You are an exchange student at a UK high school, and your teacher asked you to find an interesting story. You found this story to share in class next week.
“One more time, with feeling!” I encouraged my band.
We are capable musicians. In fact, our keyboardist, Yuki, is classically-trained pianist who regularly performs in front of audiences. Kei, our bassist, has a huge number of followers because of the popular videos she uploads. However, the Ultimate Music Contest was only a few weeks away and I was kind of regretting that we had entered it. I was worried that my band Cat’s Curry wouldn’t be ready. Someting felt wrong, but I couldn’t figure it out. We continued to practise until our rehearsal time was up. As band leader, I felt additional pressure about the contest. “Tomo, you’re too worried. Everything will be OK,” Ren, our drummer, said as she smiled at me and waved goodbye. “I hope so,” I thought to my self.
Back at home, I watched the video I had taken of our rehearsal. As I listened to Sayonara, and Thanks for Everything, I thought my ears were playing tricks on me. I carefully listened a few more times. Although it was hard to notice, we were slightly out of rhythm. “How could that be?” I wondered. As I continued to listen, I paid extra attention to each instrument. “I’ve got it!” I thought excitedly.
At the next practice, I played back the recording and waited for everyone’s reaction.
“I’ve been practising every day!”
“These songs aren’t even difficult…”
“What’s the matter?”
They didn’t understand the problem, so I explained my discovery, “Each of us is showing off. We’re playing for ourselves, not for the band!” From that day on, our focus shifted and the band took a step forward on its musical journey. Like the saying goes, “The whole is greater than the sum of the parts.” Although Cat’s Curry did not win the contest, we all felt it was the best performance of our lives.
問1 Which person is telling the story?
- Kei
- Ren
- Tomo
- Yuki
問2 Choose four out of the five options (1~5) and put them in the order they happened.
- The band changed its attitude.
- The band decided to practise more often.
- The band leader identified the problem.
- The band leader was concerned about the band.
- The band registered for a contest.
問3 How did the band most likely feel after the competition?
- Awful
- Embarrassed
- Independent
- Satisfied
解説 問1
この物語の「I / 私」の名前を選ぶ問題です。
As band leader, I felt additional pressure about the contest. “Tomo, you’re too worried. Everything will be OK,” Ren, our drummer, said as she smiled at me and waved goodbye.
つまり「I / 私」はバンドのリーダーで、コンテストに不安を感じていました。そこにかけられた言葉が「Tomo, you’re too worried. / トモ、心配しすぎだよ」です。つまり「I / 私」の名前は「Tomo」です。
人名が出てきたら印をしておくと、後で確認がしやすくなりますね。ちなみに Yuki がキーボード、Kei がベース、Ren がドラムですから、Tomo はボーカルなんでしょうね。
解説 問2
However, the Ultimate Music Contest was only a few weeks away and I was kind of regretting that we had entered it.
5. The band registered for a contest.
I was worried that my band Cat’s Curry wouldn’t be ready.
私のバンド、キャッツ カレーの準備が整っていないのではないかと心配していた。
4. The band leader was concerned about the band.
As I continued to listen, I paid extra attention to each instrument. “I’ve got it!” I thought excitedly.
3. The band leader identified the problem.
From that day on, our focus shifted and the band took a step forward on its musical journey.
1. The band changed its attitude.
2. The band decided to practise more often.
「”I’ve been practising every day!” / 毎日練習してきたんだ!」という言葉が、第四段落にありますが、練習量を増やすという話はありませんこの選択肢は違います。
解説 問3
1. Awful / ひどい・恐ろしい
2. Embarrassed / 恥ずかしい
3. Independent / 自立している
4. Satisfied / 満足
Although Cat’s Curry did not win the contest, we all felt it was the best performance of our lives.
Cat’s Curry はコンテストで優勝しませんでしたが、私たち全員が人生で最高のパフォーマンスだと感じました。