
2006年度センター試験英語解説 共通テスト・センター試験英語解説



He said that he and his sister began using rocks to make a small pool in a mountain stream. “We wanted to catch baby fish and collect them in the pool so that the three of us could watch them swim around for a while before we let them escape back into the river.”

A 次の問いに対する答えとして最も適当なものを、下の1~4のうちから一つ選べ。

問1 Why were the young man and his sister making a small pool?

  1. They wanted to take some fish home.
  2. They wanted to swim somewhere safely.
  3. They wanted to watch the fish swim.
  4. They wanted somewhere cool and comfortable to rest.


問1 Why were the young man and his sister making a small pool?


1. They wanted to take some fish home.


before we let them escape back into the river.


2. They wanted to swim somewhere safely.


3. They wanted to watch the fish swim.


We wanted to catch baby fish and collect them in the pool so that the three of us could watch them swim around for a while


4. They wanted somewhere cool and comfortable to rest.






“Mom wrapped my hand in a towel and told us we had to find a doctor.”
But the bus back into town was not due for another four hours. The three decided they would have to walk down the road back to town. However, that too, would take more than an hour. “My mother kept telling me to be brave, but I could tell that she was really worried. We were all scared.”
Just then, a small blue truck came up the road in front of them.
“Mom started waving and yelling, and the truck stopped. She explained what had happened and asked the driver, an old man, if he would take us into town to see a doctor.”

A 次の問いに対する答えとして最も適当なものを、下の1~4のうちから一つ選べ。

問2 Where were the mother and her children going when they met Mr. Peal?

  1. To Sunnydale.
  2. To the nearest town.
  3. To a mountain stream.
  4. To the bus stop.


問2 Where were the mother and her children going when they met Mr. Peal?


1. To Sunnydale.


We had to take a train to Rosemont early in the morning, and then a bus from there into the mountains


2. To the nearest town.


The three decided they would have to walk down the road back to town.


3. To a mountain stream.


4. To the bus stop.


But the bus back into town was not due for another four hours.





“Mom started waving and yelling, and the truck stopped. She explained what had happened and asked the driver, an old man, if he would take us into town to see a doctor.”
But the man told her that the doctor was out of town and that the only other doctor in the area was another thirty miles away on the other side of Rosemont. “He told us to hop in and that there was some ice for my hand in a bucket in the truck.”
The student continued his story, telling me that he could not remember much about the trip to the doctor. However, when he finally walked out of the doctor’s room with his fingers bandaged, Mr. Peal was sitting in the waiting room with his mother and sister.

A 次の問いに対する答えとして最も適当なものを、下の1~4のうちから一つ選べ。

問3 How did Mr. Peal help the three get to the doctor?

  1. He took them to the doctor’s in his own truck.
  2. He told them the doctor was out of town.
  3. He asked his neighbor to take them in the neighbor’s car.
  4. He drove them to the nearest but stop.


問3 How did Mr. Peal help the three get to the doctor?


The student continued his story, telling me that he could not remember much about the trip to the doctor.


1. He took them to the doctor’s in his own truck.


However, when he finally walked out of the doctor’s room with his fingers bandaged, Mr. Peal was sitting in the waiting room with his mother and sister.


2. He told them the doctor was out of town.


But the man told her that the doctor was out of town and that the only other doctor in the area was another thirty miles away on the other side of Rosemont.


3. He asked his neighbor to take them in the neighbor’s car.


4. He drove them to the nearest bus stop.






“He said he would drive us back to Rosemont so we could catch the last train home. On the way back he told us that he had no grandchildren, but that his next-door neighbors has a daughter named Sarah around my age, so he knew how Mom must have felt. You must be Sarah, I guess. When you see Mr. Peal again, tell him that I’m majoring in music─guitar! My hand is perfectly fine.”
“I’ll do that,” I answered.

A 次の問いに対する答えとして最も適当なものを、下の1~4のうちから一つ選べ。

問4 After the young man found out Sarah was Mr. Peal’s neighbor, why did he decide to tell the story?

