
2016年度センター試験英語解説 共通テスト・センター試験英語解説


問題次の文章はある説明文の一部である。この文章を読み、下の問いの (  ) に入れるのに最も適当なものを、それぞれ下の1~4のうちから1つずつ選べ。

US consumer have benefited from an increased volume and variety of fresh-fruit imports, particularly since the 1990s. The fruit and vegetable section in today’s grocery store often has dozens of different fresh fruits on display all year around, which come from all corners of the globe as additions to domestic fresh fruit.
The rapid growth of fresh-fruit imports has affected many aspects of the US fresh-fruit market. For example, while oranges are the US’s leading domestically grown fruit, the volume of US orange imports has grown steadily since 1990s, with occasional sudden increases when the US crop experienced freezing weather (see Figure 1).

The US domestic market receives orange imports from various countries and regions. Among the major suppliers, Mexico is a longtime source. However, due to the strong US demand for fresh oranges throughout the year, the Southern Hemisphere countries have also become major suppliers, especially during the summer months when domestic navel oranges are not available. Australia was the first such country, starting in the early 1990s after it obtained permission from the US government to export its navel oranges there. Australia was followed by South Africa in the late 1990s, and most recently by Chile as well.

In Figure 1, which of following do (A), (B), (C), and (D) refer to?

1. (A) Australia / (B) Chile / (C) Mexico / (D) South Africa
2. (A) Australia / (B) Mexico / (C) South Africa / (D) Chile
3. (A) South Africa / (B) Chile / (C) Australia / (D) Mexico
4. (A) South Africa / (B) Mexico / (C) Australia / (D) Chile


In Figure 1, which of following do (A), (B), (C), and (D) refer to?

Figure 1 の(A)~(D)がどこの国を表わしているかを答える問題です。第三段落の内容を確認しながら、選択肢を絞っていきましょう。

まず Mexico について、こうあります。

Among the major suppliers, Mexico is a longtime source.

longtime とありますので、(A)か(B)がメキシコのような感じがします。ただ、longtime というのは、人によってとらえ方が違います。(C)が1999年から登場していますので、それをもって「長年」と言われれはそうとも考えられます。

ただ、さすがに(D)を「長年」というのはおかしいので、まずこの段階で(D)がメキシコの線は消えます。選択肢 3. は消しておきましょう。

次に Australia について、こうあります。

Australia was the first such country, starting in the early 1990s after it obtained permission from the US government to export its navel oranges there.

1990年代初頭から始めているのですから、(A)か(B)が Australia でしょう。ただ、選択肢を確認すると(B)に Australia はありませんので、この時点で (A) の Australia は確定です。

(C)に Australia が入っている選択肢 4. は消しておきましょう。


Australia was followed by South Africa in the late 1990s, and most recently by Chile as well.

この「続く」というのが何に対して続いているのかがポイントです。follow は順位にも使います。今回はグラフの問題ですので、その順位の話かと考えた人もいたかと思います。





問題次の文章はある説明文の一部である。この文章を読み、下の問いの (  ) に入れるのに最も適当なものを、それぞれ下の1~4のうちから1つずつ選べ。

In the US, two main types of oranges are produced domestically: “navel oranges” and “Valencia oranges.” Navel oranges─virtually without seeds, with flesh that separates easily and is firm rather than watery─are the most popular oranges for eating fresh. The navel orange share of US production of fresh-market oranges was 76 percent during the years 2010-2012. In comparison, Valencia oranges─with thin skin, containing occasional seeds, and with juicy and sweet flesh─accounted for 24 percent during the same period. As the US’s top supplier of fresh-market oranges, California produced 87 percent of fresh-market navel oranges and more than 81 percent of fresh-market Valencia oranges.
The main harvest period for domestic fresh-market oranges is from November through May, a time when California’s navel oranges are in season. However, the amount of oranges produced and shipped domestically falls significantly from June through October. In earlier years, when fresh-orange imports still accounted for only a small portion of domestic use, Valencia oranges were popular variety when navel oranges were out of season. As seen in Figure 2, however, navel orange imports from the Southern Hemisphere countries have come to dominate the US in the summer season.

According to the passage, which of the following correctly describes one difference between navel oranges and Valencia oranges?

1. Navel oranges contain fewer seeds than Valencia oranges do.
2. Navel oranges contain more juice than Valencia oranges do.
3. Valencia oranges are more popular than navel oranges in the winter.
4. Valencia oranges are more suitable for eating fresh than navel oranges.


According to the passage, which of the following correctly describes one difference between navel oranges and Valencia oranges?

1. Navel oranges contain fewer seeds than Valencia oranges do.

seeds に関しては、本文にこうあります。

Navel oranges─virtually without seeds
Valencia oranges─with thin skin, containing occasional seeds


2. Navel oranges contain more juice than Valencia oranges do.

Navel oranges については、こうあります。

firm rather than watery

Valencia oranges については、こうあります。

with juicy and sweet flesh


3. Valencia oranges are more popular than navel oranges in the winter.

popular については、本文にこうあります。

Valencia oranges were popular variety when navel oranges were out of season


The main harvest period for domestic fresh-market oranges is from November through May, a time when California’s navel oranges are in season.


