
2010年度センター試験英語解説 共通テスト・センター試験英語解説


問題次の文章を読み、下の問の(   )に入れるのに最も適当なものを、下の1~4のうちから1つ選べ。

(1) Today, we believe that essential aspects of character are formed in childhood and adolescence. We understand the young have different needs and experience the word differently from adults. We can even see that adults themselves have been influenced by a modern emphasis on youth. However, historically this wasn’t always so. The development of modern industrial societies has brought about a fundamental change in ideas about childhood and youth.
(2) As the historian Philippe Aries has pointed out, modern attitudes towards childhood and youth stand in contrast to views of the young in earlier periods. Aries has noted that many Europeans in the Middle Ages did not know when they were born or how old they actually were. The idea that one becomes an “adult” when one turns a certain age (for example, on one’s twentieth birthday) did not exist. Thus, the difference between childhood and adulthood was not clear, and children were often treated in the same way as adults. In medieval France, few children went to school and six-year-olds worked in the fields alongside their elders. Aries even suggests that the concept of childhood itself did not exist in the Middle Ages.

The historian Aries argues that in the Middle Ages (  ).

1. children enjoyed helping their parents
2. parents were too busy to think about children
3. people had only a vague idea about age
4. the young had difficulty finding work



The historian Aries argues that in the Middle Ages (  ).
「歴史家の Aries は Middle Ages では (  ) だと主張した。」

何と主張したのでしょうか? それが書いてある部分を本文から探し出せばよいのです。キーワードは[Aries]と[Middle Ages]ですね。この2つの単語が本文に出てくればその周辺は要チェックです。

キーワードである[Aries][Middle Ages]が(2)段落目から出てきました。この段落を読み終えたら設問に入ることができそうですね。そうこうしているうちに、最終文にこういうものがあります。

Aries even suggests that the concept of childhood itself did not exist in the Middle Ages.

キーワードである[Aries][Middle Ages]の両方が含まれているし、さらに suggests という単語も入っています。これはやや弱いながらも主語の主張をあらわす語になります。ということは設問の(  )の内容はこの文と関係していると予想ができます。

1. children enjoyed helping their parents
2. parents were too busy to think about children
3. people had only a vague idea about age
4. the young had difficulty finding work

選択肢を並べてみたら一目瞭然ですね。先ほど確認した本文の内容に関係するのは選択肢3. しかありません。その他の選択肢の内容は・・・そんなこと書かれてました? という感じですね。



問題次の文章を読み、下の問の(   )に入れるのに最も適当なものを、下の1~4のうちから1つ選べ。

(3) How did modern perceptions of childhood and youth develop? One important factor was the growth of trade and the rise of merchant cities, as happened in Renaissance Italy. The importance of providing the young with the skills necessary for trade was recognized by cites like Venice and Florence, which set up schools to teach reading, writing, and mathematics. As European nation-states emerged in the seventeenth century, the need for government officials – tax collectors, record keepers, and administrators – expanded. In France under Louis XIV, for example, increasing numbers of young people studied in the many academies created to meet this demand. The trend towards more education continued into the eighteenth century. By the late eighteenth century most children were going to school and spending more time apart from adults.

Paragraph (3) suggests that (  ).

1. improving education became less important to government
2. the growth of trade resulted in a need for more education
3. the spread of education led to decreased economic activity
4. young people would rather work than receive an education



本文を読んでいく中で important factor という言葉が出てきます。「重要な要因」と言っていますので、この後に続く言葉がやはり「重要」なのでしょう。であるなら、そこは注意して読み進める必要がありそうです。

One important factor was the growth of trade and the rise of merchant cities

reading, writing, and mathematics という言葉です。日本流に言うと「読み・書き・そろばん」ということでしょう。確かにそういうことができなければ交易なんてできませんよね。

1. improving education became less important to government

2. the growth of trade resulted in a need for more education

3. the spread of education led to decreased economic activity

4. young people would rather work than receive an education

ということで正解は選択肢2.ですね。その他の選択肢は本文に書かれていません。それもそうですし選択肢を眺めてみて、2. 以外は少し首を傾げたくなるものばかりですね。

そもそもセンター試験というのは大学入試のためのものです。大学と言うのは「教育」の場所です。そんなセンター試験が「教育」が重要でないという 1. や、「教育」のために経済活動が低下したという 3. を正解にするとは思えないですよね。頭が真っ白になって分からなくなってしまったら、常識に照らし合わせて答えを導くのも最終手段として持っておくとよいでしょう。



問題次の文章を読み、下の問の(   )に入れるのに最も適当なものを、下の1~4のうちから1つ選べ。

(4) The increasing number of students receiving education brought about another important change of attitude. Eighteenth-century thinkers like Jean-Jacques Rousseau believed children should be allowed to develop according to their individual abilities and not be overly disciplined. Followers of Rousseau, like Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi, stressed the need for play if children were to grow into healthy adults. This emphasis on the needs of children led in turn to further changes. By the middle of the nineteenth century, industrial societies began passing laws to end child labor.

