次の文の( 1 )に入れるのに最も適当な文を、それぞれ下の1~4の内から1つずつ選べ。
( 1 ) At 508 meters, it is one of the world’s tallest buildings. Taipei may not be widely known for its modern architecture, but it does have this towering building. The building has become a symbol of Taipei’s progress, identity and vision.
( 1 )
1. Taipei is famous for its city lights and black rivers to the north and east.
2. aipei is known for many of the world’s greatest ancient historical sites and fine museums.
3. aipei has many things to be proud of, but perhaps the most impressive is the L-shaped Taipei 101 Mall.
4. Taipei’s newest attraction has the most stylish goods in the latest fashion.
ふむふむ、なるほどね。 台北101というビルの話ですね。
ではさっそく ( 1 ) の選択肢を見ていこう。
1. Taipei is famous for its city lights and black rivers to the north and east.
2. aipei is known for many of the world’s greatest ancient historical sites and fine museums.
3. aipei has many things to be proud of, but perhaps the most impressive is the L-shaped Taipei 101 Mall.
4. Taipei’s newest attraction has the most stylish goods in the latest fashion.
( )の直後はこうなっています。
この文の it が何を指すのかを考えるんですね。普通に考えて、「それ」はビルのことですね。