
2006年度センター試験英語解説 共通テスト・センター試験英語解説



Four university friends are finishing their lunch after shopping in the morning.

Owen: That was an amazing sandwich.

Jay: Well, you ate it so fast I’m surprised you could taste it.

Yuki: He’s right. Did you even chew?

Owen: ( 1 ) I was hungry. And I have to go to work in a few minutes, so I had to hurry.

Yuki: Yeah, that’s right. You have to work. Are you going to take all those boxes and shopping bags with you? That stereo set, for one, is really big.

Owen: But it was so cheap, and it’s totally cool. I’m really glad I found it. Don’t you think it’s great?

Yuki: Yeah, I do. But you don’t have much room in your shop. Is there a place where you can keep it all while you work?

Owen: Hmm, I don’t think so. I wish I’d thought about this earlier because I could have taken all this stuff to my car, but now I don’t have time.

Jay: We can take it for you. I know what your car look like.

Owen: Thanks. That’d really help me out. But actually, I didn’t drive my own car today. Something’s wrong with the engine, so my sister lent me hers.

Yuki: What kind of car does she have?

Owen: It’s, it’s uh….

Jay: Don’t you remember?

Owen: Well, it’s white. Oh, and it has four wheels!

Jay: Stop joking. You just described most of the cars in an average parking lot. You’ll have to give us more information than that, or we can’t help you.

Owen: Right. Well, it has some bad scratches on the left side, on the driver’s side. It’s parked in the north lot on the green level, just above the red level. Believe it or not, it’s not locked. And my niece’s teddy bear is in the front passenger seat.

Their friend Ella returns from the restroom.

Owen: Hey, Ella. You know my sister’s car, don’t you?

Ella: Yeah. Did she ever get the scratches fixed?

Owen: ( 2 ) So let me explain where it’s parked. When you get off the escalator into the parking lot, turn right.

Jay: Wait, is that toward the exit?

Owen: Uh, you’ll be facing the exit. At the exit, turn left. Then go down to the last row and turn left again. Her car is on the right toward the end of the row. There are some handicapped parking stops opposite it near the elevator.

Yuki: ( 3 )

Jay: OK, you’d better get to work. Give us your stuff.

Owen: Thanks a lot. Oh, please lock the car before you leave it. I don’t want to give anyone a chance to steal my new stereo!

Ella: No problem. See you later.

A 空欄( 1 )~( 3 )に入れるべき三つの文が、順不同で次のA~Cに示されている。意味の通る会話にするのに最も適当な配列のものを、下の1~6のうちから一つ選べ。

A. No, not yet.
B. Oh, give me a break.
C. That sounds easy enough.

1. (A)─(B)─(C)
4. (B)─(C)─(A)

2. (A)─(C)─(B)
5. (C)─(A)─(B)

3. (B)─(A)─(C)
6. (C)─(B)─(A)



A. No, not yet.
B. Oh, give me a break.
C. That sounds easy enough.

( 1 )の前は、Yuki の発言です。

He’s right. Did you even chew?

( 1 )の後ろは、Owen の発言です。

I was hungry. And I have to go to work in a few minutes, so I had to hurry.


Yuki の「ちゃんと噛みましたか?」は冗談なので、それに対する返答としては「B. Oh, give me a break. / ちょっとまってくれよ」がよさそうです。

( 2 )の前は、Ella の発言です。

Did she ever get the scratches fixed?

それに対する Owen の発言ですから、「A. No, not yet. / いいえ、まだです」が適当です。この空所が一番簡単だと思われますので、先にここを埋めて、残ったものから他の空所を考えるという解き方でも良いかもしれません。

( 3 )の前は Owen の発言です。

Uh, you’ll be facing the exit. At the exit, turn left. Then go down to the last row and turn left again. Her car is on the right toward the end of the row. There are some handicapped parking stops opposite it near the elevator.

ちゃんとした訳は問題Cの時にやりますが、簡単に言うと Owen は、車への道順を説明しているのです。そしてそれに対する Yuki の発言が( 3 )に入るのです。

さらに言えば、その次には Jay がこう言っています。

OK, you’d better get to work. Give us your stuff.

つまり Owen の説明がしっかり伝わったのですね。荷物を運んであげるから、仕事に行って来いよ、となったわけです。

ということで、( 3 )には「C. That sounds easy enough. / 十分にかんたんそうですね」が入るので、B-A-C の 3. が正解です。




Four university friends are finishing their lunch after shopping in the morning.

