
2012年度センター試験英語解説 共通テスト・センター試験英語解説


問題次の英文は、昼休みに行われた英会話クラブの活動で、4人の高校生がテレビの子どもへの影響について議論している場面の一部である。(   )に入れるのに最も適当なものを、下の1~4のうちから1つずつ選べ。


Kenji : I think watching television too much is harmful to young children. I’ve read that it can delay their speech development. I believe face-to-face communication is essential for young children to develop their speech. I know some parents use TV as a babysitter. Maybe they’re very busy, but they should try to make time for their children rather than just let them watch television. Oh, here comes Hiroshi. Hi, Hiroshi.

Hiroshi : Sorry I’m late.

Miki : Hi, Hiroshi. We’ve just started. We’re talking about the effects of television on young children. Kenji thinks (   ).

1. parents should talk to their young children about television programs unless they’re busy.
2. watching television is good because it enables young children to develop their speech
3. watching television is harmful for parents because it robs them of precious time
4. young children who watch television a lot may not learn to talk as early as they should


Kenji thinks (   ). の (  ) に入れるものを選ぶのですから、そこにはケンジの主張が入りそうですね。


I think watching television too much is harmful to young children.
I believe face-to-face communication is essential for young children to develop their speech.
they should try to make time for their children rather than just let them watch television.
「彼ら (両親) は子供たちにテレビを見させるよりむしろ時間を作ろうとすべきです」

・・・ rather than ~ / ~よりもむしろ・・・



1. parents should talk to their young children about television programs unless they’re busy.

unless = if ~ not の意味で、「もし~でないなら…」

2. watching television is good because it enables young children to develop their speech

it enables ~ は無生物主語構文なので「…のために」や「…によって」とすると日本語らしい訳になります。


3. watching television is harmful for parents because it robs them of precious time

rob A of B / AからBを奪う。この it robs ~ も無生物主語構文です。


4. young children who watch television a lot may not learn to talk as early as they should


実際は最初の I think watching television too much is harmful to young children. の次の文にこのようなものがあります。

I’ve read that it can delay their speech development.


Kenji thinks (   ). の (  ) に入れるのに適当なものを探すわけですから、本文中の think の付近を重点的に探すというのも1つの方法でしたかね。あと最後の here comes Hiroshi. と倒置が使われているのも心にくいです。



問題次の英文は、昼休みに行われた英会話クラブの活動で、4人の高校生がテレビの子どもへの影響について議論している場面の一部である。(   )に入れるのに最も適当なものを、下の1~4のうちから1つずつ選べ。


Takako : I can understand your point, Kenji. But have you ever thought how busy parents are? They have to take care of the house and kids! Sometimes it is very convenient to let their young children watch TV. I think it’s OK, as long as the viewing time is limited and the contents of the programs are checked. Besides, there are educational TV programs. For example, by watching English TV program for young kids, children can get used to the sounds of English.

Kenji : OK, your point is (   ).

1. busy parents can teach their children the sounds of English by watching TV programs
2. parents should be encouraged to watch educational TV programs with their young children
3. the best way to learn English while we are very young is to watch English TV programs
4. watching TV programs can be good for the education of children if it is carefully monitored


タカコは最初に I can understand your point, Kenji. と言っています。この your point とは問1での Kenjiの発言、つまりテレビは子供に有害ということですね。その後に But が来るということは、タカコは「子供にテレビを見させてもいいんじゃないのですか?」という立場のようですね。


have you ever thought how busy parents are?

間接疑問文が使われていますね。how busy で1つの疑問詞と考えるのがポイントです。

They have to take care of the house and kids!

have to ~ / ~しなくてはならない
take care of ~ / ~の世話をする

Sometimes it is very convenient to let their young children watch TV.

これは形式主語構文ですね。to 以下が真主語になります。

I think it’s OK, as long as the viewing time is limited and the contents of the programs are checked.
「見る時間を制限して番組の内容をチェックする限り、私はそれ (子供にテレビを見させること) はOKだと思います」

as long as ~ / ~する限り・・・as long as と as far as の違いにも注意ですね。

Besides, there are educational TV programs.
For example, by watching English TV program for young kids, children can get used to the sounds of English.

get (be) used to~ / ~に慣れる
~の部分は名詞が来ることに注意です。to の後ろだからと動詞の原形を入れたくなりますが、動詞の場合は動名詞にしなくてはなりませんね。

ちなみに use to ~ は「~したものだった」で、これは不定詞ですので to の後ろは動詞の原形になります。ややこしいですね。


1. busy parents can teach their children the sounds of English by watching TV programs


2. parents should be encouraged to watch educational TV programs with their young children


3. the best way to learn English while we are very young is to watch English TV programs

こういう問題において「best / 一番」という言葉は間違い選択肢のサインであることが多いです。これは例の1つとして出されていましたが、the best way ではありませんね。

4. watching TV programs can be good for the education of children if it is carefully monitored




問題次の英文は、昼休みに行われた英会話クラブの活動で、4人の高校生がテレビの子どもへの影響について議論している場面の一部である。(   )に入れるのに最も適当なものを、下の1~4のうちから1つずつ選べ。


Hiroshi : You must be talking about the effect on very young children. But I was thinking about children who are a little bit older, like four, five, or six years old. When I was that age, I often watched action hero stories. In such stories, the hero eventually defeats the bad character in the end. Although TV hero stories are far from reality, that kind of program demonstrates the difference between things you should and should not do. In real-life situations, we don’t always have opportunities to learn this. Watching TV programs can be one way to learn right from wrong.

Miki : OK, you seem to be (   ).

1. against watching television because programs are different from reality
2. against watching television because right or wrong can be learned through experience
3. for watching television because it can teach valuable lessons in life
4. for watching television because programs are the same as reality


You must be talking about the effect on very young children. But I was thinking about children who are a little bit older, like four, five, or six years old.

論説文などに代表される何か自分の意見を述べる文章 (会話) において、but という言葉はとても重要です。ですのでそれが出てきたら、特にその後ろの文を丁寧に読む (聞く) ようにすると意図がつかみやすくなります。

また話者 (筆者) の主張は、最後の文にあることが多いです。

Watching TV programs can be one way to learn right from wrong.

次に選択肢を見てみると、against watching television と for watching television があります。テレビを見ることに「反対」か「賛成」かですね。

本文の最後の文から考えて「賛成」ですから、for watching television を使っている選択肢 3. か 4. のどちらかが正解になりますね。

3. for watching television because it can teach valuable lessons in life

4. for watching television because programs are the same as reality

テレビ番組が現実と同じなわけはない、ですから、正解は選択肢3. ですね。本文の中盤に

TV hero stories are far from reality



