
2012年度センター試験英語解説 共通テスト・センター試験英語解説



(1) A high school student has a science test on Monday but spends most of the weekend playing video games and does not start studying until late Sunday night. This kind of avoiding or delaying of work that needs to be done is called procrastination. It has been estimated that up to 95% of people procrastinate at least sometimes, and about 20% of them do it too much. Traditionally, people who procrastinate have been considered lazy, but research tells us that this is not true. Learning about the roots of procrastination can help us understand why most people do it to some extent and also help us decrease our own procrastination. Although researchers do not agree on all the reasons behind procrastination, there is general agreement about some factors that can explain it.
(2) The first factor is how pleasant or unpleasant people find a task. Research shows that people will put off tasks they find unpleasant. Many high school students may delay cleaning their rooms or doing their homework. However, many might not delay doing such tasks as responding to a friend’s email. It is important to remember that whether or not a task is pleasant depends on the individual. For example, someone who loves bicycles might not delay fixing a punctured tire while someone who does not may put it off.

According to paragraph (2), (   ).

1. people do not forget unpleasant tasks
2. people who love bicycles learn to fix tires fast
3. people will find different tasks pleasing
4. people will put off tasks to write emails


1. people do not forget unpleasant tasks


people will put off tasks they find unpleasant.


2. people who love bicycles learn to fix tires fast


someone who loves bicycles might not delay fixing a punctured tire


3. people will find different tasks pleasing


It is important to remember that whether or not a task is pleasant depends on the individual.

(whether or not a task is pleasant) depends on the individual
少し構文がややこしいのですが、that節は (  ) 部分が主語になることがわかれば大丈夫でしょうか。

It は形式主語で to 以下が真主語ですね。意味は日本語で考えても少しわかりづらいですが、同じことを言っています。

4. people will put off tasks to write emails


many might not delay doing such tasks as responding to a friend’s email.



正解の選択肢を直接選ぶのは少し難しいので、違う選択肢を消していくやり方 (消去法) が有効でしょう。落ち着いて考えればわかりますが、not など否定表現を見落とすなどすると混乱してしまうかも。ただ、文章の流れから考えれば大丈夫でしょうか。


This kind of avoiding or delaying of work that needs to be done is called procrastination.

という英文を頭に入れておかなくては「procrastination / ぐずぐずすること・延期」という単語の意味が分からないという人も多いのではないでしょうか。



(3) In addition to how people feel about the job at hand, the amount of confidence they have in their ability to do a task is also related to procrastination. For instance, those who have low expectations of success are more likely to postpone starting a particular job. Conversely, those who believe that they can perform well are more likely to take on challenging tasks rather than avoid them. It should be noted, though, that some counselors argue that too much confidence can also lead to procrastination: some people overestimate how easily they can do a particular task and start too late.

Paragraph (3) implies that (   ).
1. people with low confidence in their ability will start a job earlier
2. people with reasonable confidence in their ability procrastinate less
3. people’s confidence to do a task is not associated with procrastination
4. some counselors overestimate the confidence of their clients


1. people with low confidence in their ability will start a job earlier


those who have low expectations of success are more likely to postpone starting a particular job.


2. people with reasonable confidence in their ability procrastinate less


Conversely, those who believe that they can perform well are more likely to take on challenging tasks rather than avoid them.


注目するのは本文の最初にある「Conversely / 逆に」という接続詞です。これの前の文は先ほど選択肢1で確認した「成功に低い期待しかない人々は、特定の仕事を始めることをより延期しがちです」です。


3. people’s confidence to do a task is not associated with procrastination


the amount of confidence they have in their ability to do a task is also related to procrastination.
「作業を行う能力の中で、彼らが持つ自信の量も、遅延と関係があります 」


4. some counselors overestimate the confidence of their clients


some counselors argue that too much confidence can also lead to procrastination


ただこれは選択肢の「overestimate / 過大評価する」が、わかっていないとできないですね。

「estimate」が「評価する」というのは、英単語ターゲットなどで勉強していると覚えられていると思いますが、それにoverがつくことによって「過大」という意味が加わるというやわらかい発想が必要になります・・・いやむしろわからなければ、単に「評価する」で考えてもいいかな? 要は選択肢と本文とで違う内容を言っているとわかればいいのですからね。




(4) Another factor is whether or not people can exercise self-control. Those who have less self-control can easily be drawn away from their work. Accepting an invitation to sing karaoke on a night when you planned to start working on a presentation could be one example. Self-control, or the ability to resist temptation and stick to a plan, is something many of us struggle with. Interestingly, age is said to be associated with self-control. Research shows that the older people become, the less likely they are to delay doing their work until the last minute.

According to paragraph (4), (   ).

