
2009年度センター試験英語解説 共通テスト・センター試験英語解説


問題次の文章とグラフを読み、下の問の(   )に入れるのに最も適当なものを、下の1~4のうちから1つ選べ。

Scientists estimate that eight thousand years ago rainforests covered approximately 60 million square kilometers of the Earth’s surface. Due to human destruction only about 35 million square kilometers now remain. Even this relatively small area contains more than half of the world’s estimated 10 million species of plants, animals and insects. The diversity is so great that scientists have, until now, succeeded in studying less than one percent of the species living there.

According to the text, (  ) of the species in today ‘s rain forests have been investigated by researchers.

1. at least half
2. at least one percent
3. more than half
4. not even one percent



Annual Loss of the Brazilian Rainforest 1989-2006




According to the text, (  ) of the species in today ‘s rain forests have been investigated by researchers.
テキストによると、今日の熱帯雨林の種の(  )は研究者によって調査されました。

問題文中の具体的な単語 (キーワード) を簡単に頭に入れておき、そのキーワードを本文から探す。本文中にそれと似た語 (もしくは言い換え表現) が出てきたらその周辺に解答のヒントがあるとわかります。

この文では「species / investigated / searchers」の3語に注目しておきましょう。rain forests は表のタイトルからわかるとおりメインテーマに関わっているので、この問題文に関係なく本文には頻出される語であろうと想像ができるため、あえて外しています。


The diversity is so great that scientists have, until now, succeeded in studying less than one percent of the species living there.


species という英単語は、完全に問1のキーワードですね。あとは researchers と scientists の関係、investigate と study の関係ですが、まぁ、対応してるといえば対応してますよね。


1. at least half
2. at least one percent
3. more than half
4. not even one percent

この選択肢を見ると本文の one percent が光って見えますね。こうなると 2.か 4.のどちらかですが、少し迷いますね。

1.の at least は「少なくとも・最低でも」の意味です。反対語は想像のとおり「at most / 多くても」です。この at least one percent を「1%以下」みたいに考えてしまった人もいたのかもしれません。「~以下」は less than ですね。

4. not even one percent は「1%でさえもない」。even ~ で「~でさえ」という意味。ということで問1の正解は4です。



問題次の文章とグラフを読み、下の問の(   )に入れるのに最も適当なものを、下の1~4のうちから1つ選べ。

Native people who live in rainforests depend on them for food and shelter. Because trees have been cut down and burned, native people, unable to find enough food, have starved. Additionally, they have been killed or forced out of the rainforests by outsiders who have seized land for profit. The population of native people in the Brazilian rainforest, for example, has decreased over the past 500 years from approximately 6 million to 200000.

Rainforests are destroyed to make money from selling not only trees but also cattle and crops that are raised on the cleared land. However, experts say that rainforests will have more economic value if we leave them as they are and harvest their medicinal plants, oil-producing plants and fruits. This knowledge, plus the fact that native life is becoming extinct, led Brazil to introduce stronger rainforest protection laws at the beginning of this century.

These laws aim to protect native tribes, prevent illegal cutting of trees and expand the protected rainforest area. All countries that are contributing to the destruction of rainforests should begin their own efforts to protect them. Rainforests are essential to human survival. Therefore, we are all responsible for protecting this biological treasure.

The information in the text and the graph suggests that (   ).

1. in the early 1990s people became more aware of the value of rainforests
2. stronger environmental laws in Brazil reduced deforestation after 2004
3. there is no hope that the rate of rainforest loss will go down in the future
4. there were almost no tree left in the Brazilian rainforest after 1995


The information in the text and the graph suggests that (  ).
テキストとグラフの情報は、(  )を示唆しています。

特にキーワードはありませんが、「graph / グラフ」から何かがわかるかもしれませんね。




で、そのグラフですが単位が k㎡ となっていますし、その範囲も ’89~’05 と16年間です。先ほど見た第2段落の『500年の間に原住民の数が600万から20万に減った』とは単位も範囲も全然違いますね。この第2段落は第2問と関係がなさそうですね。

そのまま引き続き第3段落に行きましょう。ザーッと目を通してもらっていくと2文目の頭に However という単語が出てきましたね。これも but と同じく「対比・逆接」をあらわす「接続詞・接続副詞」です。つまりその後が大切なのです。

However, experts say that rainforests will have more economic value if we leave them as they are and harvest their medicinal plants, oil-producing plants and fruits.

