
2011年度センター試験英語解説 共通テスト・センター試験英語解説


問題次の文章は、同一の状況について二人の人物がそれぞれの観点から述べたものである。文章を読み、下の問いの(   )に入れるのに最も適当なものを、下の1~4のうちから1つずつ選べ。

A Family Trip to the City

Father talking about the trip: Well, I guess the day was a success. It was Sunday and I would rather have stayed at home, but at least we enjoyed the day as a family, and Tom and Cindy got to something they wanted to do. The train ride into town in the morning was pleasant-better than it is on weekdays. It wasn’t crowded at all and I had plenty of space. Plus, by using the train, I didn’t have to worry about parking. I could even take a little nap on the way home. With all the shopping we did in the afternoon, I needed that nap. Tom always wants to go by car. He says that way you don’t have to carry all the stuff you buy. Either way, shopping always makes me so tired. I can’t stand all the walking, standing and waiting, and I think it is dangerous to drive when you are tired. I was a bit disappointed that we didn’t have time to go to the bookstore. That was the thing I wanted to do the most. But we got winter clothes for the children, which was my wife’s main purpose. Tom was happy that we got to meet the professional ball players. He even got some autographs. And Cindy got some new clothes and a pair of boots. I would have preferred something other than hamburgers and fries for lunch, since this was a chance for my wife and me to enjoy a nice restaurant.

The father enjoyed the train ride because (   ).

1. he didn’t have to stand in line
2. he had enough room to relax
3. it was cheaper on weekends than on weekdays
4. there were not many embarrassing people




The father enjoyed the train ride because (   ).
『父親は列車の旅を楽しんだ。なぜなら (   )』

まず主語が The father ですので、後半の Daughter talking about the trip: の部分は読まなくてよいことが分かりますね。あとは the train ride に注目です。この語が本文中に出てくれば、その周辺に解答のヒントがあると分かります。

では本文を読んでいきましょう。しばらくすると the train ride が出てきますね。その周辺が問1の該当部分になるのです。

the train ride into town in the morning was pleasant-better than it is on weekdays. It wasn’t crowded at all and I had plenty of space. Plus, by using the train, I didn’t have to worry about parking. I could even take a little nap on the way home.
『午前中、町への電車の乗車は、平日のそれ (電車に乗ること) より楽しかった。まったく混んでいなかったし、空間がたくさんあった。加えて電車を使うことによって、駐車の心配をする必要がなかった。帰り道では少しした居眠りさえできた』


1. he didn’t have to stand in line
2. he had enough room to relax
3. it was cheaper on weekends than on weekdays
4. there were not many embarrassing people


空間が充分あるのは合致していますが、選択肢の「リラックスするための」の部分が書かれていませんね。だからこの部分だけでは自信を持って「2だ!」と断言しかねるかもしれません。(「帰り道では居眠りさえできた」の部分がそれかな? でも居眠りができたというのは、車を使わなかったからであって、空間があったからではないよなぁ・・・)


Dad was happy because he was able to read his newspaper.

新聞を読むこと = リラックス・・・??? 微妙に感じないわけでもないですが、これがそういうことでしょう。




問題次の文章は、同一の状況について二人の人物がそれぞれの観点から述べたものである。文章を読み、下の問いの(   )に入れるのに最も適当なものを、下の1~4のうちから1つずつ選べ。

A Family Trip to the City

Daughter talking about the trip: The day wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. I mean, I always like going into the city-I just don’t like going with Mom and Dad. I especially hate going with my little brother. The train ride was terrible. Dad was happy because he was able to read his newspaper. But it was so embarrassing when he turned the pages. He made so much noise that people turned and looked at us. Um, let’s see… getting the autographs from the baseball players wasn’t as boring as I thought it was going to be, even though it took up the whole morning. It was part of a special event for fans hosted by a big department store and was a really big deal for my little brother. The autographs kept him happy all day. All he ever thinks about it baseball…and hamburgers! Luckily, it was held at the department store where we went shopping so we didn’t have to go anywhere else. I wanted to shop more for clothes-well, I mean the clothes that I want. Mom made us try on the clothes she chose. She gets really tense and stressed out about getting clothes for us. I never like what she chooses and she won’t let me create my own style. So I was really surprised when, at the last store, she let me pick out a new pair of winter boots in the style that I wanted. I think she is relieved now, because she has winter clothes ready for my brother and me. This is one of the biggest things she has to do each year and now she is finished with it. And it is good that Dad did help her. But we ran out of time and couldn’t stop at the furniture store. Mom and Dad had been talking about getting a new carpet for a long time. So, all in all, the day wasn’t so bad, but next time, I want to choose my own clothes.

