
2015年度センター試験英語解説 共通テスト・センター試験英語解説

A 問1


Catching Bees and Counting Fish: How “Citizen Science” Works

(1) It’s a sunny afternoon here in Texas, and my wife Barbara is at the park again, counting and recording the number of eggs laid by monarch butterflies. After collecting her data, she’ll share it with the professional scientist who recruited her. In another state, our friend Antonio listens for frogs by visiting 12 different sites, four times a year. He has been submitting his findings to scientist for almost 20 years now. And on the other side of the country, our niece Emily is catching native bees, putting tiny tags on them, and handing in weekly reports to the biology department at a local university. Nobody is paying Barbara, Antonio, or Emily for their efforts, but all three consider themselves lucky to be “citizen scientists.”

The citizen scientists in Paragraph (1) (  ).

1. compare their data with that of other volunteers
2. earn some money for the information they gather
3. monitor the life cycles of insects in laboratories
4. report on their results or activities to professionals


The citizen scientists in Paragraph (1) (  ).
「第一段落の市民科学者は(  )」

1. compare their data with that of other volunteers


2. earn some money for the information they gather


Nobody is paying Barbara, Antonio, or Emily for their efforts


3. monitor the life cycles of insects in laboratories

バーバラは蝶、エミリーはハチについて調べていますが、野外で行っています。 in laboratories ではありませんね。この選択肢は違います。

4. report on their results or activities to professionals


After collecting her data, she’ll share it with the professional scientist who recruited her.


He has been submitting his findings to scientist for almost 20 years now.


handing in weekly reports to the biology department at a local university



A 問2


(2) When volunteers participate as assistants in activities like these, they are engaging in citizen science, a valuable research technique that invites the public to assist in gathering information. Some of them are science in nature. They also take pride in aiding scientists and indirectly helping to protect the environment. The movement they are involved in is not a new one. In fact, its roots go back over a hundred years. One of the earliest projects of this type is the Christmas Bird Count, started by the National Audubon Society in 1990. However, citizen science projects are burgeoning more than ever: over 60 of them were mentioned at a meeting of the Ecological Society of America not long ago.

The word burgeoning in Paragraph (2) is closest meaning to (  ).

1. causing arguments
2. increasing rapidly
3. losing popularity
4. receiving awards


The word burgeoning in Paragraph (2) is closest meaning to (  ).
「第二段落の burgeoning という単語は(  )に最も近い意味です」

まずは burgeoning の直前の文を確認してみましょう。

One of the earliest projects of this type is the Christmas Bird Count, started by the National Audubon Society in 1990.

それに続く形で burgeoning の文が来ています。

However, citizen science projects are burgeoning more than ever
「しかしながら、市民科学プロジェクトはこれまで以上に burgeoning しています」

however は「逆接」です。前後で反対の内容が来ます。それを踏まえて選択肢を確認してみましょう。

1. causing arguments
2. increasing rapidly
3. losing popularity
4. receiving awards


: over 60 of them were mentioned at a meeting of the Ecological Society of America not long ago.

「: / コロン」は、前の語句の言い換えや、具体的に説明するときに使います。つまり文の内容が、burgeoning に関係していると考えられます。

まず over 60 から考えて、「人気を失っている」という選択肢の 3 は違いますね。その他の選択肢はどれもそれっぽいのですが、市民科学者は1990年にはすでにあったけれど、最近は増えてきた、と考えれば良いのではないでしょうか。

ということで正解は 2 です。


A 問3


(3) In formal studies, professional scientists and other experts need to maintain the highest possible standards. For research to be accepted as valid, it must not only be through, but also objective and accurate. Some might argue that citizen scientists cannot maintain the necessary attention to detail, or amateurs will misunderstand the context of the investigation and make mistakes when collecting and organizing information. In other words, can citizen science be considered truly reliable?

(4) Two recent studies show that it can. The first focused on volunteer knowledge and skills. In this study, a scientist asked volunteers to identify types of crabs along the Atlantic coast of the US. He found that almost all adult volunteers could perform the task and even third graders in elementary school had an 80% success rate. The second study compared professional and nonprofessional methods. Following a strict traditional procedure, a group of 12 scuba divers identified 106 species of fish in the Caribbean. Using a procedure designed by professionals to be more relaxed and enjoyable for volunteers, a second group of 12 divers spent the same amount of time in the same waters. Surprisingly, the second method was even more successful: this group identified a total of 137 species. Results like these suggest that research assisted by amateurs can be trusted when scientists organize it.

