
2010年度センター試験英語解説 共通テスト・センター試験英語解説


問題次の文は、同一の状況について二人の人物がそれぞれの観点から述べたものである。文章を読み、下の問いの(   )に入れるのに最も適当なものを、下の1~4のうちから1つ選べ。

Witness A :  I was standing at the bus stop opposite the gas station on Route 300, a four-lane road. That had always been a dangerous area, but it’s safer now because they recently put in traffic signals. There were two vehicles on the road approaching the signal. One was a small farm truck and the other a brand-new sports car. It was getting dark but the heavy rain had just stopped and there were no other cars around. Anyway, the truck and the sports car were driving side by side when the car started to swerve from side to side. I think the truck may have moved slightly to stay away from the car, but I’m not sure – I couldn’t take my eyes off the car. The signal was red, but instead of slowing down, the car sped ahead rapidly. The driver was going to go through the intersection when the light was red! And that’s when a van suddenly came into the intersection from the far side. It looked like they were going to hit, but they both turned away from each other at the last second and avoided a crash. But then the back doors of the van opened up and hundreds of soccer balls spilled out.

Witness B : I was walking on the side road toward Route 300 – coming to the intersection. I noticed that they had put up signals near the service station. This should help make the intersection safer. Suddenly, a van came up from behind me. It was strange – I could see inside the van and it was full of soccer balls! I had never seen anything like hat before. Anyway, as the van was approaching the signal, the light turned from green to yellow. But the driver went faster when he should have slowed down – he drove into the intersection where he almost hit a sports car. It was so lucky – the man was able to turn to the right and miss the car. I think the sports car turned too. Fortunately, there was no accident, but there were soccer balls all over the place.

Which of the following illustrations is the most appropriate for the reports above? (  )



Which of the following illustrations is the most appropriate for the reports above?


たとえば[S]の曲がる方向が違いますね。後は[V]が来た方向も違いますね。[T]は 2. では左折していますが、1.3.4.では止まっているんでしょうか? まぁ、こんなもんですか・・・後はおいおい本文を読みながら確認していくことになるでしょう。

Witness A の証言から見てみましょう・・・わかりましたか? 正直分かりにくいですね。

車が truck ・ ports car ・ van と3種類出てきて、それが入り乱れています。途中で the car が赤信号を無視して交差点に突っ込んでいったようなことを2度ほど言っていましたが、その the car が何の車を指しているのかがつかめていなかったら、少しつらいですね。

まぁ、一般的なイメージから sports car の方が無茶な運転をするだろうということもありますし、その辺を手助けにして読むのも、最終手段としてアリかも知れませんね。

あるいは I think the truck may have moved slightly to stay away from the car, という文から the car は truck ではない、と判断するのも1つの方法でしょう。すると「スポーツカー」がおとなしく信号で止まっている 2. は違うということになりますね。

ただまぁ、本当に the car が sports car を指すのかどうかが判断し切れていないのなら、2. は疑わしいけれど消すのは保留にしておいてもよいでしょう。

引き続き Witness B の証言に目を通しましょう。
こちらの証言は分かりやすいですね。出てくる車の種類が sports car と van の2種類だけというのもよいです。 注目する発言はこれです。

a van came up from behind me.

図を確認すれば Witness B の後ろからバンが来ているのは 2 と 4 ですね。この時点で 1 と 3 は消すことができそうです。


he almost hit a sports car.
「彼 (バン) はスポーツカーとほとんどぶつかるところだった」

これで 4. 決定ですかね。2. はぶつかりそうに見えないですし・・・


I think the sports car turned too.

