
2014年度センター試験英語解説 共通テスト・センター試験英語解説

A 問1


Listening Convenience and Sound Quality: Is There Another Priority?

(1) In 1877, Thomas Edison invented the phonograph, a new device that could record and play back sound. For the first time, people could enjoy the musical performance of a full orchestra in the convenience of their own homes. A few years later, Bell Laboratories developed a new phonograph that offered better sound quality; voices and instruments sounded clearer and more true-to-life. These early products represent two major focuses in the development of audio technology─making listening easier and improving the sound quality of the music we hear. The advances over the years have been significant in both areas, but it is important not to let the music itself get lost in all the technology.

According to paragraph (1), Bell Laboratories’ phonograph could (  ) than Thomas Edison’s.

1. be built more quickly and cheaply
2. be operated with less difficulty
3. play more musical instruments
4. reproduce sound more realistically


According to paragraph (1), Bell Laboratories’ phonograph could (  ) than Thomas Edison’s.
「第一段落によると、ベル研究所の蓄音機はエジソンの研究所のものよりも (  ) ことができた」

まず phonograph とは何かがですが、本文に

a new device that could record and play back sound.



A few years later, Bell Laboratories developed a new phonograph that offered better sound quality; voices and instruments sounded clearer and more true-to-life.


true-to-life の部分がビンと来ない人がいたかもしれませんが、まぁなんとなく雰囲気はわかりますかね。仮にわからないとしても、そこは飛ばして clear の部分だけで考えればよいです。


1. be built more quickly and cheaply
2. be operated with less difficulty
3. play more musical instruments
4. reproduce sound more realistically

ということで正解は 4. です。問題文に「第一段落によると」とありますので、本文の第一段落を読み終わったらこの問題に取り掛かるとよいでしょう。



A 問2


(2) Although the phonograph made listening to music much more convenient, it was just the beginning. The introduction of the car radio in the 1920s meant that music could be enjoyed on the road as well. Interest in portable audio really started to take off in the 1980s with the development of personal music players that allowed listeners to enjoy music through headphones while walking outside. These days, we are able to carry around hundreds of albums on small digital players and listen to them with tiny earphones.
(3)  Another factor affecting our enjoyment of music is its sound quality. In the 1950s, the term “high fidelity,” or “hi-fi” for short, was commonly used by companies to advertise recordings and audio equipment providing the highest possible quality of sound reproduction. Fidelity, meaning truthfulness, refers to recording and reproducing music that is as close as possible to the original performance. Ideally, if we listen to a recorded symphony with our eyes closed, we feel as if we were in a concert hall. Technological advances since the 1950s have resulted in modern recording techniques and playback equipment that allow listeners to come very close to the goals of high fidelity.

In paragraph (3), the author suggests that today’s best audio equipment (  ).

1. almost recreates the sound quality of a live concert
2. is used to play live music in the best concert halls
3. makes recordings sound better than original performances
4. reproduces great performances from the 1950s


In paragraph (3), the author suggests that today’s best audio equipment (  ).
「第三段落で、筆者は今日最も優れたオーディオ設備は (  ) と示唆している」


Another factor affecting our enjoyment of music is its sound quality.



Technological advances since the 1950s have resulted in modern recording techniques and playback equipment that allow listeners to come very close to the goals of high fidelity.
「1950年代以降の技術の進歩により、リスナーが high fidelity の目標に非常に近づくことができる最新の録音技術と再生機器が生まれました」


1. almost recreates the sound quality of a live concert
2. is used to play live music in the best concert halls
3. makes recordings sound better than original performances
4. reproduces great performances from the 1950s

第三段落の最後の文から「録音技術や録音機器」の話ですので、まず選択肢 2. は違うとわかりますね。またこの段落の1950年代というのは技術の進歩が始まった年のことですから、選択肢 4. も違うことがわかります。

残された選択肢 1. と 3. については本文のこの部分に注目です。

Fidelity, meaning truthfulness, refers to recording and reproducing music that is as close as possible to the original performance.
「真実性を意味する fidelity はできるだけオリジナル演奏に近い音楽を録音・再生することをあらわす」