Why does the author emphasize an 80% success rate in Paragraph(4)?
1. To contrast negatively with the adults’ success rate
2. To demonstrate the high quality of the overall results
3. To emphasize how many types of crabs there are
4. To reveal the elementary students’ lack of skills


Why does the author emphasize an 80% success rate in Paragraph(4)?


He found that almost all adult volunteers could perform the task and even third graders in elementary school had an 80% success rate.


1. To contrast negatively with the adults’ success rate

成人は almost all とありますので、確かに小学3年生の80%という成功率はそれより低いです。ですが「even / ~でさえ」という単語がありますので、そこに否定的な意味合いはありません。むしろ小学3年生でもそれだけの成功率だと、肯定的に述べられています。


2. To demonstrate the high quality of the overall results


成功率80%が科学という点において本当に良いのかどうかは置いておいて、「even / ~でさえ」という単語がありますので、少なくとも著者はこの結果は良いものだと考えています。ということで、この選択肢が正解です。

3. To emphasize how many types of crabs there are


4. To reveal the elementary students’ lack of skills

選択肢1で確認した通り、「even / ~でさえ」という単語がありますので、むしろ小学3年生でもそれだけの成功率だと、肯定的に述べられています。





A 問4


(5) The best citizen science projects are win-win situations. On the one hand, the scientific community gains access to far more data than they would otherwise have, while spending less money. On the other hand, citizen science is good for the general public: it gets people out into the natural world and involved in scientific processes. Additionally, when people take part in a well-designed study that includes training to use equipment, collect data, and share their findings, they have the satisfaction of learning about new ideas and technologies.

(6) I find it encouraging that the list of scientific studies using citizen scientists is quickly getting longer. Still, we’re just beginning to realize the potential of citizen science. More scientists need to recognize how much volunteers can contribute to professional research. As I see it, it’s time for up to expand the old, conservative view of “science for people” to include a more democratic one of “science by people.”

What personal view is expressed in Paragraph(6)?

1. Eventually, scientific knowledge will come mainly from amateurs.
2. Not enough scientists appreciate the advantages of citizen science.
3. The recent shift toward relying on volunteer data is disappointing.
4. Too many studies using citizen science are now being conducted.


What personal view is expressed in Paragraph(6)?

1. Eventually, scientific knowledge will come mainly from amateurs.


I find it encouraging that the list of scientific studies using citizen scientists is quickly getting longer.


2. Not enough scientists appreciate the advantages of citizen science.


As I see it, it’s time for up to expand the old, conservative view of “science for people” to include a more democratic one of “science by people.”


More scientists need to recognize how much volunteers can contribute to professional research.


3. The recent shift toward relying on volunteer data is disappointing.

選択肢1で確認した通り、ボランティアからのデータをますます活用するようになってきました。ですが筆者はそれに対して、disappointing のような、否定的な意見は持っていません。


4. Too many studies using citizen science are now being conducted.

選択肢1で確認した通り、市民科学を使った研究は多くなっていることが分かります。ですが、注目するのは選択肢4にある too です。

too は「~すぎる」という意味です。「多すぎる」ということは、否定的な意味合いになりますが、本文にはそんなニュアンスはありませんね。むしろそれが望ましいと思っています。ということで、この選択肢は違います。


A 問5


(1) It’s a sunny afternoon here in Texas, and my wife Barbara is at the park again, counting and recording the number of eggs laid by monarch butterflies. After collecting her date, she’ll share it with the professional scientist who recruited her. In another state, our friend Antonio listens for frogs by visiting 12 different sites, four times a year. He has been submitting his findings scientist for almost 20 years now. And on the other side of the country, our niece Emily is catching native bees, putting tiny tags on them, and handing in weekly reports to the biology department at a local university. Nobody is paying Barbara, Antonio, or Emily for their efforts, but all three consider themselves lucky to be “citizen scientists.”

(2) When volunteers participate as assistants in activities like these, they are engaging in citizen science, a valuable research technique that invites the public to assist in gathering information. Some of them are science in nature. They also take pride in aiding scientists and indirectly helping to protect the environment. The movement they are involved in is not a new one. In fact, its roots go back over a hundred years. One of the earliest projects of this type is the Christmas Bird Count, started by the National Audubon Society in 1990. However, citizen science projects are burgeoning more than ever: over 60 of them were mentioned at a meeting of the Ecological Society of America not long ago.

