Your friend, Harry, want to be a professional writer. He has written a story about two new heroes for a writing contest. You read it and then give him feedback.
Bluebird & Melody: Real Heroes
By Harry Okazaki
Everyone knows me as Bluebird, the world-famous superhero. Before, I was only a superhero in name, but now, I deserve my title. Let me tell you my story.
I served as one of six members of the incredibly popular superhero group, Team Hero. Our slogan was “Heroes for Humanity.!” Rather than serving humanity, through, we started in silly television shows. Being so caught up in my own fame, I was unaware that I was a fake superhero.
One day, we were filming The Lives of Heroes, a reality show about our everyday good deeds. The reality, however, was that we were actors; we pretended that we were helping the world. In one episode, I was supposed to rescue a cat that had wandered into a street drain. I was flying through the air, when I heard a girl crying. In an instant, I flew down to her. In tears, she told me that her cat, Whiskers, had gotten into the drain. The truth was, a member of the television crew was waiting in the underground drain with the cat.
“Have no fear! I’ll save Whiskers!” I said, as I threw open the cover of the drain and went underground. To my surprise, the crew member told me that she had lost Whiskers and asked me to find the cat. I walked around calling for Whiskers but he did not come.
Suddenly, the newest Team Hero member, Melody, appeared out of nowhere. Melody was mysterious; she wore a mask around her eyes and her real identity was unknown. She could teleport to any place on earth in less than a second, so her unexpected appearances were always a surprise. She said, “Whiskers thinks that you can’t be trusted. I’ll try to convince him to come out.” Melody, who could recreate any sound, produced a cat’s meow and Whiskers appeared.
After picking up the cat, I returned to the street and was cheered by onlookers. When I was posing for a photo with Whiskers and the girl, I was thinking about how foolish I looked. Suddenly, a voice popped into my head, “You do look foolish trying to be a celebrity.” I realized it was Melody, who had already vanished.
I grew up in Allegany State Park in New York State. My parents were both park rangers; they patrolled the park and helped hikers in trouble. When I was 12, I discovered my superpowers. I was climbing a tree when a branch broke. Instead of falling, I floated. When I told my parents, my mother only said, “So, you are the flyer in the family.” She then said something shocking, “You have an older sister with superpowers.” I learned my parents had been told to send her to a special facility for extraordinary children, because her powers could help humanity. “Someday, when the time is right, you’ll meet her. I know now that we should never have let her go. We won’t let that happen to you,” said my mother.
I decided to put my powers to use by rescuing hikers. I could fly and see for miles; I could locate or aid a troubled hiker faster than any park ranger. I became known as the Amazing Park Ranger Boy. Because of my achievements, Team Hero eventually recruited me. Upon joining, I was given the name Bluebird and told that I would doing bigger and better things.
After the Whiskers incident, I flew back home. My phone buzzed with a notification. It said, “Melody had decided to leave Team Hero.” In my home office, I heard someone moving around. When I opened the door, I briefly saw a person’s shape before it disappeared. On my desk was a note:

After reading the note, I understood who Melody was. Since then, working together, Melody and I have made our parents proud.
Your email feedback to Harry
Hey harry,
I loved your story! I really liked how Bluebird passes through various stages in his personal growth (see below).
( 24 )→( 25 )→( 26 )→( 27 )
I found Melody really fascinating with her unique superpowers.
She can ( 28 ).
Also, I was moved when Bluebird’s mother said, “We won’t let that happen to you.” She meant, “We are going to ( 29 ).”
On the other hand, I think you can still make the story a little better by adding a few details. You could write about ( 30 ) and ( 31 ), which are not mentioned or suggested. These details would give your characters depth and make your story more interesting.
Good luck!
問1 Choose four out of the five descriptions (1~5) and put them in the order they occured.
- He is a hero again.
- He is a performer.
- He is a professional writer.
- He is a super park ranger.
- He ia an ordinary boy.
問2 Choose the correct combination of Melody’s superpowers.
A : fly at very high altitudes
B : imitate sounds perfectly
C : read the mind of animals and people
D : see extremely long distances
E : speak to people using telepathy
F : transport herself to different places instantly
- A, B, D, and F
- A, C, D, and E
- B, C, D, and E
- B, C, E, and F
問3 Choose the best option for ( 29 ).
- control your powers
- hire you as a superhero
- keep you together with us
- make sure you don’t commit crimes
問4 Choose the best options for ( 30 ) and ( 31 ). (The order does not matter.)
- Bluebird’s childhood experiences
- Bluebird’s view on the reality show
- how Melody learned she had superpowers
- the reason why Melody joined Team Hero
- the relationship between Bluebird and Melody
解説 問1
Choose four out of the five descriptions (1~5) and put them in the order they occured.
Before, I was only a superhero in name, but now, I deserve my title.
1. He is a hero again.
The reality, however, was that we were actors; we pretended that we were helping the world.
2. He is a performer.
When I was 12, I discovered my superpowers.
5. He ia an ordinary boy.
I became known as the Amazing Park Ranger Boy.
4. He is a super park ranger.
3. He is a professional writer.
ただ、実際に起こった順番では、「普通の少年だった」子供が、能力に目覚めて、「スーパーパークレンジャーになり」、その後チームヒーローに採用されるが、実際にやっていることは「パフォーマー」に過ぎず、それが馬鹿らしくなったところで、Melody とともに「再びヒーローとして」活動する、という流れです。
ということで、正解は( 24 )→「5」、( 25 )→「4」、( 26 )→「2」、( 27 )→「1」です。

