【解説】2025年度共通テスト英語 第7問

2025年共通テスト英語解説 共通テスト・センター試験英語解説




You are preparing a presentation for a science project on animal habits. You found some interesting information in the article below and are now making your outline.

Animal Sleep Patterns

If you ever spend all day at home, you might notice that your pet cat sleeps a lot during the day and is quit active in the evening and early morning. Humans, on the other hand, are awake during most of the daylight and evening hours and then sleep for a long time at night.

Sleep is essential for animals’ physical and mental health, and for their bodies to function efficiently. For animals with brains and central nervous systems, sleep is generally defined as an altered state of consciousness characterized by specific body positions, closed eyes, a general decrease in physical activity, and slower response rates. Sleep also gives the brain neurons a chance to reset, and the body becomes energized. Most creatures experience states of sleep, but the types and patterns differ from species to species.

Different sleep patterns over a 24-hour cycle have been identified in various types of animals. Three common patterns are called monophasic, biphasic, and polyphasic. Monophasic sleep, experienced by humans and many larger animals, happens when one is awake and active for many hours, and then one sleeps for an extended period. Some birds, insects, and mammals utilize a kind of biphasic sleep, where the animal has two waking and sleeping times, with one sleep being long and the other like a nap. Dogs and cats are polyphasic, meaning they have four to six sleeping and waking periods throughout the day.

There are various in sleep patterns depending on the animal’s size, physical needs, and diet. Smaller animals such as squirrels or mice tend to use up their energy by moving quickly and frequently. This results in the need to sleep more often but for shorter periods of time. Lions are carnivorous animals and have longer sleeping because their food sources satisfy their hunger for periods. Large herbivores like wild horses, on the other hand, sleep less than meat-eating animals because their plant-based diet has relatively few calories, resulting in the need to spend most of their time searching for food.

Safety is another variable in sleep patterns. Animals that can create safe spaces tend to enjoy longer periods of sleep, but those that might need to stay alert sleep less. Apes sleep on platforms, high above the jungle floor, which keep them away from attackers. Some smaller animals such as rabbits create shelters by digging into the ground where it is difficult for predators to find them. As a result, they feel safer and sleep longer. In contrast, elephants often travel long distances and may feel exposed to danger from hunters or other animals, contributing to their short sleeping times.

The animal sleep patterns discussed so far tend to be typical. A pattern that may be less easily noticed in our daily lives is called unihemispheric sleep. In this type of sleep, some animals traveling in a group keep one eye open. While on side of the animal’s brain sleeps, the other side stays awake and alert to its surroundings. In this way, the animal can experience the reviving effects of sleep while also watching out for threats. This unihemispheric sleep occurs in some bird species when they are flying long distances in groups. Birds flying at the outer edge of the group use this type of sleep to help protect the other members that sleep with both eyes closed.

Besides the types of sleep explained above, there are patterns that can be considered to be sleep-like activities. Hibernation, which can be observed in black bears, is a long, inactive period when food is scarce or the weather is severe. During this time, the animal’s body temperature drops, its heart rate and breathing slow down, and it may appear dead. Creatures such as jellyfish that have no central nervous system also experience times of extreme relaxation where they remain in a less responsive state.

As shown above, sleep plays an important role in the lives of animals and it is much more complex than simply closing the eyes.

Your presentation outline

How Animals Sleep

Importance of Sleep ( 32 )
A. To alter body temperature
B. To maintain overall health
C. To refresh the animal’s body
D. To reset the brain neurons

Biphasic Sleep Pattern (in each 24-hour cycle)
( 33 )

Some Conditions Affecting Sleep Patterns
– Animals ( 34 ).
– Animals ( 35 ).

Unihemispheric Sleep
– Some birds ( 36 ).

( 37 )
– Black bear hibernation
– Jellyfish relaxation

問1 Under the heading, “Importance of Sleep,” you spotted an error in your presentation outline. Which of the following should you remove?

  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D

問2 You want to use a figure for the biphasic sleep pattern mentioned in the article. Choose the best option for ( 33 ).

問3 Choose the best options for ( 34 ) and ( 35 ). (The order does not matter.)

  1. which burn up energy rapidly tend to sleep more often
  2. which continually search for food need longer sleep
  3. whose diet has fewer calories can sleep more easily
  4. whose food keeps their stomachs full usually sleep longer
  5. whose homes are difficult to get to typically sleep less

問4 Choose the best option for ( 36 ).

  1. can be partially asleep and partially awake while in fight
  2. can have half of their brain sleep, leading to increased heart rate
  3. can keep both eyes open constantly to watch out for enemies
  4. can protect the outside members from inside the group

問5 Choose the best heading for ( 37 ).

  1. Common Patterns of Sleep
  2. Natural Sleep Methods
  3. Reasons for Sleep
  4. States Similar to Sleep

解説 問1


Under the heading, “Importance of Sleep,” you spotted an error in your presentation outline. Which of the following should you remove?
プレゼンテーションのアウトラインの中で、「Importance of Sleep」という見出しの下に誤りを見つけました。次のどれを削除する必要がありますか

「Importance of Sleep / 睡眠の重要性」の下にある項目を確認しましょう。

A. To alter body temperature

「body temperature / 体温」について、第七段落にこうあります。

During this time, the animal’s body temperature drops, its heart rate and breathing slow down, and it may appear dead.