(3) In formal studies, professional scientists and other experts need to maintain the highest possible standards. For research to be accepted as valid, it must not only be through, but also objective and accurate. Some might argue that citizen scientists cannot maintain the necessary attention to detail, or amateurs will misunderstand the context of the investigation and make mistakes when collecting and organizing information. In other words, can citizen science be considered truly reliable?

(4) Two recent studies show that it can. The first focused on volunteer knowledge and skills. In this study, a scientist asked volunteers to identify types of crabs along the Atlantic coast of the US. He found that almost all adult volunteers could perform the task and even third graders in elementary school had an 80% success rate. The second study compared professional and nonprofessional methods. Following a strict traditional procedure, a group of 12 scuba divers identified 106 species of fish in the Caribbean. Using a procedure designed by professionals to be more relaxed and enjoyable for volunteers, a second group of 12 divers spent the same amount of time in the same waters. Surprisingly, the second method was even more successful: this group identified a total of 137 species. Results like these suggest that research assisted by amateurs can be trusted when scientists organize it.

(5) The best citizen science projects are win-win situations. On the one hand, the scientific community gains access to far more data than they would otherwise have, while spending less money. On the other hand, citizen science is good for the general public: it gets people out into the natural world and involved in scientific processes. Additionally, when people take part in a well-designed study that includes training to use equipment, collect data, and share their findings, they have the satisfaction of learning about new ideas and technologies.

(6) I find it encouraging that the list of scientific studies using citizen scientists is quickly getting longer. Still, we’re just beginning to realize the potential of citizen science. More scientists need to recognize how much volunteers can contribute to professional research. As I see it, it’s time for up to expand the old, conservative view of “science for people” to include a more democratic one of “science by people.”

What is the author’s main message in this article?

1. Citizen science benefits volunteers, professionals, and society.
2. Scientific research should be left in the hands of specialists.
3. There is a long history of volunteers identifying fish species.
4. Tradition science has been replaced by citizen science.


What is the author’s main message in this article?

1. Citizen science benefits volunteers, professionals, and society.


The best citizen science projects are win-win situations.


2. Scientific research should be left in the hands of specialists.


More scientists need to recognize how much volunteers can contribute to professional research.


3. There is a long history of volunteers identifying fish species.



4. Tradition science has been replaced by citizen science.


However, citizen science projects are burgeoning more than ever


I find it encouraging that the list of scientific studies using citizen scientists is quickly getting longer.

市民科学が成長しているという内容です。ですが、「replace / 取って代わる」ということではありません。


As I see it, it’s time for up to expand the old, conservative view of “science for people” to include a more democratic one of “science by people.”

つまり、「replace / 取って代わる」のではなく、伝統科学を「expand / 拡大」して、市民科学を「include / 含め」ようと、筆者は言っています。ということで、この選択肢は違います。

選択肢2. 3. 4. が違いますので、保留にしていた選択肢1. が正解です。まぁ、「ボランティア」と「専門家」の双方に利益があるということは、「社会」にも利益があるということですよね。




1. Concerns: Volunteer skills and knowledge
2. Evidence: Successful volunteer efforts
3. Explanation: Definition and history
4. Opinion: Merits for everyone involved



具体的に言えば、Aの問2を解答した後にBの(52)、Aの問3を解答した後にBの(53)(54)…… という具合です。



When volunteers participate as assistants in activities like these, they are engaging in citizen science


In fact, its roots go back over a hundred years.

これは市民科学の歴史ですね。また「in 1990 / 1990年に」という語句もこの段落にあります。年代をあらわす語句はその他の段落には見られません。

ということで、「Definition / 定義」と「history / 歴史」という語句がある選択肢 3. が対応しています。

3. Explanation: Definition and history


In other words, can citizen science be considered truly reliable?

これは「懸念」ですね。まさに選択肢 1. と対応しています。

1. Concerns: Volunteer skills and knowledge


In this study, a scientist asked volunteers to identify types of crabs along the Atlantic coast of the US.
The second study compared professional and nonprofessional methods.


これは選択肢 2. と対応しています。

2. Evidence: Successful volunteer efforts


On the one hand, the scientific community gains access to far more data than they would otherwise have, while spending less money.
On the other hand, citizen science is good for the general public

科学者にとっても、一般の市民にとっても良いということが書かれあります。これは選択肢 4. に対応しています。

4. Opinion: Merits for everyone involved

【正解】(52)→ 3 / (53)→ 1 / (54)→ 2 / (55)→ 4