The daughter didn’t like the train ride because (   ).
1. her brother didn’t want to carry the bags
2. her father drew the attention of other passengers
3. her father was tired from shopping and took a nap
4. the clothes her mother selected were too heavy to carry


The daughter didn’t like the train ride because (   ).
『娘は列車の旅が好きではなかった。なぜなら (  )』

設問の英文の主語が The daughter ですから、見るべきは Daughter talking about the trip: の部分であることはわかりますね。

あれあれ? さきほど解いた問1では『父親は列車の旅を楽しんだ。なぜなら (   )』でしたね。「娘」は一体何が不満なんでしょう?

本文を見ていくと The train ride was terrible. という英文に出くわします。『列車の旅はひどかった』という意味ですね。設問のキーワードと対応していますので、この周辺にこの問題の該当部分があることがわかります。

続きを読んでいくと But という接続詞が出てきました。これは「逆接の接続詞」といってセンター試験
(に限りませんが) において超重要語で、この後ろには大切なことが書かれてあることが多いです。ですので長文を読んでいてBut がでてきたら、その後ろは少しスピードを落としてもかまわないので、しっかり意味をとりましょう。

But it was so embarrassing when he turned the pages.
『しかし、彼 (父親) が (新聞の) ページをめくるとき、とても恥ずかしかった』

embarrass という単語がやや目新しいでしょうか?


He made so much noise that people turned and looked at us.
『彼 (父親) が大きな音を立てたので、人が振り返って私たちを見た』

これで embarrass という英単語のだいたいの見当はつきましたでしょうか? もう1つヒントをを出しますと But に注目してもらうといいですね。先ほど言ったとおり But は「逆接の接続詞」です。つまりその前と後では逆のことが書いてあるのです。

But の前には happy なんて単語がありますね。ということは But の後にある embarrass はよいイメージの単語ではないことがわかりますね。

そして新聞でガサガサと大きな音を立ててみんなに見られてしまった、(推定18歳) の娘のことを考えると・・・そうです。embarrass の意味は「(人前で) 恥ずかしい思いをさせる / きまり悪がらせる」という意味になります。わからない英単語は前後から推測する、ということですね。


1. her brother didn’t want to carry the bags
2. her father drew the attention of other passengers
3. her father was tired from shopping and took a nap
4. the clothes her mother selected were too heavy to carry

embarrass ということを考えると、選択肢2が正解ですね。



問題次の文章は、同一の状況について二人の人物がそれぞれの観点から述べたものである。文章を読み、下の問いの(   )に入れるのに最も適当なものを、下の1~4のうちから1つずつ選べ。

A Family Trip to the City

Father talking about the trip: Well, I guess the day was a success. It was Sunday and I would rather have stayed at home, but at least we enjoyed the day as a family, and Tom and Cindy got to something they wanted to do. The train ride into town in the morning was pleasant-better than it is on weekdays. It wasn’t crowded at all and I had plenty of space. Plus, by using the train, I didn’t have to worry about parking. I could even take a little nap on the way home. With all the shopping we did in the afternoon, I needed that nap. Tom always wants to go by car. He says that way you don’t have to carry all the stuff you buy. Either way, shopping always makes me so tired. I can’t stand all the walking, standing and waiting, and I think it is dangerous to drive when you are tired. I was a bit disappointed that we didn’t have time to go to the bookstore. That was the thing I wanted to do the most. But we got winter clothes for the children, which was my wife’s main purpose. Tom was happy that we got to meet the professional ball players. He even got some autographs. And Cindy got some new clothes and a pair of boots. I would have preferred something other than hamburgers and fries for lunch, since this was a chance for my wife and me to enjoy a nice restaurant.