In paragraph (4), the writer implies that Rousseau’s ideas eventually led to laws which (  ).

1 allowed young people to study at home
2 made governments offer medical care to children
3 made the employment of children illegal
4 required all students to attend school



In paragraph (4), the writer implies that Rousseau’s ideas eventually led to laws which (  ).
「(4)段落で、ルソーの考えが結局(  )という法律につながったと、筆者は暗示している」


すぐ important という単語が出てきましたね。そしてさらにその続きの文ですが、Jean-Jacques Rousseau と should という言葉があります。should は話者の主張をあらわす言葉ですので、この文を読めば Rousseau の考えが分かりそうです。

Eighteenth-century thinkers like Jean-Jacques Rousseau believed children should be allowed to develop according to their individual abilities and not be overly disciplined.

そしていろいろ話しがあって、(4)段落最終文に laws という単語が出てきました。これもキーワードですね。

industrial societies began passing laws to end child labor.

1. allowed young people to study at home

2. made governments offer medical care to children

3. made the employment of children illegal

4. required all students to attend school

(4)段落最終文から考えて、選択肢3. が正解のようですね。キーワードに注目し、そこから本文のどの部分に設問の該当部分があるのかがつかめれば、解答を導き出すのはさほど難しくはありませんね。



問題次の文章を読み、下の問の(   )に入れるのに最も適当なものを、下の1~4のうちから1つ選べ。

(5) A final factor has been the rise of “youth culture.” The development of new technologies in the twentieth century meant a need for greater skills and rapid growth of secondary and higher education. By 1930, a majority of teenagers in America were enrolled in high school; by 1960,
more than forty percent of American high school graduates were going on to university. As the time between childhood and adulthood became longer, psychologists emphasized the importance of “adolescence,” a period when individuals are most open to the world and make crucial decisions about their futures. But as the young spent more time with their peers, youth developed a culture – music, fashion, even language – independent of adult society.

Paragraph (5) argues that youth culture emerged because (  ).

1 students had greater time to interact with each other
2 students lost their interest in going to school
3 university education was expanding too quickly
4 young people became more intelligent than adults



Paragraph (5) argues that youth culture emerged because (  ).
「(5)段落では、(  )という理由で若者文化が出現した、と主張している」

本文を読んでいくと But という単語が出てきました。「逆接の接続詞」です。これが出てくればその後ろが大切でしたね。話者の主張があるはずです。しかもその文には as という「理由」をあらわす接続詞も含まれています。これは設問の該当部分で間違いないでしょう。確認してみましょう。

But as the young spent more time with their peers, youth developed a culture

1. students had greater time to interact with each other

2. students lost their interest in going to school

3. university education was expanding too quickly

4. young people became more intelligent than adults

(5)段落の中で注目した文空考えると正解は選択肢1. だと分かりますね。途中で大学進学率が上がった的な話が出てきましたので、選択肢3. と考えた人もいたかもしれません。

しかし too に注目すればこの選択肢が間違いであることが分かります。too というのは「~しすぎる」という意味で、その裏に「~できない」という意味が隠れているのです。設問の(  )の中に選択肢3. の文を入れてしまうと意味がかみ合いませんね。



問題次の文章を読み、下の問の(   )に入れるのに最も適当なものを、下の1~4のうちから1つ選べ。

(6) Present-day ideas about childhood and youth have undoubtedly had an effect on adults. Movies, television, and music are increasingly aimed at the young and have influenced society as a whole. Many adults imitate the young. They were clothing – jeans and T-shirts – associated with youth, and try to keep their youthful looks.
(7) Adults have become like adolescents in another way. While technological change creates new products and jobs, this process also means that skills which adults have learned may become out of date, Adults can find themselves in the same position as adolescents: they must be ready to make decisions about their futures, learn new skills or start new jobs. Attitudes associated with adolescence, such as a willingness to explore new options, are increasingly common among adults.

Towards the end of the passage, the writer states that (  ).

1. adults, like the young, now need to be flexible about their futures
2. many forms of entertainment are being aimed at the middle-aged
3. people should continue to look young by wearing casual clothes
4. young people develop new thoughts and ideas to appeal to adults



Towards the end of the passage, the writer states that (  ).
「その文章の最後で、筆者は(  )と述べている」


その中で must という単語が出てきました。「~すべき」という意味で、話者の主張をあらわす言葉です。注意して読み進めましよう。

they must be ready to make decisions about their futures, learn new skills or start new jobs.