  1. He wanted to share an important experience in his life.
  2. He wanted to persuade Sarah to change her opinion.
  3. He wanted to tell his friends about a good place for fishing.
  4. He wanted to thank Mr. Peal for teaching him guitar.


問4 After the young man found out Sarah was Mr. Peal’s neighbor, why did he decide to tell the story?


You must be Sarah, I guess.




When you see Mr. Peal again, tell him that I’m majoring in music─guitar! My hand is perfectly fine.
「ピールさんにまた会ったら、私は音楽でギターをを専攻していると言ってください! 私の手は完全に元気です」


1. He wanted to share an important experience in his life.


2. He wanted to persuade Sarah to change her opinion.


I never had any reason to believe he was anything more than an unpleasant old man.



3. He wanted to tell his friends about a good place for fishing.


そしてこの選択肢では his friends とあります。彼が話しているのはサラです。まず1人ですから複数形なのが変です。とはいえもともとは、サラが彼女の友達と話しているところに、この若者が割り込んできたので、サラの友達も含めて話していると考えると、複数形なのはありかもしれません。

しかし、そのサラとは初対面ですから、友達というのは違います。内容的にもこの friends の点でもこの選択肢は違います。

4. He wanted to thank Mr. Peal for teaching him guitar.

選択肢の He wanted to thank Mr. Peal の部分だけを見ると、この選択肢が正解のように感じます。ですが、ピールさんはギターを教えていません。病院に連れて行っただけです。

for teaching him guitar の部分が不適当なので、この選択肢は違います。

消去法で考えると正解は 1. になります。





Our university is large, and I never again met the student who had told me this story. But I did see Mr. Peal again. I see him with new eyes now, and I am glad I have a neighbor like him.

A 次の問いに対する答えとして最も適当なものを、下の1~4のうちから一つ選べ。

問5 What did Sarah learn from the young man in the cafeteria?

  1. She realized that her childhood impression was mistaken.
  2. She learned that she could make new friends easily.
  3. She found out one of her classmates was a neighbor.
  4. She discovered a new stream in the mountains.


問5 What did Sarah learn from the young man in the cafeteria?

1. She realized that her childhood impression was mistaken.


I always thought of my neighbor, Mr. Peal, as a strange and somewhat frightening old man.


I see him with new eyes now, and I am glad I have a neighbor like him.


2. She learned that she could make new friends easily.


Our university is large, and I never again met the student who had told me this story.


3. She found out one of her classmates was a neighbor.




4. She discovered a new stream in the mountains.





While I was growing up in our small town, Rosemont, I always thought of my neighbor, Mr. Peal, as a strange and somewhat frightening old man. He was always yelling at me and my playmates to stay away from his yard and his old truck. My parents never said much about Mr. Peal and only told me to leave him alone, so I never had any reason to believe he was anything more than an unpleasant old man.

But sometimes, at times and places we least expect, we learn something new about people that changes how we look at them. Such a thing happened to me last year at my university, a hundred miles from home.

One day I was in the cafeteria talking with a classmate about my hometown. Suddenly a student who was sitting next to us interrupted and said, “Did you say you come from Rosemont? Do you know an old man named Peal there? He drove an old blue truck.”

“ Why, yes,” I answered. “ He’s my neighbor. Do you know him?”

“I do! What a coincidence!” said the student and he began to tell me a story. He told me that he lived in Sunnydale, where the university is, and that one day seven years ago he, his mother, and his little sister decided to spend a day in the mountains near my hometown. “We had to take a train to Rosemont early in the morning, and then a bus from there into the mountains,” he said.

He said that he and his sister began using rocks to make a small pool in a mountain stream. “We wanted to catch baby fish and collect them in the pool so that the three of us could watch them swim around for a while before we let them escape back into the river.”

He was arranging one of the rocks in the wall when suddenly his sister accidentally dropped a large rock right on top of his left hand. It cut his fingers to the bone and made a terrible wound. “It hurt so much, and it looked awful,” he said. “Mom wrapped my hand in a towel and told us we had to find a doctor.”