ということで、スポーツカーが曲がっているのは選択肢の 4. ですので、これが正解ですね。



問題次の文は、同一の状況について二人の人物がそれぞれの観点から述べたものである。文章を読み、下の問いの(   )に入れるのに最も適当なものを、下の1~4のうちから1つ選べ。

Witness A :  I was standing at the bus stop opposite the gas station on Route 300, a four-lane road. That had always been a dangerous area, but it’s safer now because they recently put in traffic signals. There were two vehicles on the road approaching the signal. One was a small farm truck and the other a brand-new sports car. It was getting dark but the heavy rain had just stopped and there were no other cars around. Anyway, the truck and the sports car were driving side by side when the car started to swerve from side to side. I think the truck may have moved slightly to stay away from the car, but I’m not sure – I couldn’t take my eyes off the car. The signal was red, but instead of slowing down, the car sped ahead rapidly. The driver was going to go through the intersection when the light was red! And that’s when a van suddenly came into the intersection from the far side. It looked like they were going to hit, but they both turned away from each other at the last second and avoided a crash. But then the back doors of the van opened up and hundreds of soccer balls spilled out.

Witness B : I was walking on the side road toward Route 300 – coming to the intersection. I noticed that they had put up signals near the service station. This should help make the intersection safer. Suddenly, a van came up from behind me. It was strange – I could see inside the van and it was full of soccer balls! I had never seen anything like hat before. Anyway, as the van was approaching the signal, the light turned from green to yellow. But the driver went faster when he should have slowed down – he drove into the intersection where he almost hit a sports car. It was so lucky – the man was able to turn to the right and miss the car. I think the sports car turned too. Fortunately, there was no accident, but there were soccer balls all over the place.

Based on what one of the witnesses said, we can assume it was (  ).

1. early in the morning and there were few cars
2. evening and the road was wet
3. late afternoon and Route 300 was full of cars
4. late at night and it was slippery



Based on what one of the witnesses said, we can assume it was (  ).
「目撃者の証言の1つによれば、私たちはそれは(  )だと思われる」

1. early in the morning and there were few cars

Aさんは It was getting dark と言っていますね。「暗くなる」・・・ということは「朝」じゃなくて「夕方」ですね。さらに there were no other cars around. と言っていましたのでこの選択肢は違いますね。

2. evening and the road was wet

Aさんが言っていた It was getting dark からは「夕方」が考えられます。また the heavy rain had just stopped と、「ちょうど雨がやんだ」と言っていますので、道は濡れていることが想像できますね。正解はこれでしょうか?

3. late afternoon and Route 300 was full of cars

Aさんの発言である there were no other cars around. により、この選択肢も違いますね。「トラック」と「スポーツカー」「バン」の3台では一杯とは言いませんからね。

4. late at night and it was slippery

これまたAさんの発言である It was getting dark から考えると違いますね。夜中だともともと暗いのだから、これ以上暗くなりようがありませんものね。



問題次の文は、同一の状況について二人の人物がそれぞれの観点から述べたものである。文章を読み、下の問いの(   )に入れるのに最も適当なものを、下の1~4のうちから1つ選べ。

Witness A :  I was standing at the bus stop opposite the gas station on Route 300, a four-lane road. That had always been a dangerous area, but it’s safer now because they recently put in traffic signals. There were two vehicles on the road approaching the signal. One was a small farm truck and the other a brand-new sports car. It was getting dark but the heavy rain had just stopped and there were no other cars around. Anyway, the truck and the sports car were driving side by side when the car started to swerve from side to side. I think the truck may have moved slightly to stay away from the car, but I’m not sure – I couldn’t take my eyes off the car. The signal was red, but instead of slowing down, the car sped ahead rapidly. The driver was going to go through the intersection when the light was red! And that’s when a van suddenly came into the intersection from the far side. It looked like they were going to hit, but they both turned away from each other at the last second and avoided a crash. But then the back doors of the van opened up and hundreds of soccer balls spilled out.

Witness B : I was walking on the side road toward Route 300 – coming to the intersection. I noticed that they had put up signals near the service station. This should help make the intersection safer. Suddenly, a van came up from behind me. It was strange – I could see inside the van and it was full of soccer balls! I had never seen anything like hat before. Anyway, as the van was approaching the signal, the light turned from green to yellow. But the driver went faster when he should have slowed down – he drove into the intersection where he almost hit a sports car. It was so lucky – the man was able to turn to the right and miss the car. I think the sports car turned too. Fortunately, there was no accident, but there were soccer balls all over the place.

Witness A is not really certain about (  ).