解説 問2
Choose the correct combination of Melody’s superpowers.
Melody のスーパーパワーの正しい組み合わせを選択してください。
Melody のスーパーパワーは、第五段落・第六段落に出てきます。
She could teleport to any place on earth in less than a second, so her unexpected appearances were always a surprise.
F : transport herself to different places instantly
She said, “Whiskers thinks that you can’t be trusted. I’ll try to convince him to come out.”
C : read the mind of animals and people
Melody, who could recreate any sound, produced a cat’s meow and Whiskers appeared.
どんな音でも再現できる Melody が猫の鳴き声を出し、ウィスカーズが現れた。
B : imitate sounds perfectly
Suddenly, a voice popped into my head, “You do look foolish trying to be a celebrity.” I realized it was Melody, who had already vanished.
突然、「有名人になろうとするのはバカみたいね」と、頭の中に声が聞こえました。それがすでに姿を消していた Melody だと気づきました。
E : speak to people using telepathy
つまり Melody の能力は「B」「C」「E」「F」です。ということで、正解は「4」です。
A : fly at very high altitudes
D : see extremely long distances
I could fly and see for miles; I could locate or aid a troubled hiker faster than any park ranger.
これは Melody ではなく、Bluebird の能力です。この選択肢は違います。

本文に Melody の能力が出てきたら、問2と照らし合わせながら、その都度選択肢に印をするのがいいかもしれません。あとでまとめてやろうとすると、問題と本文を行ったり来たりすることになりかねません。
解説 問3
Choose the best option for ( 29 ).
( 29 )に対する最適な選択肢を選んでください。
( 29 )はヘンリーへのフィードバックのメールにあります。
Also, I was moved when Bluebird’s mother said, “We won’t let that happen to you.” She meant, “We are going to ( 29 ).”
また、Bluebird の母親が「あなたにそんなことはさせません」と言ったとき、私は感動しました。「私たちは( 29 )するつもりです」ということが、彼女は言いたかったのですね。
「We won’t let that happen to you.」は第七段落にあります。直前の文も含めて、その部分を確認しましょう。
I know now that we should never have let her go. We won’t let that happen to you,” said my mother.
Bluebird にはパワーが発現した姉がいて、彼女は特別な施設に送られました。母親はそれを後悔しているという話です。つまり「あなたにそんなことはさせない」というのは、「施設に送らない」→「離れ離れにはならない」ということです。
1. control your powers
2. hire you as a superhero
3. keep you together with us
4. make sure you don’t commit crimes

この解答を踏まえると、「空を飛んだよ」と報告した Bluebird に、「それでは、あなたは家族の中で空を飛ぶ人なのね」という、母親のあまりにもあっさりした返答の意図が重いですね。それを特別なこととしてしまうと、施設に送らなくてはならなくなるのではないかと母親は考えたのでしょう。
解説 問4
Choose the best options for ( 30 ) and ( 31 ).
( 30 )と( 31 )について、最も適切な選択肢を選んでください
( 30 )と( 31 )はヘンリーへのフィードバックのメールにあります。
You could write about ( 30 ) and ( 31 ), which are not mentioned or suggested.
あなたは( 30 )と( 31 )について書けるかもしれません。それらは言及も示唆もされていません。
1. Bluebird’s childhood experiences
Bluebird の子供時代の経験
When I was 12, I discovered my superpowers. I was climbing a tree when a branch broke. Instead of falling, I floated.
これは Bluebird の子供時代の経験です。この選択肢は違います。
2. Bluebird’s view on the reality show
Bluebird のリアリティ番組に対する見方
When I was posing for a photo with Whiskers and the girl, I was thinking about how foolish I looked.
Bluebird は、あまりリアリティ番組に好意的な見方をしていません。リアリティ番組に対する見方の言及があります。この選択肢は違います。
3. how Melody learned she had superpowers
Melody がスーパーパワーを持っていることを知った経緯
4. the reason why Melody joined Team Hero
Melody がチームヒーローに参加した理由
5. the relationship between Bluebird and Melody
Bluebird と Melody の関係
Let’s start a family business. Join me as a co-founder of REAL HEROES.
Bluebird 、
家族経営のビジネスを始めましょう。REAL HEROES の共同創設者として私と一緒に参加してください。
ここには「family / 家族」という言葉があります。また最後の文はこうです。
Since then, working together, Melody and I have made our parents proud.
それ以来、Melody と私は一緒に働き、私たちの両親を誇りに思っています。
「Melody and I」ときて、「our parents / 私たちの両親」とあります。直接の言及はありませんが、二人の関係が「姉弟」であることは十分示唆されていますね。

その他にも「あなたには能力を持った姉がいるのよ」という母親の情報もありました。勘のいい人なら、この辺で Melody の正体が分かったのではないでしょうか。