【解説】2020年 京都府公立高校 英語前期選抜試験




My class decided to show a play. First, we ①(choose) a story about a man who had a trip around the world with animals.

前後関係から過去形を使うとわかります。choose の過去形ですので、正解は chose です。

Have you ever ②(hear) that ~?

have+過去分詞の現在完了が使われているとわかります。hear の過去分詞ですので、正解は heard です。


次の英文を本文中に入れるとすればどこが最も適当か、本文中の [ A ]~[ D ]から1つ選べ。

I decided to do them harder than before.

them が何を指すのかを考えると、正解が見つけやすいかもしれません。

[ C ] の直前の文はこうなっています。

I needed to do my jobs better as an actor, so I changed my mind.

設問の them は、本文中の jobs を指しています。ということで正解は、[ C ] です。


③them の前にこういう文があります。

These jobs are to clean their home, to get food from many flowers, to put the food in their home, and to take care of baby bees.

ということで、(ア) 花から食べ物を手に入れること、(ウ) 住みかを掃除すること、(エ) 食べ物を住みかに置くこと、は当てはまります。

今回の問題は当てはまらないものを選ぶのですから、正解は(イ) 自身の体の手入れをすること、です。


I [(ア) had / (イ) we / (ウ) the message of / (エ) thought / (オ) understand / (カ) to] our play ~

動詞が3つありますが、(オ) understand のみ原形なのに注目です。「to+動詞の原形」なので、(カ) to → (オ) understand となります。

また had to ~ で「~しなくてはならなかった」となりますので、(ア) had → (カ) to となります。

節をあらわす that が省略されていると考えると、that節は「主語+動詞~」となるので、(エ) thought (that) (イ) we → (ア) had ~ となります。

前置詞の後ろは名詞(句)がきますので、(ウ) the message of our play となります。


I thought we had to understand the message of our play ~

ということで正解は、(エ) → (イ) → (ア) → (カ) → (オ) → (ウ) となります。


次の英文は、下線部⑤に関して説明したものである。本文の内容から考えて、[ ⅰ ]に入る最も適当な部分を、本文中から2語で噴出して書け。また[ ⅱ ]に入る表現として最も適当なものを、下の(ア)~(エ)から1つ選べ。

When Rina and her classmates showed a play at their [ ⅰ ], she saw many classmates working hard together. After the play, she became happy because [ ⅱ ].

(ア) people who carried the door helped other classmates
(イ) people who watched the play said that it was great
(ウ) she made the perfect play and was able to make the play alone
(エ) she found the best way to memorize many lines in the book

When Rina and her classmates showed a play at their [ ⅰ ],
里奈とクラスメイトが [ ⅰ ] で劇を見せたとき、

at は場所をあらわす前置詞です。どこで劇をやったかというと、当然文化祭です。

ということで [ ⅰ ] に入るのは、shool festival です。

Many students and teachers who watched our play said to us, “Your play was great!”, so I was very happy.

because と so はこういう関係になっています。「結果 because 原因」「原因 so 結果」

つまり because の後ろの部分が知りたければ、so の前を見ればよいのです。

ということで正解は、(イ) people who watched the play said that it was great です。


(a) How was it for Rina to prepare the lines with other actors at first?
(b) Did Rina want to know about the jobs of her classmates for the play after reading a book about bees?


(a) How was it for Rina to prepare the lines with other actors at first?

これは it … for … to … の形式主語の構文です。

It was not exciting to me, ~

これがそのまま答えになります。したがって正解は、It was not exciting. です。

(b) Did Rina want to know about the jobs of her classmates for the play after reading a book about bees?

これは普通の疑問文です。主語の Rina を代名詞に変えて、did でたずねられていますので、did で答えます。

ということで正解は、Yes she did. です。



(ア) Rina and her classmates decided each role of the day.
(ウ) Rina read about the interesting jobs of bees in a book with her sister.
(エ) Rina learned each job was necessary for the play and began to try hard in her role.
(イ) Rina remembered her actions and spoke her lines on the stage.

ということで、正解は、(ア) → (ウ) → (エ) → (イ) です。



(ア) Rina learned that each bee has four roles for the life of a bee.

each bee ということは一匹一匹のハチそれぞれに、役割が四つあるということになってしまいます。


I learned about the jobs in different roles of bees and became very interested especially in four kinds of jobs.

different roles of bees の部分ですが、bees と複数形になっていますね。ですので、たくさんのミツバチがいて、それぞれに別々の役割があるということになります。


(イ) Jiro tried to make a door for the play many times because the door should open easily.


He had to make a door that some actors could open easily. He said, “It is difficult to make the door, so I am thinking about the ways of making it and trying to make it many times.”
「彼は俳優たちが簡単に開くことができるドアをつくらなければなりませんでした。 「ドアを作るのは難しいので、それを作る方法を考えて、何度も作ることに挑戦します」と彼は言いました」


(ウ) Masao could memorize only some lines at first, but he spoke all of his lines very well on the stage.


he could memorize only some of them at first.


Masao spoke all of his lines. It was perfect.


(エ) Rina and her classmates did their best and got the prize on the day of the school festival.


We couldn’t get the prize,


(オ) Some classmates were able to change their clothes quickly because Jiro helped them in the play.


Another classmate helped other classmates when they had to change their clothes.

この前の文に Jiro が出ていますので、Another は「ジロー」とは別の人になります。ということでこの選択肢も違います。

ということで、正解は (イ)(ウ) です。


次の英文は、このスピーチを聞いた後、留学生のスティーブ (Steve) と高校生の恵子 (Keiko) が交わしている会話の一部である。これを読んで、下の問い (a)~(c) に答えよ。

Steve: Rina enjoy making the play.

Keiko: I agree. After she read the book about the life of bees, she found the [ ⅰ ] of working hard in each role. She also said thea their jobs are necessary for the lives of them.

Steve: Yes. When she [ ⅱ ] some of her classmates, they said that they wanted to get the prize. After that, she changed her mind.

Keiko: Rina and her classmates did their best to make a great play.

Steve: Yes. Then, she learned theat if each member doesn’t do the jobs in their own woles, their class can’t make great things. She thinks taht working hard in each role is necessary to make them.

Keiko: She also said it is important to [ ⅲ ] to make great things. For example, her classmates carried the door with other classmates. I think it is a very important thing, too. Like Rina, I will find the things to do as a member of my class and do them.

(a) [ ⅰ ] に入る語句として最も適当なものを、次の (ア)~(エ) から1つ選べ。
(ア) most expensive (イ) expensive one (ウ) most important (エ) importance

the [ ⅰ ] of の形だけ見て、最上級の表現だと思ってミスする人がいたかもしれません。

「お互いの役割を一生懸命する重要性が分かった」ということですから、正解は (エ) importance です。

(b) [ ⅱ ] に入る最も適当な部分を、本文中から2語で抜き出してかけ。


When I talked with those classmates, they said, “Let’s get the prize together.”

ということで、正解は talked with です。

(c) [ ⅲ ] に入る最も適当な英語を、本文の内容にそって3語で書け。


I learned that we can make great things by working hard in each role like bees and helping each other as we did during the play.

[ ⅲ ] の前は to ですから、動詞の原形に直して、正解は help each other となります。