1. older people tend to demonstrate more self-control
2. people usually exercise self-control without struggle
3. self-control is the eagerness to accept invitations
4. younger people are willing to resist temptations


1. older people tend to demonstrate more self-control


the older people become, the less likely they are to delay doing their work until the last minute

「the 比較級~, the 比較級~」の構文ですね。「~すればするほど、ますます・・・」という意味になります。

「be to+不定詞」には

「予定」~することになっている(= will)
「義務」~しなくてはならない(= must)
「可能」~できる(= can)



2. people usually exercise self-control without struggle

Self-control, or the ability to resist temptation and stick to a plan, is something many of us struggle with.

「… , or ~」の形で「…言い換えれば~」となります。まぁ、別に「あるいは」でもいいと思いますけれどね。また、最後の部分は関係代名詞の that を補って考えるとわかりやすいかも・・・

something (that) many of us struggle with


3. self-control is the eagerness to accept invitations

先ほど選択肢 2. で確認した内容がそのままですね。本文に書かれてあるのは「誘惑に抵抗する能力」ですから、この選択肢も不正解ですね。

「誘惑 = invitation = temptation」と言い換えられているのがいやらしいですね。「accept / 受け入れる」⇔「resist / 抵抗する」という反対表現にも注目です。

4. younger people are willing to resist temptations

似たような意味の熟語で be ready to do ~ があります。これは積極的・自主的にやりたいという意味になります。それに対して be willing to do ~ は「(求められて)~してもかまわない」という意味になります。

これは選択肢 1. で確認した、この部分が該当部分でしょうか。

the older people become, the less likely they are to delay doing their work until the last minute



Self-control, or the ability to resist temptation and stick to a plan






(5) Lastly, there is a link between procrastination and how long people must wait before they see the reward for an effort. For instance, studying hard in school might not give high school students any immediate rewards; what they learn might not seem useful to the present. However, studying can provide them with rewards in the future like the knowledge or skills necessary to pursue their dreams. Sometimes, it is hard to see the benefit of making an effort when the reward is too far away. This can explain why many people do not start saving money for their old age when they are young.

Paragraph (5) argues that many people start saving for old age late because (   ).
1. old age seems too distant in time
2. the length of time to old age varies
3. there are other things to worry about
4. there will be little benefit


Paragraph (5) argues that many people start saving for old age late because (  ).
「多くの人々は老後のための貯蓄を遅く始める。なぜなら(  )からだ。と第五段落は主張している」

問題文にある「start saving for old age」と本文にある「start saving money for their old age」が対応しています。本文のそれを含む英文を確認してみましょう。

This can explain why many people do not start saving money for their old age when they are young.


Sometimes, it is hard to see the benefit of making an effort when the reward is too far away.

1. old age seems too distant in time

2. the length of time to old age varies

3. there are other things to worry about

4. there will be little benefit

となると、正解は選択肢 1. ですね。

本文の too far away と、選択肢の too distant が対応していますね。言い換えはセンター試験において基本ですから、同じ言葉を探すだけでは駄目だということです。



(1) A high school student has a science test on Monday but spends most of the weekend playing video games and does not start studying until late Sunday night. This kind of avoiding or delaying of work that needs to be done is called procrastination. It has been estimated that up to 95% of people procrastinate at least sometimes, and about 20% of them do it too much. Traditionally, people who procrastinate have been considered lazy, but research tells us that this is not true. Learning about the roots of procrastination can help us understand why most people do it to some extent and also help us decrease our own procrastination. Although researchers do not agree on all the reasons behind procrastination, there is general agreement about some factors that can explain it.

(6) What are the roots of your procrastination? Because the behaviors described here seem common to most people, you do not need to completely change your habits if you only procrastination is a problem, the first step to reducing it is identifying the reasons behind it. Self-help books and websites give numerous techniques for overcoming procrastination, but it is only by understanding the roots of the problem that you can choose the appropriate method for yourself.

The author’s main argument is that (   ).
1. many people agree about the four explanations of procrastination
2. people who procrastinate are no longer thought of as lazy
3. procrastination has become problematic in our society
4. we can manage our procrastination by understanding it sources


The author’s main argument is that (  ).
「筆者のメインの主張は(  )です」


but it is only by understanding the roots of the problem that you can choose the appropriate method for yourself.

これは it is ・・・ that ~. の「強調構文」が使われていますね。強調するのはそれこそ筆者が「主張」したいことだからでしょう。


you can choose the appropriate method for yourself only by understanding the roots of the problem


また but という逆接の接続詞があることにも注目です。逆接の接続詞の後には「主張」が来ることが多いことも知っておくとよいですね。

1. many people agree about the four explanations of procrastination


there is general agreement about some factors that can explain it.

これから考えると正しいように感じますが、果たしてこれは筆者の主張でしょうか? 確かに第一段落にも筆者の主張があることが多いですが、これは違いますね。

2. people who procrastinate are no longer thought of as lazy


Traditionally, people who procrastinate have been considered lazy, but research tells us that this is not true.