1. whether it had been raining heavily or not
2. whether or not the light was red
3. whether the truck tried to avoid the sports car
4. which direction the van came from



Witness A is not really certain about (  ).
「目撃者Aは (  ) について本当には確信していない」

ということは、この設問は Witness A: を読み終えたら、すぐ解答に向かうことができますね。あとは、not に注意してください。「確信していないですよ。」

1. whether it had been raining heavily or not

the heavy rain had just stopped と、本文で言い切っていますのでこれは違いますね。

2. whether or not the light was red

The signal was red と、これも本文で言い切っていますね。この選択肢も違います。

3. whether the truck tried to avoid the sports car


I think the truck may have moved slightly to stay away from the car, but I’m not sure

やはり逆接の接続詞 but の重要性がここでもいかされていますね。


I couldn’t take my eyes off the car.
「その車 (スポーツカー) から目が離せない」

ですが、take one’s eyes off ~ の形で「~から目を離す」という意味になります。基本的には否定文で使われるようです。しかし、スポーツカーを見ていたんだったらトラックも普通は目に入るだろうと思われるのですが・・・この辺でAさんが何を言っているのか混乱してしまった人がいたのではないでしょうか?

4. which direction the van came from

a van suddenly came into the intersection from the far side. と言っていますね。この選択肢もダメですね。

設問を読んで「確信していない」ものを探せばよい、とわかるのだから、そこから本文の may を見た瞬間に気づくことができれば言うことがないですね。さすがに I’m not sure が目に入れば、この周辺にヒントがあることが分かるでしょう。



問題次の文は、同一の状況について二人の人物がそれぞれの観点から述べたものである。文章を読み、下の問いの(   )に入れるのに最も適当なものを、下の1~4のうちから1つ選べ。

Witness A :  I was standing at the bus stop opposite the gas station on Route 300, a four-lane road. That had always been a dangerous area, but it’s safer now because they recently put in traffic signals. There were two vehicles on the road approaching the signal. One was a small farm truck and the other a brand-new sports car. It was getting dark but the heavy rain had just stopped and there were no other cars around. Anyway, the truck and the sports car were driving side by side when the car started to swerve from side to side. I think the truck may have moved slightly to stay away from the car, but I’m not sure – I couldn’t take my eyes off the car. The signal was red, but instead of slowing down, the car sped ahead rapidly. The driver was going to go through the intersection when the light was red! And that’s when a van suddenly came into the intersection from the far side. It looked like they were going to hit, but they both turned away from each other at the last second and avoided a crash. But then the back doors of the van opened up and hundreds of soccer balls spilled out.

Witness B : I was walking on the side road toward Route 300 – coming to the intersection. I noticed that they had put up signals near the service station. This should help make the intersection safer. Suddenly, a van came up from behind me. It was strange – I could see inside the van and it was full of soccer balls! I had never seen anything like hat before. Anyway, as the van was approaching the signal, the light turned from green to yellow. But the driver went faster when he should have slowed down – he drove into the intersection where he almost hit a sports car. It was so lucky – the man was able to turn to the right and miss the car. I think the sports car turned too. Fortunately, there was no accident, but there were soccer balls all over the place.

Witness A probably thinks that there was almost an accident because of
(  ).

1. the new traffic signals at the intersection
2. the sports car ignoring the traffic signal
3. the truck moving to avoid the sports car
4. the van going too fast for the area



Witness A probably thinks that there was almost an accident because of (  ).
目撃者Aは(  )が原因で事故事故の大部分が起こったとおそらく考えています。

目撃者Aが考える事故原因ですね。これも Witness A: を読み終われば解答できますね。

1. the new traffic signals at the intersection


That had always been a dangerous area, but it’s safer now because they recently put in traffic signals.

but の前に dangerous 後ろに safer があります。何度も出てきますが、逆説の接続詞の後ろが特に大切です。以前は危険でしたが、今は安全になったと言うことがかかれてあります。

そしてその理由が because they recently put in traffic signals. ということですね。信号機は事故原因だなんて言っていません。むしろ逆にそれができて、安全になったと言っています。選択肢1. は消すことができますね。