Owen: That was an amazing sandwich.

Jay: Well, you ate it so fast I’m surprised you could taste it.

Yuki: He’s right. Did you even chew?

Owen: ( 1 ) I was hungry. And I have to go to work in a few minutes, so I had to hurry.

Yuki: Yeah, that’s right. You have to work. Are you going to take all those boxes and shopping bags with you? That stereo set, for one, is really big.

Owen: But it was so cheap, and it’s totally cool. I’m really glad I found it. Don’t you think it’s great?

Yuki: Yeah, I do. But you don’t have much room in your shop. Is there a place where you can keep it all while you work?

Owen: Hmm, I don’t think so. I wish I’d thought about this earlier because I could have taken all this stuff to my car, but now I don’t have time.

Jay: We can take it for you. I know what your car look like.

Owen: Thanks. That’d really help me out. But actually, I didn’t drive my own car today. Something’s wrong with the engine, so my sister lent me hers.

Yuki: What kind of car does she have?

Owen: It’s, it’s uh….

Jay: Don’t you remember?

Owen: Well, it’s white. Oh, and it has four wheels!

Jay: Stop joking. You just described most of the cars in an average parking lot. You’ll have to give us more information than that, or we can’t help you.

Owen: Right. Well, it has some bad scratches on the left side, on the driver’s side. It’s parked in the north lot on the green level, just above the red level. Believe it or not, it’s not locked. And my niece’s teddy bear is in the front passenger seat.

Their friend Ella returns from the restroom.

Owen: Hey, Ella. You know my sister’s car, don’t you?

Ella: Yeah. Did she ever get the scratches fixed?

Owen: ( 2 ) So let me explain where it’s parked. When you get off the escalator into the parking lot, turn right.

Jay: Wait, is that toward the exit?

Owen: Uh, you’ll be facing the exit. At the exit, turn left. Then go down to the last row and turn left again. Her car is on the right toward the end of the row. There are some handicapped parking stops opposite it near the elevator.

Yuki: ( 3 )

Jay: OK, you’d better get to work. Give us your stuff.

Owen: Thanks a lot. Oh, please lock the car before you leave it. I don’t want to give anyone a chance to steal my new stereo!

Ella: No problem. See you later.

B 今日 Owen が乗ってきた車はどれか。正しいものをつぎの1~6のうちから一つ選べ。


Owen が乗ってきた車を、選択肢から選ぶ問題です。今日乗ってきた車に関して Owen は最初こう言っています。

Well, it’s white. Oh, and it has four wheels!

もちろんこれは Owen の冗談です。そしてそれに対して Jay は結構真面目に怒っています。この辺のやり取りは面白いですね。

そして Owen はあらためて車の説明をします。

Well, it has some bad scratches on the left side, on the driver’s side.

絵を確認すると、左側にひっかき傷があるのは 4. と 6. です。2. は左側にひっかき傷がありませんので、この時点で消すことができます。

3. 4. は右側にひっかき傷があります。うがった見方をすると、この時点では左側にもひっかき傷があるかもしれないので、可能性を消すことはできないとも言えます。

ですが、もしそうだとするなら Owen は「左側にひっかき傷がある」とは言わず、「両側にひっかき傷がある」と言うはずです。なので、3. 5. も消しておいて良いでしょう。

1. は右側にひっかき傷がないということしかわかりません。この時点では、まだ保留にしておきましょう。

そして Owen は、さらにこうも言っています。

And my niece’s teddy bear is in the front passenger seat.

先ほど残していた 1. 4. 6. のうち、助手席にテディベアがいるのは、6. しかありません。

ところがもうもう少し先に進むと、Ella がこういうことを言い出します。

Did she ever get the scratches fixed?

もし修理していたとしたら、傷の前提が崩れますので、正解は 2. になります。「あぁ、そのことをすっかり忘れていたよ」なんて Owen が言い出すんじゃないか、と私は読みながら考えていました。

ですが、実際は問題Aで確認した通り、「いや、まだだよ」ということでしたので、傷は車の左側に残ったままだとわかります。ということで、正解は 6. です。




Four university friends are finishing their lunch after shopping in the morning.

Owen: That was an amazing sandwich.

Jay: Well, you ate it so fast I’m surprised you could taste it.