これは選択肢 1. よりも「筆者の主張」っぽいですね。しかし本文に書かれてあるのは「調査の結果こうでした」という「事実」ですね。

3. procrastination has become problematic in our society
そんな話ありましたっけ? 確かに「筆者の主張」っぽいですけれど・・・

4. we can manage our procrastination by understanding it sources

先ほど確認した、本文の最終文とほぼ内容は同じですね。選択肢の it sources と本文の the roots といった書きかえ表現にも注目です。





(1) A high school student has a science test on Monday but spends most of the weekend playing video games and does not start studying until late Sunday night. This kind of avoiding or delaying of work that needs to be done is called procrastination. It has been estimated that up to 95% of people procrastinate at least sometimes, and about 20% of them do it too much. Traditionally, people who procrastinate have been considered lazy, but research tells us that this is not true. Learning about the roots of procrastination can help us understand why most people do it to some extent and also help us decrease our own procrastination. Although researchers do not agree on all the reasons behind procrastination, there is general agreement about some factors that can explain it.
(2) The first factor is how pleasant or unpleasant people find a task. Research shows that people will put off tasks they find unpleasant. Many high school students may delay cleaning their rooms or doing their homework. However, many might not delay doing such tasks as responding to a friend’s email. It is important to remember that whether or not a task is pleasant depends on the individual. For example, someone who loves bicycles might not delay fixing a punctured tire while someone who does not may put it off.

(3) In addition to how people feel about the job at hand, the amount of confidence they have in their ability to do a task is also related to procrastination. For instance, those who have low expectations of success are more likely to postpone starting a particular job. Conversely, those who believe that they can perform well are more likely to take on challenging tasks rather than avoid them. It should be noted, though, that some counselors argue that too much confidence can also lead to procrastination: some people overestimate how easily they can do a particular task and start too late.
(4) Another factor is whether or not people can exercise self-control. Those who have less self-control can easily be drawn away from their work. Accepting an invitation to sing karaoke on a night when you planned to start working on a presentation could be one example. Self-control, or the ability to resist temptation and stick to a plan, is something many of us struggle with. Interestingly, age is said to be associated with self-control. Research shows that the older people become, the less likely they are to delay doing their work until the last minute.
(5) Lastly, there is a link between procrastination and how long people must wait before they see the reward for an effort. For instance, studying hard in school might not give high school students any immediate rewards; what they learn might not seem useful to the present. However, studying can provide them with rewards in the future like the knowledge or skills necessary to pursue their dreams. Sometimes, it is hard to see the benefit of making an effort when the reward is too far away. This can explain why many people do not start saving money for their old age when they are young.
(6) What are the roots of your procrastination? Because the behaviors described here seem common to most people, you do not need to completely change your habits if you only procrastination is a problem, the first step to reducing it is identifying the reasons behind it. Self-help books and websites give numerous techniques for overcoming procrastination, but it is only by understanding the roots of the problem that you can choose the appropriate method for yourself.

次の表は、本文の段落と内容をあらわすものである。( 51 )~( 54 )に入れるのに最も適当なものを、下の1~4のうちから1つずつ選び、表を完成させよ。ただし、同じものを繰り返し選んではいけない。

Paragraph Content
(1) (  51  )
(2) (  52  )
(3) (  53  )
(4) The belief in your abilities
(5) The ability to keep to a task
(6) (  54  )

1. The appeal of a task
2. The phenomenon of procrastination
3. The timing of realizing future gains
4. The way to deal with procrastination



1. The appeal of a task


The first factor is how pleasant or unpleasant people find a task.

まず a task が選択肢と本文の両方にあります。この単語が他の段落にはないことで、ほぼこの選択肢は第二段落で確定でしょう。一応選択肢の The appeal と本文の how pleasant or unpleasant が対応していますが、それはおまけみたいなものですね。

2. The phenomenon of procrastination


A high school student has a science test on Monday but spends most of the weekend playing video games and does not start studying until late Sunday night.

これがまさに The phenomenon of procrastination の具体例なのですが、なかなかそこまで頭が回らないですよね。わからなければこれは後回しにしましょう。

3. The timing of realizing future gains


Lastly, there is a link between procrastination and how long people must wait before they see the reward for an effort.

まず選択肢の gains と本文の the reward が対応しています。これでこの選択肢は第五段落で確定です。選択肢の realizing と本文の see も対応していますが、これはおまけみたいなものです。

さらに選択肢の The timing と本文の how long が対応しているといえるでしょうが、センター試験の限られた時間の中ではここまで確認するのは難しいでしょうから、そこまでは必要ないでしょう。

4. The way to deal with procrastination


it is only by understanding the roots of the problem that you can choose the appropriate method for yourself

選択肢の The way と本文の method が対応しています。ただ、これに関してはそこから考えるというよりも問5で最終段落の内容はわかっていますから、そこから考えるのが実践的でしょう。

【正解】(51)→2 / (52)→1 / (53)→3 / (54)→4