体温が低下すると書いてあります。ですが、これはクマの「冬眠」の話で、「sleep-like activities / 睡眠に似た活動」の話です。また体温が変化するのが良いことだとは、この記事では判断できません。この項目は「睡眠の重要性」としてふさわしくありません。

B. To maintain overall health

「health / 健康」について、第二段落にこうあります。

Sleep is essential for animals’ physical and mental health, and for their bodies to function efficiently.

選択肢の「overall health / 全体的な健康」が、本文の「physical and mental health / 心身の健康」に対応しています。この項目は「睡眠の重要性」としてふさわしいです。

C. To refresh the animal’s body
D. To reset the brain neurons

「body / 体」と「the brain neurons / 脳のニューロン」について、第二段落にこうあります。

Sleep also gives the brain neurons a chance to reset, and the body becomes energized.

選択肢の「refresh / リフレッシュする」と本文の「energized / 精力を与える」が対応しており、「脳のニューロンのリセット」についても書かれています。これらの項目は「睡眠の重要性」としてふさわしいです。




解説 問2


You want to use a figure for the biphasic sleep pattern mentioned in the article. Choose the best option for ( 33 ).
記事に記載されている biphasic睡眠パターンの図を使用します。( 33 ) に最適な選択肢を選んでください。

「biphasic sleep」について、第三段落にこうあります。

Some birds, insects, and mammals utilize a kind of biphasic sleep, where the animal has two waking and sleeping times, with one sleep being long and the other like a nap.
一部の鳥、昆虫、哺乳類は biphasic睡眠の一種を利用しています。それは、動物は2回の起床と就寝の時間があり、一方の睡眠は長く、もう一方は昼寝のようなものです



人間でも昼寝したくなりますよね。もしかすると、本来は人間も biphasic睡眠だったりして…

解説 問3


Choose the best options for ( 34 ) and ( 35 ).
( 34 )と( 35 )に最適な選択肢を選んでください

( 34 )と( 35 )は Your presentation outline の「Some Conditions Affecting Sleep Patterns / 睡眠パターンに影響を与えるいくつかの状態」の項目にあります。

Some Conditions Affecting Sleep Patterns
– Animals ( 34 ).
– Animals ( 35 ).


1. which burn up energy rapidly tend to sleep more often


Smaller animals such as squirrels or mice tend to use up their energy by moving quickly and frequently. This results in the need to sleep more often but for shorter periods of time.

選択肢の「rapidly / 急速に」と本文の「quickly and frequently / 素早く頻繁に」が対応しています。「頻繁な睡眠が必要」と書いてあります。この選択肢が正しいです。

2. which continually search for food need longer sleep


Large herbivores like wild horses, on the other hand, sleep less than meat-eating animals because their plant-based diet has relatively few calories, resulting in the need to spend most of their time searching for food.


3. whose diet has fewer calories can sleep more easily


As a result, they feel safer and sleep longer.


4. whose food keeps their stomachs full usually sleep longer


Lions are carnivorous animals and have longer sleeping because their food sources satisfy their hunger for periods.


5. whose homes are difficult to get to typically sleep less


Animals that can create safe spaces tend to enjoy longer periods of sleep, but those that might need to stay alert sleep less.


In contrast, elephants often travel long distances and may feel exposed to danger from hunters or other animals, contributing to their short sleeping times.





解説 問4


Choose the best option for ( 36 ).
( 36 )に最適な選択肢を選んでください

( 36 )は Your presentation outline の「Unihemispheric Sleep」の項目にあります。

Unihemispheric Sleep
– Some birds ( 36 ).

「Unihemispheric Sleep」の鳥について、当てはまるものを選ぶ問題です。選択肢を確認しましょう。

1. can be partially asleep and partially awake while in fight


While on side of the animal’s brain sleeps, the other side stays awake and alert to its surroundings.

「Unihemispheric Sleep」の鳥は、部分的に眠ったり、部分的に目覚めたりできます。この選択肢が正解です。

2. can have half of their brain sleep, leading to increased heart rate

心拍数の低下については、第七段落に「black bears」の例がありますが、心拍数の増加についての記述は、この記事にはありません。この選択肢は違います。

3. can keep both eyes open constantly to watch out for enemies


In this type of sleep, some animals traveling in a group keep one eye open.

「Unihemispheric Sleep」の鳥は片方の目を開けたまま睡眠し、その片方の目で周囲を警戒します。この選択肢は違います。

4. can protect the outside members from inside the group


Birds flying at the outer edge of the group use this type of sleep to help protect the other members that sleep with both eyes closed.




「Unihemispheric Sleep」がキーワードなので、第六段落が該当部分だとわかりますね。ところで夜中にトイレに行くとき、両目を開けるのがだるくて片目で行くことがあるのですが、この話を聞くと、この行動も多少は意味があるのかなぁ。

解説 問5


Choose the best heading for ( 37 ).
( 37 )に最適な見出しを選択してください。

( 37 )は「Your presentation outline」の最後にこうあります。

( 37 )
– Black bear hibernation / クロクマの冬眠
– Jellyfish relaxation / クラゲの弛緩状態


1. Common Patterns of Sleep
2. Natural Sleep Methods
3. Reasons for Sleep
4. States Similar to Sleep


Besides the types of sleep explained above, there are patterns that can be considered to be sleep-like activities.

この後に「Black bear hibernation」と「Jellyfish relaxation」の例が紹介されます。つまりこの二つの例は、「sleep-like activities / 睡眠に似た活動」です。





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