
2020年度センター試験英語解説 共通テスト・センター試験英語解説



In the early history of the NBA, the biggest professional basketball league in North America, the games were often low scoring and, as a result, not always exciting. (1)A prime example was a game between the Lakers and the Pistons in 1950. The result of the game was a 19-18 win for the Pistons. These games frustrated fans of the day, and this became a major motivation to introduce a new rule to increase scoring: a 24-second limit for each shot. (2)The pressure of the limit caused players to miss their shots more often. (3)After much discussion, the rule was first used in an official game on October 30, 1954. (4)Ever since, individual teams have often scored over 100 points in a game. This simple change made the game more exciting and saved the league.



In the early history of the NBA, the biggest professional basketball league in North America, the games were often low scoring and, as a result, not always exciting.


下線部 (1) の次に「The result of the game / その試合の結果」とあります。ということは、the game を指す試合がその前にあるはずです。

下線部 (1) を見てみると a game between the Lakers and the Pistons in 1950
とあります。これが the game の内容です。従って (1) は取り除くことはできません。

次に、下線部 (2) と下線部 (4) を見てみましょう。

(2) The pressure of the limit caused players to miss their shots more often.

(4) Ever since, individual teams have often scored over 100 points in a game.


「new rule to increase scoring / スコアを増やすための新ルール」と本文にありますし、話の流れから考えても、取り除くべきは (2) ですね。

ついでに (3) を確認してみましょう。

(3) After much discussion, the rule was first used in an official game on October 30, 1954.

これは (2) と (3) の時系列がおかしいですよね。



ということで、この部分でも、(2) と (3) のどちらかがおかしいと考えられます。

実践的には、(2) (3) を読んだ時点で、違和感を感じるでしょう。そして (4) を読んだ時点で、(2) は話に合わないなぁ、と気づければ良いかと思います。




You might have been told, “Sit up straight or you’ll get a backache.” But is it true? People have long assumed that posture has played some role in back pain. Surprisingly, the evidence from research linking posture and backache may be weak. (1)Our back is naturally curved─from the side it is S-shaped. (2)Individuals have their own unique bone sizes that determine their body shapes. (3)It has been thought that good posture meant straightening out some of the curves. (4)According to a study examining doctors’ opinions, it was found that there was no single agreed-upon standard of proper posture. One researcher even says that often changing your posture, especially when sitting, is more important for preventing back pain. The main source of back pain may be stress and lack of sleep, not the way some is sitting.



You might have been told, “Sit up straight or you’ll get a backache.” But is it true?
「あなたは『まっすぐに座らないと腰が痛くなる』と言われたことがあるかもしれません。 しかし、それは本当ですか?」


(3) It has been thought that good posture meant straightening out some of the curves.

この文の the curves が指すものを、その文の前から探します。

すると curve は(1)にしかありません。

(1) Our back is naturally curved─from the side it is S-shaped.


(2) Individuals have their own unique bone sizes that determine their body shapes.

微妙ですね。(1)→(3) は curve の話をしているのに、その間に「骨のサイズ」の話は必要ありません。

ということで、取り除いた方がよい文は (2) です。

(4) According to a study examining doctors’ opinions, it was found that there was no single agreed-upon standard of proper posture.

(4) に関しては、その次の文につながります。

One researcher even says that often changing your posture, especially when sitting, is more important for preventing back pain.


実践的には、(1)(2)(3) を読んだ段階で、(2) を消すことができればいいですね。



問題 次の問いのパラグラフ(段落)には、まとまりをよくするために取り除いた方がよい文が1つある。取り除く文として最も適当なものを、下線部1~4のうちから1つ選べ。

One of the most important features in the development of civilization was the preservation of food. Preserving pork legs as ham is one such example. Today, many countries in the world produce ham, but when and where did it begin? (1)Many credit the Chinese with being the first people to record salting raw pork, while others have cited the Gauls, ancient people who lived in western parts of Europe. (2)Another common seasoning is pepper, which works just as well in the preservation of food. (3)It seems almost certain that it was a well-established practice by the Roman period. (4)A famous politician in ancient Rome wrote extensively about the “salting of hams” as early as 160 B.C. Regardless of the origin, preserved foods like ham helped human culture to evolve and are deeply rooted in history.



One of the most important features in the development of civilization was the preservation of food.


(1) Many credit the Chinese with being the first people to record salting raw pork, while others have cited the Gauls, ancient people who lived in western parts of Europe.
「多くの人が中国人を最初に塩漬けの生豚肉を記録した人物であると信じていますが、一方他の人々はヨーロッパの西部に住んでいた古代の人々である Gauls を挙げてきました」

credit A with B で「AがBだと信じる」の意味になります。内容としては、まぁ、そうなのかという感じですね。

(2) Another common seasoning is pepper, which works just as well in the preservation of food.


(3) It seems almost certain that it was a well-established practice by the Roman period.

この文が問題です。この It が何を指すのかがポイント。何がローマ時代に確立されたのでしょうか? 可能性としては、(1) の「salting raw pork / 塩漬けの生豚肉」か、(2) の「pepper / コショウ」のどちらかです。

それを踏まえて次の (4) を確認します。

(4) A famous politician in ancient Rome wrote extensively about the “salting of hams” as early as 160 B.C.

ということで、(3) の It は、(1) の「salting raw pork / 塩漬けの生豚肉」を指すことが分かりました。したがって取り除いた方が良いのは(2)です。

実践的には、(2) で多少違和感を感じつつも、(1)(2)(3) と読み進めていくと思います。そのとき (3) の It は「コショウ」だと思っているはずです。

そして (4) を読んだとき、「コショウ」の話をしていたはずなのに、それが「ハム」の話になっているのに驚きます。どこでおかしくなったのかを振り返ると、(3) の It を (2) の「コショウ」ととらえたことが間違いだったことに気づきます。