Yuki: He’s right. Did you even chew?

Owen: ( 1 ) I was hungry. And I have to go to work in a few minutes, so I had to hurry.

Yuki: Yeah, that’s right. You have to work. Are you going to take all those boxes and shopping bags with you? That stereo set, for one, is really big.

Owen: But it was so cheap, and it’s totally cool. I’m really glad I found it. Don’t you think it’s great?

Yuki: Yeah, I do. But you don’t have much room in your shop. Is there a place where you can keep it all while you work?

Owen: Hmm, I don’t think so. I wish I’d thought about this earlier because I could have taken all this stuff to my car, but now I don’t have time.

Jay: We can take it for you. I know what your car look like.

Owen: Thanks. That’d really help me out. But actually, I didn’t drive my own car today. Something’s wrong with the engine, so my sister lent me hers.

Yuki: What kind of car does she have?

Owen: It’s, it’s uh….

Jay: Don’t you remember?

Owen: Well, it’s white. Oh, and it has four wheels!

Jay: Stop joking. You just described most of the cars in an average parking lot. You’ll have to give us more information than that, or we can’t help you.

Owen: Right. Well, it has some bad scratches on the left side, on the driver’s side. It’s parked in the north lot on the green level, just above the red level. Believe it or not, it’s not locked. And my niece’s teddy bear is in the front passenger seat.

Their friend Ella returns from the restroom.

Owen: Hey, Ella. You know my sister’s car, don’t you?

Ella: Yeah. Did she ever get the scratches fixed?

Owen: ( 2 ) So let me explain where it’s parked. When you get off the escalator into the parking lot, turn right.

Jay: Wait, is that toward the exit?

Owen: Uh, you’ll be facing the exit. At the exit, turn left. Then go down to the last row and turn left again. Her car is on the right toward the end of the row. There are some handicapped parking stops opposite it near the elevator.

Yuki: ( 3 )

Jay: OK, you’d better get to work. Give us your stuff.

Owen: Thanks a lot. Oh, please lock the car before you leave it. I don’t want to give anyone a chance to steal my new stereo!

Ella: No problem. See you later.

C Owen が駐車した場所はどこか。正しいものを次の1~6のうちから一つ選べ。


Owen が車を止めた場所を、選択肢から選ぶ問題です。まず最初に Owen はこう言っています。

It’s parked in the north lot on the green level, just above the red level.
「それは red level のちょうど上にある green level の北側駐車場に止めています」

車は green level にありますので、この時点で 1. 2. 3. に絞ることができます。

そして道順に関して Owen はこう言っています。

When you get off the escalator into the parking lot, turn right.

それに対して Jay がこう言っています。

Wait, is that toward the exit?

そして Owen の説明が続きます。

Uh, you’ll be facing the exit. At the exit, turn left. Then go down to the last row and turn left again. Her car is on the right toward the end of the row. There are some handicapped parking stops opposite it near the elevator.


ということで、正解は 1. です。




Four university friends are finishing their lunch after shopping in the morning.

Owen: That was an amazing sandwich.

Jay: Well, you ate it so fast I’m surprised you could taste it.

Yuki: He’s right. Did you even chew?

Owen: ( 1 ) I was hungry. And I have to go to work in a few minutes, so I had to hurry.

Yuki: Yeah, that’s right. You have to work. Are you going to take all those boxes and shopping bags with you? That stereo set, for one, is really big.

Owen: But it was so cheap, and it’s totally cool. I’m really glad I found it. Don’t you think it’s great?

Yuki: Yeah, I do. But you don’t have much room in your shop. Is there a place where you can keep it all while you work?

Owen: Hmm, I don’t think so. I wish I’d thought about this earlier because I could have taken all this stuff to my car, but now I don’t have time.

Jay: We can take it for you. I know what your car look like.

Owen: Thanks. That’d really help me out. But actually, I didn’t drive my own car today. Something’s wrong with the engine, so my sister lent me hers.

Yuki: What kind of car does she have?

Owen: It’s, it’s uh….

Jay: Don’t you remember?

Owen: Well, it’s white. Oh, and it has four wheels!

Jay: Stop joking. You just described most of the cars in an average parking lot. You’ll have to give us more information than that, or we can’t help you.

Owen: Right. Well, it has some bad scratches on the left side, on the driver’s side. It’s parked in the north lot on the green level, just above the red level. Believe it or not, it’s not locked. And my niece’s teddy bear is in the front passenger seat.