2. the sports car ignoring the traffic signal


The signal was red, but instead of slowing down, the car sped ahead rapidly. The driver was going to go through the intersection when the light was red! And that’s when a van suddenly came into the intersection from the far side. It looked like they were going to hit

the car と The driver は「スポーツカー」のことです。(これがつかめているかどうかが分かれ道ですね) 2回も信号が red なのに「スポーツカー」が交差点に突っこんでいったことを言っています。そして「向こう側から来たバンとぶつかりそうになった」と言っています。これが正解のようです。


3. the truck moving to avoid the sports car


I think the truck may have moved slightly to stay away from the car, but I’m not sure


4. the van going too fast for the area


And that’s when a van suddenly came into the intersection from the far side. It looked like they were going to hit
そして、その時、突然、向こう側からバンが交差点に入ってきました。 それらがぶつかろうとしていたように見えた





問題次の文は、同一の状況について二人の人物がそれぞれの観点から述べたものである。文章を読み、下の問いの(   )に入れるのに最も適当なものを、下の1~4のうちから1つ選べ。

Witness A :  I was standing at the bus stop opposite the gas station on Route 300, a four-lane road. That had always been a dangerous area, but it’s safer now because they recently put in traffic signals. There were two vehicles on the road approaching the signal. One was a small farm truck and the other a brand-new sports car. It was getting dark but the heavy rain had just stopped and there were no other cars around. Anyway, the truck and the sports car were driving side by side when the car started to swerve from side to side. I think the truck may have moved slightly to stay away from the car, but I’m not sure – I couldn’t take my eyes off the car. The signal was red, but instead of slowing down, the car sped ahead rapidly. The driver was going to go through the intersection when the light was red! And that’s when a van suddenly came into the intersection from the far side. It looked like they were going to hit, but they both turned away from each other at the last second and avoided a crash. But then the back doors of the van opened up and hundreds of soccer balls spilled out.

Witness B : I was walking on the side road toward Route 300 – coming to the intersection. I noticed that they had put up signals near the service station. This should help make the intersection safer. Suddenly, a van came up from behind me. It was strange – I could see inside the van and it was full of soccer balls! I had never seen anything like hat before. Anyway, as the van was approaching the signal, the light turned from green to yellow. But the driver went faster when he should have slowed down – he drove into the intersection where he almost hit a sports car. It was so lucky – the man was able to turn to the right and miss the car. I think the sports car turned too. Fortunately, there was no accident, but there were soccer balls all over the place.

Witness B probably thinks that there was almost an accident because of (  ).

1. the sports car speeding through the intersection
2. the traffic signals that were put up recently
3. the truck turning away from the sports car
4. the van driver driving dangerously



Witness B probably thinks that there was almost an accident because of (  ).
目撃者Bは(  )が原因で事故事故の大部分が起こったとおそらく考えています。

目撃者Bが考える事故原因ですね。これは Witness B: を読んで解答する設問になります。

1. the sports car speeding through the intersection

スポーツカーの挙動については最後の方でちよっと語られているくらいですね。I think the sports car turned too. にあるとおり、そのスピードについては何も書いていませんので、この選択肢は違いそうですね。

2. the traffic signals that were put up recently


I noticed that they had put up signals near the service station. This should help make the intersection safer.
彼らがサービスステーションの近くに信号を出していることに気づきました。 これにより、交差点がより安全になります。


3. the truck turning away from the sports car

トラックに関しては一切語られていませんね。しかもトラックが曲がると言うことは問1で 2. を選んでいるはずです。そこで間違えていなければここでも間違えるはずがありません。

4. the van driver driving dangerously


Anyway, as the van was approaching the signal, the light turned from green to yellow. But the driver went faster when he should have slowed down


ただ、それよりももっと大きなヒントがこの部分に隠されています。それは逆接の接続詞 But です。何度も言われているように、逆接の接続詞の後ろには話者の主張がある可能性大です。しかもこの文には
should という話者の主張をあらわす助動詞も含まれているではありませんか。






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