1. の方がふさわしいと思われます。というよりも常識的に考えて、オリジナル演奏よりも録音の音の方が良くなるなんてことはありませんよね。(修正すれば話はべつですが・・・)ということで正解は 1. となります。

というより第一段落からの話の流れからレコーダー (録音機器) の話と分かっていますから、2. は違う。4. なんてそんな細かい話である訳はない。3. も常識的におかしい。というように、第三段落を読まずに 1. を選ぶ人もいたかも・・・


A 問3


(4) Walking into an electronics store today, consumers are faced with an amazing variety of audio technology. Someone looking for a portable system can choose from hundreds of different earphones, headphones, and digital players that come in a range of colors, shapes, and sizes. For audiophiles─music fans who see high fidelity as a priority─a different section of the store features a range of large speakers and heavy components, such as CD players and amplifiers, that often come at high prices. Faced with all this technology and so many choices, music fans often spend at great deal of time researching and making decisions about the right equipment for their listening needs.

According to paragraph (4), audiophiles are people who (  ).

1. care deeply about the quality of music reproduction
2. perform in symphonies in good concert halls
3. prefer live concerts to recorded performances
4. work at shops that sell the best audio equipment


According to paragraph (4), audiophiles are people who (  ).
「第四段落によると、オーディオ好きは (  ) の人だ」

まず audiophiles とは何かということですが、第四段落の中盤にこうあります。

For audiophiles─music fans who see high fidelity as a priority
「高い真実性を第一とみなす音楽ファンである audiophiles のために・・・」


実は ‐phile の形で「~好きの人」という意味になります。ちなみに ‐phobe で「~が嫌いな人」になります。要するに audiophiles は「audio好きな人達」の意味です。

1. care deeply about the quality of music reproduction
2. perform in symphonies in good concert halls
3. prefer live concerts to recorded performances
4. work at shops that sell the best audio equipment

選択肢 2. と 4. はすぐに外すことができるかと思います。曲解してしまい、3. を選んだ人がいるかも…。でも本文のその後で「大きなスピーカー」とか「CDプレーヤー」とかが出てきていますので、正解は選択肢 1. と決めることができます。


A 問4


(5) Even after the equipment is bought, the advances in audio technology sometimes continue to take consumers’ attention away from the music itself. The convenience of portable systems lets people listen to music while doing something else, like jogging in the park or commuting to work. In these setting, music may be partly lost in background noise, making it hard for the listener to concentrate on it. In another case, audiophiles may spend a considerable amount of time and energy testing and adjusting their combination of components to achieve the highest standard of fidelity.

Based on paragraph (5), which of the following is true? (  )

1. Background noise often helps people concentrate on music.
2. Portable audio systems tend to create background noise.
3. Setting up a hi-fi system can take a great amount of effort.
4. The busier people are, the more they appreciate music.


Based on paragraph (5), which of the following is true? (  )

1. Background noise often helps people concentrate on music.

Background noise といえば、本文にこうあります。

music may be partly lost in background noise

しかし、選択肢 1. の内容とは違います。

2. Portable audio systems tend to create background noise.

これも background noise に注目して考えると、先ほど選択肢 1. で確認した本文のこの部分に関係しています。

music may be partly lost in background noise

しかし本文で言っているのは、ジョギングをしながら音楽を聴くと周りの騒音で音楽が聞こえないことがある、ということです。選択肢はオーディオシステム自体がノイズを作ると言っていますので、本文とは内容が違います。よって選択肢 2. もダメです。

3. Setting up a hi-fi system can take a great amount of effort.


In another case, audiophiles may spend a considerable amount of time and energy testing and adjusting their combination of components to achieve the highest standard of fidelity.


4. The busier people are, the more they appreciate music.

【構文】The 比較級~, the 比較級・・・. / ~すればするほど・・・


The convenience of portable systems lets people listen to music while doing something else, like jogging in the park or commuting to work.


