読んで言って、「医者および看護師を送り出す」なんて書いてないよなぁ・・・という感じで 4. を選ぶ、というやり方になるのではないでしょうか。もしくは図表を完成させるときに見た最初の方にこういう話がありましたよね。

Surprisingly, perhaps, countries such as Russia and Cuba actually have higher proportions of medical professionals than some richer countries.