But the bus back into town was not due for another four hours. The three decided they would have to walk down the road back to town. However, that too, would take more than an hour. “My mother kept telling me to be brave, but I could tell that she was really worried. We were all scared.”

Just then, a small blue truck came up the road in front of them.

“Mom started waving and yelling, and the truck stopped. She explained what had happened and asked the driver, an old man, if he would take us into town to see a doctor.”

But the man told her that the doctor was out of town and that the only other doctor in the area was another thirty miles away on the other side of Rosemont. “He told us to hop in and that there was some ice for my hand in a bucket in the truck.”

The student continued his story, telling me that he could not remember much about the trip to the doctor. However, when he finally walked out of the doctor’s room with his fingers bandaged, Mr. Peal was sitting in the waiting room with his mother and sister.

“He said he would drive us back to Rosemont so we could catch the last train home. On the way back he told us that he had no grandchildren, but that his next-door neighbors has a daughter named Sarah around my age, so he knew how Mom must have felt. You must be Sarah, I guess. When you see Mr. Peal again, tell him that I’m majoring in music─guitar! My hand is perfectly fine.”

“I’ll do that,” I answered.

Our university is large, and I never again met the student who had told me this story. But I did see Mr. Peal again. I see him with new eyes now, and I am glad I have a neighbor like him.

B 本文の内容と合っているものを、次の1~8のうちから三つ選べ。ただし、解答の順序は問わない。

  1. Sarah’s parents did not want their daughter to bother their neighbor.
  2. When Sarah was in her classroom, a student introduced himself.
  3. The mother was worried that she and her children would miss the bus.
  4. While they were walking, a truck approached the young man’s family from behind.
  5. Mr. Peal offered to stop in Rosemont for ice before going on to the next town.
  6. Mr. Peal was kind to the young man because he had a daughter around his age.
  7. Sarah and the young man never became friends although they both knew Mr. Peal.
  8. Mr. Peal helped make it possible for the young man to play the guitar.


1. Sarah’s parents did not want their daughter to bother their neighbor.


My parents never said much about Mr. Peal and only told me to leave him alone



2. When Sarah was in her classroom, a student introduced himself.


One day I was in the cafeteria talking with a classmate about my hometown. Suddenly a student who was sitting next to us interrupted


3. The mother was worried that she and her children would miss the bus.


But the bus back into town was not due for another four hours.


4. While they were walking, a truck approached the young man’s family from behind.


Just then, a small blue truck came up the road in front of them.

これは少し迷うところですね。選択肢の behind がどうも怪しいです。だいたい後ろから近づいてくるという表現はホラーです。

本文の the road in front of them から考えると、「彼らの前」ですから進行方向に車が来るのが見えたと考えるのが自然でしょう。

実践的には選択肢の behind と本文の in front of で、この選択肢の怪しさに気づいて、黒に近いグレー的な感じで保留にしておくのが良いのではないでしょうか。

5. Mr. Peal offered to stop in Rosemont for ice before going on to the next town.


He told us to hop in and that there was some ice for my hand in a bucket in the truck.


6. Mr. Peal was kind to the young man because he had a daughter around his age.


On the way back he told us that he had no grandchildren, but that his next-door neighbors has a daughter named Sarah around my age, so he knew how Mom must have felt.




7. Sarah and the young man never became friends although they both knew Mr. Peal.


Our university is large, and I never again met the student who had told me this story.


普通は選択肢に never といった極端な単語がある場合は、間違いであることが多いです。ですが、それを逆手に取った感じでしょうか。ある意味少し意地悪な問題ともいえます。

8. Mr. Peal helped make it possible for the young man to play the guitar.




選択肢でみると、2. 3. 5. 6. は消去法で消すことができます。7. 8. は内容がしっかり理解できていれば、正解に選ぶことができそうです。

1. と4. のどちらか一つを消さなくてはいけませんが、どちらを間違いとするかと考えると、やはり 4. でしょう。behind なんて表現は本文にないですから。

それに対して 1. は、本文の「近寄っちゃだめよ」というのは「迷惑かけちゃだめよ」と、取れないこともありません。ということで正解は 1. 7. 8. となります。



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