ということで選択肢 3. が正解になります。この問題は、選択肢 1. 2. 4. が違うので残った 3. が正解というように、消去法で選択肢を絞っていくのが実践的なやり方だと思います。


A 問5


(6) With so much technology available, actually listening to music can sometimes feel like a secondary issue. We are lucky to be able to take our favorite recordings with us on the train to work, but if we listen to music while our attention is focused elsewhere, we miss much of its power. Like wise, although it is good to have access to high-quality equipment, if we worry too much about achieving perfect fidelity, technology itself comes between us and the music. Music is an amazing and powerful art form, and perhaps what is most important is to make time to sit and appreciate what we hear. Thanks to the genius of Edison and other inventors, the beauty of music is now more accessible than ever. It’s up to us to stop and truly listen.

The author’s main point in paragraph (6) is that (  ).

1. audiophiles tend to enjoy listening to music on portable devices
2. convenience is an important factor in buying audio equipment
3. music is the primary consideration, regardless of technology
4. portable equipment will likely replace high-fidelity equipment


The author’s main point in paragraph (6) is that (  ).
「第六段落で、筆者の主要な論旨は (  )」


1. audiophiles tend to enjoy listening to music on portable devices


We are lucky to be able to take our favorite recordings with us on the train to work,

しかしこの we という代名詞は、世間一般の人々を指しており、audiophiles を指しているわけではありません。

2. convenience is an important factor in buying audio equipment


but if we listen to music while our attention is focused elsewhere, we miss much of its power.


3. music is the primary consideration, regardless of technology

Music is an amazing and powerful art form, and perhaps what is most important is to make time to sit and appreciate what we hear.


Like wise, although it is good to have access to high-quality equipment, if we worry too much about achieving perfect fidelity, technology itself comes between us and the music.


4. portable equipment will likely replace high-fidelity equipment


Interest in portable audio really started to take off in the 1980s with the development of personal music players that allowed listeners to enjoy music through headphones while walking outside.


ということで正解は選択肢 3. です。しかしこれは 1. 2. は違う。4. は書かれていない。だから 3. が正解かな? と消去法で選ぶのが実践的でしょう。この問題は、なかなか選択肢 3. 自体が正解だと自信を持って見抜くのは難しそうです。




Listening Convenience and Sound Quality: Is There Another Priority?

(1) In 1877, Thomas Edison invented the phonograph, a new device that could record and play back sound. For the first time, people could enjoy the musical performance of a full orchestra in the convenience  of their own homes. A few years later, Bell Laboratories developed a new phonograph that offered better sound quality; voices and instruments sounded clearer and more true-to-life. These early products represent two major focuses in the development of audio technology─making listening easier and improving the sound quality of the music we hear. The advances over the years have been significant in both areas, but it is important not to let the music itself get lost in all the technology.

(2) Although the phonograph made listening to music much more convenient, it was just the beginning. The introduction of the car radio in the 1920s meant that music could be enjoyed on the road as well. Interest in portable audio really started to take off in the 1980s with the development of personal music players that allowed listeners to enjoy music through headphones while walking outside. These days, we are able to carry around hundreds of albums on small digital players and listen to them with tiny earphones.
(3) Another factor affecting our enjoyment of music is its sound quality. In the 1950s, the term “high fidelity,” or “hi-fi” for short, was commonly used by companies to advertise recordings and audio equipment  providing the highest possible quality of sound reproduction. Fidelity, meaning truthfulness, refers to recording and reproducing music that is as close as possible to the original performance. Ideally, if we listen to a recorded symphony with our eyes closed, we feel as if we were in a concert hall. Technological advances since the 1950s have resulted in modern recording techniques and playback equipment that allow listeners to come very close to the goals of high fidelity.

(4) Walking into an electronics store today, consumers are faced with an amazing variety of audio technology. Someone looking for a portable system can choose from hundreds of different earphones, headphones, and digital players that come in a range of colors, shapes, and sizes. For audiophiles─music fans who see high fidelity as a priority─a different section of the store features a range of large speakers and heavy components, such as CD players and amplifiers, that often come at high prices. Faced with all this technology and so many choices, music fans often spend at great deal of time researching and making decisions about the right equipment for their listening needs.

(5) Even after the equipment is bought, the advances in audio technology sometimes continue to take consumers’ attention away from the music itself. The convenience of portable systems lets people listen to music while doing something else, like jogging in the park or commuting to work. In these setting, music may be partly lost in background noise, making it hard for the listener to concentrate on it. In another case, audiophiles may spend a considerable amount of time and energy testing and adjusting their combination of components to achieve the highest standard of fidelity.