Daughter talking about the trip: The day wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. I mean, I always like going into the city-I just don’t like going with Mom and Dad. I especially hate going with my little brother. The train ride was terrible. Dad was happy because he was able to read his newspaper. But it was so embarrassing when he turned the pages. He made so much noise that people turned and looked at us. Um, let’s see… getting the autographs from the baseball players wasn’t as boring as I thought it was going to be, even though it took up the whole morning. It was part of a special event for fans hosted by a big department store and was a really big deal for my little brother. The autographs kept him happy all day. All he ever thinks about it baseball…and hamburgers! Luckily, it was held at the department store where we went shopping so we didn’t have to go anywhere else. I wanted to shop more for clothes-well, I mean the clothes that I want. Mom made us try on the clothes she chose. She gets really tense and stressed out about getting clothes for us. I never like what she chooses and she won’t let me create my own style. So I was really surprised when, at the last store, she let me pick out a new pair of winter boots in the style that I wanted. I think she is relieved now, because she has winter clothes ready for my brother and me. This is one of the biggest things she has to do each year and now she is finished with it. And it is good that Dad did help her. But we ran out of time and couldn’t stop at the furniture store. Mom and Dad had been talking about getting a new carpet for a long time. So, all in all, the day wasn’t so bad, but next time, I want to choose my own clothes.

The day’s activities included (   ).

1. a baseball game, a hamburger lunch, and shopping
2. an autograph event, lunch, and clothes shopping
3. an event with some baseball players, a quick lunch, and buying a carpet
4. visits to a bookstore, the furniture store, and an expensive shoe store


The day’s activities included (  ).
その日の活動は(  )が含まれています

その日はどんなことをしましたか? ということですね。選択肢を1つ1つ見ながら確認していきましよう。

1. a baseball game, a hamburger lunch, and shopping


2. an autograph event, lunch, and clothes shopping

「an autograph event」・・・本文中にもちょこちょこ出てきた autographs ですが、意味わかりますか? Daughter によれば、野球選手から get したそうですが・・・
「ランチ」・・・Father によれば、ハンバーガーとフライのランチでしたね。

3. an event with some baseball players, a quick lunch, and buying a carpet


4. visits to a bookstore, the furniture store, and an expensive shoe store

「本屋に行く」・・・Father によれば、行く時間がなかった、ということですね。
「高級な靴屋に行く」・・・高級かどうかはわかりませんが、Daughter によれば「冬物ブーツ」を選ばせてもらったそうですね。

赤字の部分が実際と違っていますね。消去法を使って解くべき問題の典型です。選択肢2の autograph が何なのかと、あれこれ悩むのではなく、他の選択肢で違うものを消していくことを優先すべきでしょう。(autograph については問5で確認します)



具体的には、Father talking about the trip: を読んで選択肢を読んで「○」「×」「△」をつける。これで 4.を消すことができますね。1.の「野球の試合」には「△」がつけられているかと思います。その後 Daughter talking about the trip: を読んでさらに絞っていく感じですね。




問題次の文章は、同一の状況について二人の人物がそれぞれの観点から述べたものである。文章を読み、下の問いの(   )に入れるのに最も適当なものを、下の1~4のうちから1つずつ選べ。

A Family Trip to the City

Father talking about the trip: Well, I guess the day was a success. It was Sunday and I would rather have stayed at home, but at least we enjoyed the day as a family, and Tom and Cindy got to something they wanted to do. The train ride into town in the morning was pleasant-better than it is on weekdays. It wasn’t crowded at all and I had plenty of space. Plus, by using the train, I didn’t have to worry about parking. I could even take a little nap on the way home. With all the shopping we did in the afternoon, I needed that nap. Tom always wants to go by car. He says that way you don’t have to carry all the stuff you buy. Either way, shopping always makes me so tired. I can’t stand all the walking, standing and waiting, and I think it is dangerous to drive when you are tired. I was a bit disappointed that we didn’t have time to go to the bookstore. That was the thing I wanted to do the most. But we got winter clothes for the children, which was my wife’s main purpose. Tom was happy that we got to meet the professional ball players. He even got some autographs. And Cindy got some new clothes and a pair of boots. I would have preferred something other than hamburgers and fries for lunch, since this was a chance for my wife and me to enjoy a nice restaurant.