少し文の構造がつかみづらいですが、experts say that と if we leave them as they are を省いてみると、わかりやすくなります。

rainforests will have more economic value and harvest their medicinal plants, oil-producing plants and fruits.

主語が rainforests 動詞が have と harvest でそれぞれに will がかかっているという状況です。

さらに続きを読んでいくと、at the beginning of this century という語句が出てきました。長文問題を読むときには「場所」と「時間」の把握は大切です。この文にも注目しましょう。

This knowledge, plus the fact that the native life is becoming extinct, led Brazil to introduce stronger rainforest protection laws at the beginning of this century.
この知識 (熱帯雨林にはより多くの経済価値があるだろうという先ほどの話)

コンマ (, ) の前までの部分全体が主語となる。無生物主語なので訳の仕方を工夫しましょう。

問2 (あのグラフからも推測するやつ) の選択肢から

1. in the early 1990s people became more aware of the value of rainforests


2. stronger environmental laws in Brazil reduced deforestation after 2004


3. there is no hope that the rate of rainforest loss will go down in the future
将来、熱帯雨林減少の比率が減る (熱帯雨林が守られるってこと) 希望はない。


4. there were almost no tree left in the Brazilian rainforest after 1995





問題次の文章とグラフを読み、下の問の(   )に入れるのに最も適当なものを、下の1~4のうちから1つ選べ。
Scientists estimate that eight thousand years ago rainforests covered approximately 60 million square kilometers of the Earth’s surface. Due to human destruction only about 35 million square kilometers now remain. Even this relatively small area contains more than half of the world’s estimated 10 million species of plants, animals and insects. The diversity is so great that scientists have, until now, succeeded in studying less than one percent of the species living there. Native people who live in rainforests depend on them for food and shelter. Because trees have been cut down and burned, native people, unable to find enough food, have starved. Additionally, they have been killed or forced out of the rainforests by outsiders who have seized land for profit. The population of native people in the Brazilian rainforest, for example, has decreased over the past 500 years from approximately 6 million to 200000.Rainforests are destroyed to make money from selling not only trees but also cattle and crops that are raised on the cleared land. However, experts say that rainforests will have more economic value if we leave them as they are and harvest their medicinal plants, oil-producing plants and fruits. This knowledge, plus the fact that native life is becoming extinct, led Brazil to introduce stronger rainforest protection laws at the beginning of this century.These laws aim to protect native tribes, prevent illegal cutting of trees and expand the protected rainforest area. All countries that are contributing to the destruction of rainforests should begin their own efforts to protect them. Rainforests are essential to human survival. Therefore, we are all responsible for protecting this biological treasure.

According to the text, rainforests are (   ).
1. home to almost a quarter of non-human life forms
2. likely to make more money if they are not destroyed
3. places where native people can exist easily and safely
4. protected carefully to raise cattle and plant crops


According to the text, rainforests are (   ). にはキーワードがありませんね。

According to the text からして全体から考えなくてはならない感じがします。覚悟しておきましょう。


1. home to almost a quarter of non-human life forms

10 million species of plants, animals and insects とありますが、species 「種」だからねぇ。ちなみに species は「スピーシーズ」と発音し、単数と複数が同じ形の名詞です。

2. likely to make more money if they are not destroyed

これは本文の However の後の文

experts say that rainforests will have more economic value if we leave them as they are and harvest their medicinal plants, oil-producing plants and fruits.


3. places where native people can exist easily and safely

そんな話あったっけ? 常識的に考えてアマゾンの熱帯雨林が気楽で安全とは思えないですね。だってトラとかワニとかいるでしょ・・・

4. protected carefully to raise cattle and plant crops