1. adults, like the young, now need to be flexible about their futures

2. many forms of entertainment are being aimed at the middle-aged

3. people should continue to look young by wearing casual clothes

4. young people develop new thoughts and ideas to appeal to adults

本文中で注目した文から考えると、選択肢1. が正解のようですね。ただ、これは意味が同じであることは少し分かりづらいと思います。そのため直接正解の選択肢を選び出すのではなく、消去法を使う必要があるかもしれません。

選択肢2. については an effect on adults とあります。この effect の意味を取り違えると間違えてしいまいます。意味は「影響」です。大人には影響がきているだけで、大人たち向けに作られているわけではないんですね。少しややこしいですが、そういうことでこの選択肢はダメです。

選択肢3. については They were clothing – jeans and T-shirts – associated with youth, and try to keep their youthful looks. の文から選んでしまう人がいるかも知れません。


選択肢4. については書かれていないですね。(6)(7)段落は大人の話ばっかりです。「若者は~すべき」なんて話は出てきていません。内容としてはいかにもありそうですが、この選択肢もダメです。

ということで、残った選択肢1. が正解となります。



問題次の文章を読み、下の問の(   )に入れるのに最も適当なものを、下の1~4のうちから1つ選べ。

(1) Today, we believe that essential aspects of character are formed in childhood and adolescence. We understand the young have different needs and experience the word differently from adults. We can even see that adults themselves have been influenced by a modern emphasis on youth. However, historically this wasn’t always so. The development of modern industrial societies has brought about a fundamental change in ideas about childhood and youth.
(2) As the historian Philippe Aries has pointed out, modern attitudes towards childhood and youth stand in contrast to views of the young in earlier periods. Aries has noted that many Europeans in the Middle Ages did not know when they were born or how old they actually were. The idea that one becomes an “adult” when one turns a certain age (for example, on one’s twentieth birthday) did not exist. Thus, the difference between childhood and adulthood was not clear, and children were often treated in the same way as adults. In medieval France, few children went to school and six-year-olds worked in the fields alongside their elders. Aries even
suggests that the concept of childhood itself did not exist in the Middle Ages.
(3) How did modern perceptions of childhood and youth develop? One important factor was the growth of trade and the rise of merchant cities, as happened in Renaissance Italy. The importance of providing the young with the skills necessary for trade was recognized by cites like Venice and Florence, which set up schools to teach reading, writing, and mathematics. As European nation-states emerged in the seventeenth century, the need for government officials – tax collectors, record keepers, and administrators – expanded. In France under Louis XIV, for example, increasing numbers of young people studied in the many academies created to meet this demand. The trend towards more education continued into the eighteenth century. By the late eighteenth century most children were going to school and spending more time apart
from adults.
(4) The increasing number of students receiving education brought about another important change of attitude. Eighteenth-century thinkers like Jean-Jacques Rousseau believed children should be allowed to develop according to their individual abilities and not be overly disciplined. Followers of Rousseau, like Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi, stressed the need for play if children were to grow into healthy adults. This emphasis on the needs of children led in turn to further changes. By the middle of the nineteenth century, industrial societies began passing laws to end child labor.
(5) A final factor has been the rise of “youth culture.” The development of new technologies in the twentieth century meant a need for greater skills and rapid growth of secondary and higher education. By 1930, a majority of teenagers in America were enrolled in high school; by 1960, more than forty percent of American high school graduates were going on to university. As the time between childhood and adulthood became longer, psychologists emphasized the importance of “adolescence,” a period when individuals are most open to the world and make crucial decisions about their futures. But as the young spent more time with their peers, youth developed a culture – music, fashion, even language – independent of adult society.
(6) Present-day ideas about childhood and youth have undoubtedly had an effect on adults. Movies, television, and music are increasingly aimed at the young and have influenced society as a whole. Many adults imitate the young. They were clothing – jeans and T-shirts – associated with youth, and try to keep their youthful looks.
(7) Adults have become like adolescents in another way. While technological change creates new products and jobs, this process also means that skills which adults have learned may become out of date, Adults can find themselves in the same position as adolescents: they must be ready to make decisions about their futures, learn new skills or start new jobs. Attitudes associated with adolescence, such as a willingness to explore new options, are increasingly common among adults.

When paragraphs (1) through (7) are divided into four groups, which grouping is the most appropriate? (  )

Group1 Group2 Group3 Group4
1 (1) (2)(3) (4)(5) (6)(7)
2 (1) (2) (3)(4)(5) (6)(7)
3 (1)(2) (3)(4) (5)(6) (7)
4 (1)(2) (3)(4)(5) (6) (7)


これまで問題を解きながら本文を読んでいけば、それぞれの段落のつながりは大体分かるでしょう。やっているうちに、「あ! ここで話が変わったな」と思うことがあるはずです。そういうときはいったんこの段落分け問題の選択肢に目を通し、消すことができる選択肢は消していくのがよいです。







(3)段落の One important factor / 1つの重要な要因
(4)段落の another important change / 別の重要な変化
(5)段落の A final factor / 最後の要因

この3つの段落・・・明らかに関係ありますね。ということは・・・選択肢を確認すると・・・(3)(4)(5)段落がグループになっているのは、選択肢 2. と 4. しかありませんね。つまり 1. と 3. はここで消すことができるのです。


それを踏まえて本文を見てみると、(2)段落では筆者の考えではなく、歴史家の Philippe Aries が出てきて、彼の考えが書かれています。また for example という言葉も使われて具体的な話になっているのが分かりますね。


ということで、正解は選択肢2. になります。


