
2008年度センター試験英語解説 共通テスト・センター試験英語解説


  1. This picture illustrates a defensive strategy common to both humans and other animals in which, to avoid danger or aggression, they escape the area as quickly as possible.
  2. This picture illustrates a defensive response against a potential enemy, in which the fur of an animal’s body stands up, making the animal look larger and more frightening.
  3. This picture illustrates a method of protection utilized by many animals, in which they change their shape or color to match their immediate surroundings and become more difficult to find.
  4. This picture illustrates a protective method by which an animal reacts to an aggressive animal by imitating precisely the pose and other behavior of that animal.





1. はこういう内容です。

This picture illustrates a defensive strategy common to both humans and other animals in which, to avoid danger or aggression, they escape the area as quickly as possible.

escape the area が当てはまらないので不正解。ネコも犬も逃げていませんね。

2. はこういう内容です。

This picture illustrates a defensive response against a potential enemy, in which the fur of an animal’s body stands up, making the animal look larger and more frightening.


3. はこういう内容です。

This picture illustrates a method of protection utilized by many animals, in which they change their shape or color to match their immediate surroundings and become more difficult to find.

では change their shape or color が当てはまらないので不正解。ネコや犬の形や色は変化しませんね(常識的に考えて)。

4. はこういう内容です。

This picture illustrates a protective method by which an animal reacts to an aggressive animal by imitating precisely the pose and other behavior of that animal.

では imitating precisely the pose and other behavior of that animal が、当てはまらないので不正解。

絵をどのように見ても「ポーズ」や「行動」を真似してはいませんね。(imitating という英単語の意味はイミテーションから類推できるといいですね)



