
2012年度センター試験英語解説 共通テスト・センター試験英語解説


問題次の文章の(  )に入れるのに最も適当なものを、それぞれ下の1~4のうちから1つずつ選べ。

Do you like eating “mixed nuts” while watching TV and movies at home? Since both almonds and peanuts can be found in the mixed nuts sold at grocery stores in Japan, you might assume that they are similar types of food. Indeed, (   ). For instance, they are both nutritious as sources of mineral and vitamins. At the same time, however, some people can have allergic reactions to them. According to recent research, many children suffer from peanut and almond allergies.

1. it may be difficult to find some similarities between them
2. many consumers know about differences between them
3. there is a wide variety in each package of mix nuts
4. they share some interesting characteristics with each other


空所補充問題は(  )の前後関係から考えるのが基本です。まずは(  )の前を確認してみましょう。

you might assume that they are similar types of food.

次に(  )の後ろを確認してみましょう。

For instance, they are both nutritious as sources of mineral and vitamins.

さらに(  )の直前の単語である Indeed は「確かに」という意味です。ということは(  )には「アーモンドとナッツは同じようなもの」という意味の内容が入りそうですね。


1. it may be difficult to find some similarities between them
直後の for instance, に続く文と意味的に繋がりませんね。

2. many consumers know about differences between them

3. there is a wide variety in each package of mix nuts

4. they share some interesting characteristics with each other
「それらは互いにいくつかの興味深い特性を共有します 」

(  )直後の For instance, が「たとえば」という意味であることに注目すれば(  )に入る内容は想像できますね。それに一致しないものをどんどん消していって、残ったものから考えるのが空所補充問題の解き方の1つでしょう。



問題次の文章の(  )に入れるのに最も適当なものを、それぞれ下の1~4のうちから1つずつ選べ。

Despite these similarities, however, almonds and peanuts are quite different. First, although they are both called nuts, they are classified differently in plant science. The almond is considered a drupe. This kind of plant bears fruit, inside of which is a hard shell with a seed. Other examples of drupes are peaches and plums, but with almond, the seed is the part we eat. In contrast, the peanut is classified as a legume, a type of bean. The peanut grows underground, while the almond grows on trees. Moreover, each peanut shell contains from one to three peanuts as seeds, while the almond fruit has only one seed.
Second, almonds and peanuts (   ). Almonds came from the Middle East. Gradually, they spread to northern Africa and southern Europe along the shores of the Mediterranean, and later to other parts of the world. Peanuts, however, were first grown in South America, and later they were introduced to other parts of the world.

1. are produced in different countries today
2. are similar in that both are grown as crops
3. differ in terms of their place of origin
4. originated in the same part of Africa


今回の空所は段落の最初にあります。そこで(  )の次の文章を確認してみましょう。

Almonds came from the Middle East.

またこの段落の最後のほうに however という「逆接」をあらわす単語があります。これを含む文章は重要な内容であることが多いですから、注意して確認しましょう。

Peanuts, however, were first grown in South America



1. are produced in different countries today
「(アーモンドとピーナッツは) 今日、違う国で生産される」

2. are similar in that both are grown as crops
「(アーモンドとピーナッツは) 両方が作物として育てられるという点で類似しています」

3. differ in terms of their place of origin
「(アーモンドとピーナッツは) それらの原産地の点から異なります」

4. originated in the same part of Africa
「(アーモンドとピーナッツは) アフリカの同じ場所から起こった」


つまり(  )を含まない第二段落を読まなくても、この問題を解くことができたということです。第二段落には「アーモンドとピーナッツの違い」の1つ目が書かれてありました。しかしそれは第三段落の最初に Second がありますから想像できますね。その細かい内容まで知らなくても問題はありませんでした。

「アーモンドとピーナッツの違い」はかなり興味深い話ですが、(  )を含まない段落を飛ばして読むことが時間短縮のことを考えるとベターな方法だろうと思います。


問題次の文章の(  )に入れるのに最も適当なものを、それぞれ下の1~4のうちから1つずつ選べ。

In conclusion, the product that we know as mixed nuts actually (   ). Almonds and peanuts are plants which differ greatly, despite their notable similarities.

1. consists of foods with distinct characteristics
2. contains foods having several similar qualities
3. includes different foods that may harm human health
4. offers good examples of plants defined as true nuts


In conclusion, the product [that we know as mixed nuts] actually (   ).
「結論として、[私たちがミックスナッツとして知っている]その製品は実際には (  )」

わかりづらければ関係詞節である [  ] の部分を省いて考えればよいです。


1. consists of foods with distinct characteristics

2. contains foods having several similar qualities

3. includes different foods that may harm human health

4. offers good examples of plants defined as true nuts

ということで正解は1. ですね。3. のようなナッツ会社からクレームがくるようなものは、まず正解の選択肢にはならないでしょう。