Their friend Ella returns from the restroom.

Owen: Hey, Ella. You know my sister’s car, don’t you?

Ella: Yeah. Did she ever get the scratches fixed?

Owen: ( 2 ) So let me explain where it’s parked. When you get off the escalator into the parking lot, turn right.

Jay: Wait, is that toward the exit?

Owen: Uh, you’ll be facing the exit. At the exit, turn left. Then go down to the last row and turn left again. Her car is on the right toward the end of the row. There are some handicapped parking stops opposite it near the elevator.

Yuki: ( 3 )

Jay: OK, you’d better get to work. Give us your stuff.

Owen: Thanks a lot. Oh, please lock the car before you leave it. I don’t want to give anyone a chance to steal my new stereo!

Ella: No problem. See you later.

D 会話の内容と合っているものを、次の1~6のうちから二つ選べ。ただし、解答の順序は問わない。

1. Owen’s sister has no children, but she keeps a teddy bear in her car.
2. Owen locked his sister’s car because it is not safe to park on the red level.
3. Since Owen’s car needs to be repaired, he borrowed his sister’s car that day.
4. The store where Owen works has plenty of space for employees’ personal things.
5. Jay, Yuki, and Ella will take Owen’s new things to his sister’s car.
6. Owen did not buy very many things while he was shopping with his friends.



1. Owen’s sister has no children, but she keeps a teddy bear in her car.



And my niece’s teddy bear is in the front passenger seat.

「niece / 姪」は兄弟姉妹の娘を指します。つまりオーウェンの姉には子供がいます。ということで、この選択肢は違います。

2. Owen locked his sister’s car because it is not safe to park on the red level.
「オーウェンは、red level に駐車するのは安全ではないので、妹の車をロックしました」


It’s parked in the north lot on the green level, just above the red level.
「それは red level のちょうど上にある green level の北側駐車場に止めています」

ということで、まず red level に駐車しているという点が違います。


Believe it or not, it’s not locked.


3. Since Owen’s car needs to be repaired, he borrowed his sister’s car that day.


Something’s wrong with the engine, so my sister lent me hers.


4. The store where Owen works has plenty of space for employees’ personal things.


But you don’t have much room in your shop.


5. Jay, Yuki, and Ella will take Owen’s new things to his sister’s car.

まず Jay がこう言っています。

We can take it for you.

この「私たち」というのは、言葉そのままを解釈すると、その場にいた Jay と Yuki のことでしょう。ただ、その場には Ella がいません。Ella はトイレに行っていて、この後で登場します。

Ella はトイレから帰ってきてすぐに Owen にこう言われます。

Hey, Ella. You know my sister’s car, don’t you?

この段階では、Ella は Owen が急いでバイトに行かなければならず、荷物を車にもっていかないといけないことを知らないはずです。

その後 Owen は、車の場所の説明をし、そして Jay がこう言います。

OK, you’d better get to work. Give us your stuff.

この us が指しているのは、その場にいる Jay, Yuki, Ella です。

Ella にしてみると、トイレから帰ってきたら、いきなり車の場所の説明が始まって、それが終わると、Jay が Owen の荷物を「(自分を含めて)私たちにくれ」と言い出すのです。ちょっとビックリな展開ですね。

それに対して Owen がこう言います。

Thanks a lot. Oh, please lock the car before you leave it. I don’t want to give anyone a chance to steal my new stereo!

そして Ella がこう言います。

No problem. See you later.

わかりますか、この Ella の洞察力。自分がいない間に進められていた、Owen の荷物をどうするのかという話を、最後の Jay の一言ですべて察したのです。

最初 Jay が We can take it for you. と言ったときは Ella がいなかったので、選択肢に Ella があるのは「ひっかけ」ではないかと深読みしましたが、Ella の最後の一言で、彼女も荷物を運ぶであろうことが分かります。この選択肢は正解です。

6. Owen did not buy very many things while he was shopping with his friends.

Yuki の発言にこうあります。

Are you going to take all those boxes and shopping bags with you?

many という単語はありませんが、この発言から荷物が多いことが分かりますね。ということで、この選択肢は違います。

消去法で選ぶことができます。特に 3. は少し微妙な選択肢でしたが、他のものが明らかに間違いの選択肢なので、3. は正しい選択肢だと判断できます。

【正解】3. 5