Daughter talking about the trip: The day wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. I mean, I always like going into the city-I just don’t like going with Mom and Dad. I especially hate going with my little brother. The train ride was terrible. Dad was happy because he was able to read his newspaper. But it was so embarrassing when he turned the pages. He made so much noise that people turned and looked at us. Um, let’s see… getting the autographs from the baseball players wasn’t as boring as I thought it was going to be, even though it took up the whole morning. It was part of a special event for fans hosted by a big department store and was a really big deal for my little brother. The autographs kept him happy all day. All he ever thinks about it baseball…and hamburgers! Luckily, it was held at the department store where we went shopping so we didn’t have to go anywhere else. I wanted to shop more for clothes-well, I mean the clothes that I want. Mom made us try on the clothes she chose. She gets really tense and stressed out about getting clothes for us. I never like what she chooses and she won’t let me create my own style. So I was really surprised when, at the last store, she let me pick out a new pair of winter boots in the style that I wanted. I think she is relieved now, because she has winter clothes ready for my brother and me. This is one of the biggest things she has to do each year and now she is finished with it. And it is good that Dad did help her. But we ran out of time and couldn’t stop at the furniture store. Mom and Dad had been talking about getting a new carpet for a long time. So, all in all, the day wasn’t so bad, but next time, I want to choose my own clothes.

The mother was probably satisfied with the day because (   ).

1. everyone was happy about the restaurant they went to
2. she got winter clothes for the children in time
3. she was able to complete her shopping for the entire year
4. the father decided to do something he had been talking about


The mother was probably satisfied with the day because (  ).
『母親はおそらくその日満足した。なぜなら(  )』


まず父親の話の中で my wife’s main purpose が出てきます。『妻のメインの目的』・・・それはその前に言及されています。

But we got winter clothes for the children, which was my wife’s main purpose.

, which という関係代名詞の非制限用法が使われていますね。


娘の話には母親についてかなり多く触れられています。代名詞がも使われているので、どれが母親のことを言っているのか戸惑うかもしれません。しかしよくよく考えて見ますと、登場人物で女性は「ジュディ」と「母親」だけですから、娘の話にでてくる she はすべて母親ということですね。

それを踏まえて見ていきますと、she is relieved と書かれてあります。relieve は『楽にする』や『解放する』といった意味ですが、過去分詞で形容詞的に使う用法があり、今回は『お母さんは、ほっとしている』と訳するのがよいでしょう。


I think she is relieved now, because she has winter clothes ready for my brother and me.

she has winter clothes ready は「have+O+形容詞」の形で、少し見慣れない感じがしますが、「make+O+形容詞」と同じように考えればわかりやすいかと思います。

・She makes me happy. 『彼女は私を幸せ(の状態)にする』
・She has winter clothes ready. 『彼女は冬服を準備ができている状態にする』


1. everyone was happy about the restaurant they went to



since this was a chance for wife and me to enjoy a nice restaurant.


2. she got winter clothes for the children in time


3. she was able to complete her shopping for the entire year


This is one of the biggest things she has to do each year

ですから、complete とはなりませんよね。選択肢にこのような極端な語句が入っていると、その選択肢は間違いの可能性が高いです。実際、カーペットを買うことができていませんし・・・ね。

4. the father decided to do something he had been talking about




問題次の文章は、同一の状況について二人の人物がそれぞれの観点から述べたものである。文章を読み、下の問いの(   )に入れるのに最も適当なものを、下の1~4のうちから1つずつ選べ。

Which of the following illustrations most accurately shows the results of the day in the city? (   ).


Which of the following illustrations most accurately shows the results of the day in the city? (  ).


父親は本を買えませんでしたので、2.と 3.は消すことができます。そしてカーペットも買えませんでしたので 1.も消えます。ということで、残った 4.が正解です。

弟が持っている四角のものが何か? ですが、これが autograph ですね。野球選手からもらった、四角の紙っぽいもの・・・となれば「サイン」ですね。問3では「その英単語の意味を知らなくても解けます」と書きました。

しかし、本来は問題を解き始める前に図を確認して、お母さん・・・カーペット (壁紙かな?) 、お父さん・・・本、娘・・・ブーツ、弟・・・四角の紙 (なんだこれ?)。

ということを頭に入れておいて本文を読み始め、そして野球選手から autograph を手に入れたということから、「あの四角の紙はサインだったのかぁ」と気づくと同時に、autograph の意味も推測できるというのが正しい解き方の手順でしょう。