(6) With so much technology available, actually listening to music can sometimes feel like a secondary issue. We are lucky to be able to take our favorite recordings with us on the train to work, but if we listen to music while our attention is focused elsewhere, we miss much of its power. Like wise, although it is good to have access to high-quality equipment, if we worry too much about achieving perfect fidelity, technology itself comes between us and the music. Music is an amazing and powerful art form, and perhaps what is most important is to make time to sit and appreciate what we hear. Thanks to the genius of Edison and other inventors, the beauty of music is now more accessible than ever. It’s up to us to stop and truly listen.

次の表は、本文の段落と内容をまとめたものである。(  )に入れるのに最も適当なものを、下の1~4のうちから1つずつ選び、表を完成させよ。ただし、同じものを繰り返しえらんではいけない。

 Paragraph Content
(1)  Two goals of audio technology
(2) (   )
(3) The idea of high fidelity
(4) (   )
(5) (   )
(6) (   )

1. Advances in music listening convenience
2. Concerns about the focus of music listeners
3. The value of giving music your full attention
4. The wide selection of audio products for sale




1. Advances in music listening convenience
2. Concerns about the focus of music listeners
3. The value of giving music your full attention
4. The wide selection of audio products for sale


Although the phonograph made listening to music much more convenient, it was just the beginning. The introduction of the car radio in the 1920s meant that music could be enjoyed on the road as well.

本文の convenient という単語に注目すれば、convenience がある 1. Advances in music listening convenience が、この第二段落の Content とわかるかもしれません。念のため続きを見てみましょう。

The introduction of the car radio in the 1920s meant that music could be enjoyed on the road as well.
「 1920年代のカーラジオの導入は道路でも音楽を楽しめることを意味した」

そしてこの後、個人用音楽プレーヤーやデジタルプレーヤー (ipodみたいなもの) の話につながっていきます。便利になってきたという話ですから、やはり選択肢 1. が第二段落の内容になりますね。


Walking into an electronics store today, consumers are faced with an amazing variety of audio technology.

本文の an amazing variety に注目すると、同じような意味の The wide selection がある 4. The wide selection of audio products for sale がこの第四段落の Content とわかりますね。


Even after the equipment is bought, the advances in audio technology sometimes continue to take consumers’ attention away from the music itself.

と attention があります。

すると、3. The value of giving music your full attention が第五段落の内容かと思ってしまうかもしれません。しかしこれが罠です。

本文の訳は「設備が買われた後さえ、オーディオ技術における進歩は時々音楽自体から消費者の注意を奪い続けます」です。選択肢 3. の訳は「音楽にすべての注意を与える価値」で、微妙にかみ合っていない気がします。こういうときは次の段落に進んでしまうのがよいでしょう。


With so much technology available, actually listening to music can sometimes feel like a secondary issue.


ここだけ読んでも選択肢 2. か 3. か、決めることは難しいです。そこでさらに第六段落を確認していくと、「what is most important is / 最も重要なことは~です」とあります。ということはこの続きが、この第六段落で(さらに言えばこの文章全体で)筆者が最も言いたいことになるはずです。

Music is an amazing and powerful art form, and perhaps what is most important is to make time to sit and appreciate what we hear.

この部分と選択肢 2. 3. を比べてみます。

2. Concerns about the focus of music listeners
3. The value of giving music your full attention

となるとこの第六段落は「音楽に集中して聴きましょう。それだけの価値が音楽にはあるんだよ」ということですから、選択肢 3. がふさわしいでしょう。

選択肢 2. については concern という単語がポイントでしょうか。concern には「関心事」という意味がありますが、「心配・懸念」という意味もあります。単に関心があるのではなく、「大丈夫かな? まずいことはないかな?」といった気にかけ方ですね。


music may be partly lost in background noise, making it hard for the listener to concentrate on it.
audiophiles may spend a considerable amount of time and energy testing and adjusting their combination of components to achieve the highest standard of fidelity.

これが選択肢 2. の Concerns にあたると考えられます。よって第五段落が選択肢 2. となります。

【正解】(2)→1 (4)→4 (5)→2 (6)→3




