You are in a discussion group in school. You have been asked to summarize the following article. You will speak about it, using only notes.
Collecting has existed at all levels of society, across cultures and age groups since early times. Museums are proof that things have been collected, saved, and passed down for future generations. There are various reasons for starting a collection. For example, Ms. A enjoys going to yard sales every Saturday morning with her children. At yard sales, people sell unwanted things in front of their houses. One day, while looking for antique dishes, an unusual painting caught her eye and she bought it for only a few dollars. Over time, she found similar pieces that left an impression on her, and she now has a modest collection of artwork, some of which may be worth more than she paid. One person’s trash can be another person’s treasure. Regardless of how someone’s collection was started, it is human nature to collect things.
In 1988, researchers Brenda Danet and Tamar Katriel analyzed 80 years of students on children under the age of 10, and found that about 90% collected something. This shows us that people like to gather things from an early age. Even after becoming adults, people continue collecting stuff. Researchers in the field generally agree that approximately one third of adults maintain this behavior. Why is this? The primary explanation is related to emotions. Some save greeting cards from friends and family, dried flowers from special events, seashells from a day at the beach, old photos, and so on. For others, their collection is a connection to their youth. They may have baseball cards, comic books, dolls, or miniature cars that they have kept since they were small. Others have an attachment to history; they seek and hold onto historical documents, signed letters and autographs from famous people, and so forth.
For some individuals there is a social reason. People collect things such as pins to share, show and even trade, making new friends this way. Others, like some holders of Ginness World Records, appreciate the fame they achieve for their unique collection. Cards, stickers, stamps, coins, and toys have topped the “usual” collection list, but some collectors lean toward the more unexpected. In September, Guiness World Records recognized Harry Sperl, of Germany, for having the largest hamburger-related collection in the world, with 3,724 items “hamburger.” Similarly, Liu Fuchang, of China, is a collector of playing cards. He has 11,087 different sets.
Perhaps the easiest motivation to understand is pleasure. Some people start collections for pure enjoyment. They may purchase and put up paintings just to gaze at frequently, or they may collect audio recordings and old-fashioned vinyl records to enjoy listening to their favorite music. This type of collector is unlikely to be very interested in the monetary value of their treasured music, while others collect objects specifically as an investment. While it is possible to download certain classic games for free, having the same game unopened in its original packaging, in “mint condition,” can make the game worth a lot. Owning various valuable “collector’s items” could ensure some financial security.
This behavior of collecting things will definitely continue into the distant future. Although the reasons why people keep things will likely remain the same, advances in technology will have an influence on collections. As technology can remove physical constraints, it is now possible for an individual to have vast digital libraries of music and art that would have been unimaginable 30 years ago. it is unclear, though, what other impacts technology will have on collections. Can you even imagine the form and scale the next generation’s collections will take?
Your notes:

問1 Choose the best option for ( 39 ).
- a great place for people to sell things to collectors at a high price is a yard sale
- people can evaluate items incorrectly and end up paying too much money for junk
- something not important to one person may be of value to someone else
- things once collected and thrown in another person’s yard may be valuable to others
問2 Choose the best option for ( 40 ).
- About two thirds of children do not collect ordinary things.
- Almost one third of adults start collecting things for pleasure.
- Approximately 10% of kids have collections similar to their friends.
- Roughly 30% of people keep collecting into adulthood.
問3 Choose the best option for ( 41 ) and ( 42 ). (The order does not matter.)
- desire to advance technology
- fear of missing unexpected opportunities
- filling a sense of emptiness
- reminder of precious events
- reusing objects for the future
- seeking some sort of profit
問4 Choose the best option for ( 43 ).
- Collections will likely continue to change in size and shape.
- Collectors of mint-condition games will have more digital copies of them.
- People who have lost their passion for collecting will start again.
- Reasons for collecting will change because of advances in technology.
解説 問1
Choose the best option for ( 39 ).
( 39 )に最適な選択肢を選んでください
( 39 )は Your notes の introduction の二つ目のリストにあります。
The yard sale story tells us that ( 39 ).
ヤードセールの話は私たちに( 39 )ということを教えてくれます
1. a great place for people to sell things to collectors at a high price is a yard sale
At yard sales, people sell unwanted things in front of their houses.
2. people can evaluate items incorrectly and end up paying too much money for junk
One day, while looking for antique dishes, an unusual painting caught her eye and she bought it for only a few dollars.
本文の内容では「only a few dollars / わずか数ドル」とあります。お得に買うことができたようです。ヤードセールで高値で買ってしまうことがあるかもしれませんが、それについては本文で書かれていません。この選択肢は違います。
3. something not important to one person may be of value to someone else
One person’s trash can be another person’s treasure.
4. things once collected and thrown in another person’s yard may be valuable to others