However, the amount of oranges produced and shipped domestically falls significantly from June through October.


4. Valencia oranges are more suitable for eating fresh than navel oranges.


the most popular oranges for eating fresh.




問題次の文章はある説明文の一部である。この文章を読み、下の問いの (  ) に入れるのに最も適当なものを、それぞれ下の1~4のうちから1つずつ選べ。

US consumer have benefited from an increased volume and variety of fresh-fruit imports, particularly since the 1990s. The fruit and vegetable section in today’s grocery store often has dozens of different fresh fruits on display all year around, which come from all corners of the globe as additions to domestic fresh fruit.
The rapid growth of fresh-fruit imports has affected many aspects of the US fresh-fruit market. For example, while oranges are the US’s leading domestically grown fruit, the volume of US orange imports has grown steadily since 1990s, with occasional sudden increases when the US crop experienced freezing weather (see Figure 1).
The US domestic market receives orange imports from various countries and regions. Among the major suppliers, Mexico is a longtime source. However, due to the strong US demand for fresh oranges throughout the year, the Southern Hemisphere countries have also become major suppliers, especially during the summer months when domestic navel oranges are not available. Australia was the first such country, starting in the early 1990s after it obtained permission from the US government to export its navel oranges there. Australia was followed by South Africa in the late 1990s, and most recently by Chile as well.
In the US, two main types of oranges are produced domestically: “navel oranges” and “Valencia oranges.” Navel oranges─virtually without seeds, with flesh that separates easily and is firm rather than watery─are the most popular oranges for eating fresh. The navel orange share of US production of fresh-market oranges was 76 percent during the years 2010-2012. In comparison, Valencia oranges─with thin skin, containing occasional seeds, and with juicy and sweet flesh─accounted for 24 percent during the same period. As the US’s top supplier of fresh-market oranges, California produced 87 percent of fresh-market navel oranges and more than 81 percent of fresh-market Valencia oranges.
The main harvest period for domestic fresh-market oranges is from November through May, a time when California’s navel oranges are in season. However, the amount of oranges produced and shipped domestically falls significantly from June through October. In earlier years, when fresh-orange imports still accounted for only a small portion of domestic use, Valencia oranges were popular variety when navel oranges were out of season. As seen in Figure 2, however, navel orange imports from the Southern Hemisphere countries have come to dominate the US in the summer season.

What is the main purpose of this passage?

1. To account for the seasonal changes in the US production of oranges
2. To explain the differences between navel oranges and Valencia oranges
3. To illustrate the relation between US production and import of oranges
4. To improve the quality of the navel oranges produced in the US


What is the main purpose of this passage?

1. To account for the seasonal changes in the US production of oranges


The main harvest period for domestic fresh-market oranges is from November through May, a time when California’s navel oranges are in season.


2. To explain the differences between navel oranges and Valencia oranges


In the US, two main types of oranges are produced domestically: “navel oranges” and “Valencia oranges.”


3. To illustrate the relation between US production and import of oranges


The US domestic market receives orange imports from various countries and regions.


4. To improve the quality of the navel oranges produced in the US




問題次の文章はある報告書の一部である。この文章とグラフを読み、下の問いの(  )に入れるのに最も適当なものを、それぞれ下の1~4のうちから1つずつ選べ。

Because of seasonal production patterns, the majority of Mexico’s oranges arrive in the US market from December through June, when US supplies are relatively high. In contrast, the season for imports from the Southern Hemisphere countries is mainly from July through October, when US supplies are relatively low. This trend is similar to that seen with many other fruits as well.
(Sophia Wu Huang (2013) Imports Contribute to Year-Round Fresh Fruit Availability を参考に作成)

What topic is most likely to follow the latest paragraph?

1. Export rates of other fruits from the US to the Southern Hemisphere
2. Statistics showing the seasonal changes in imports of other fruits
3. The shipping methods of navel oranges from the Southern Hemisphere
4. The variety of fruits commonly grown in the US and Mexico


What topic is most likely to follow the last paragraph?


This trend is similar to that seen with many other fruits as well.


Because of seasonal production patterns, the majority of Mexico’s oranges arrive in the US market from December through June, when US supplies are relatively high.
In contrast, the season for imports from the Southern Hemisphere countries is mainly from July through October, when US supplies are relatively low.




1. Export rates of other fruits from the US to the Southern Hemisphere

この選択肢は、一瞬迷うところですね。ですが、落ち着いて見てみると選択肢は、アメリカからの「Export / 輸出」です。本文では「import / 輸入」です。


2. Statistics showing the seasonal changes in imports of other fruits


3. The shipping methods of navel oranges from the Southern Hemisphere


As seen in Figure 2, however, navel orange imports from the Southern Hemisphere countries have come to dominate the US in the summer season.

選択肢にある「shipping methods / 発送方法」というのが、図2にある通り、アメリカの収穫が少ない時期に発送していることを指しているのであれば、もう書かれてあります。



4. The variety of fruits commonly grown in the US and Mexico