解説 問2
Choose the best option for ( 40 ).
( 40 )に最適な選択肢を選んでください
( 40 )は Your notes の Fact のリスト一つ目です。ちなみに Fact のリストもう一つは、Guiness Wordl Records として、二つ挙げられています。
Sperl: 3,724 hamburger-related items
Liu: 11,087 sets of playing cards
この内容は、第三段落にあります。つまり( 40 )の内容は第二段落にあると考えられます。それを踏まえて、選択肢を確認しましょう。
1. About two thirds of children do not collect ordinary things.
子どもの約 3 分の 2 は、普通のものを収集しません。
2. Almost one third of adults start collecting things for pleasure.
大人のほぼ 3 分の 1 が、楽しみのために物を集め始めます。
3. Approximately 10% of kids have collections similar to their friends.
約 10% の子供が、友達と同じようなコレクションを持っています。
4. Roughly 30% of people keep collecting into adulthood.
約 30% の人が大人になっても収集を続けます。
In 1988, researchers Brenda Danet and Tamar Katriel analyzed 80 years of students on children under the age of 10, and found that about 90% collected something.
1988 年、研究者のブレンダ・ダネットとタマー・カトリエルは、10 歳未満の子供に関する 80 年間の学生を分析し、約 90% が何かを収集していることを発見しました。
Even after becoming adults, people continue collecting stuff. Researchers in the field generally agree that approximately one third of adults maintain this behavior.
大人になっても人は物を集め続けます。この分野の研究者は一般に、成人の約 3 分の 1 がこの行動を維持していることに同意しています。
1/3=0.33…≒30% つまり、これは選択肢「4」の内容です。ということで、正解は「4」です。

解説 問3
Choose the best option for ( 41 ) and ( 42 ). (The order does not matter.)
( 41 )と( 42 )に最適な選択肢を選んでください。(順序は問いません)
( 41 )と( 42 )は Your notes の Reasons for collecting にあります。
・Motivation for collecting can be emotional or social.
・Various reasons mentioned: ( 41 ), ( 42 ), interest in history, childhood excitement, becoming famous, sharing, etc.
挙げられた様々な理由:( 41 )、( 42 )、歴史への興味、幼少期の興奮、有名になること、共有など。
Some save greeting cards from friends and family, dried flowers from special events, seashells from a day at the beach, old photos, and so on.
友人や家族からのグリーティングカード、特別なイベントでのドライフラワー、ビーチでの 1 日の貝殻、古い写真などを保存する人もいます。
4. reminder of precious events
Owning various valuable “collector’s items” could ensure some financial security.
6. seeking some sort of profit
1. desire to advance technology
2. fear of missing unexpected opportunities
3. filling a sense of emptiness
5. reusing objects for the future

「コレクションの理由」は、かなり多く書かれてあります。一つ理由が語られたら、Your notes をチェックして、そこにあるものには印をしておくといった工夫しておくと、後で見直しやすいかと思います。
解説 問4
Choose the best option for ( 43 ).
( 43 )に最適な選択肢を選んでください
( 43 )は Your notes の「Collection in the future / 未来のコレクション」にあります。「未来のコレクション」については、最終段落にあります。最終段落の内容を確認したうえで、問題に取り組むのがいいでしょう。
1. Collections will likely continue to change in size and shape.
Can you even imagine the form and scale the next generation’s collections will take?
2. Collectors of mint-condition games will have more digital copies of them.
While it is possible to download certain classic games for free, having the same game unopened in its original packaging, in “mint condition,” can make the game worth a lot.
3. People who have lost their passion for collecting will start again.
4. Reasons for collecting will change because of advances in technology.
Although the reasons why people keep things will likely remain the same, advances in technology will have an influence on collections.
