
2007年度センター試験英語解説 共通テスト・センター試験英語解説


問題次の英文は、テレビゲームの影響について、クラスで行われたディスカッションの一部である。文中の(   )に入れるのに最も適当なものを下の1~4のうちから1つ選べ。

Moderator : More and more young people are fascinated by video games. These games influence teenagers both positively and negatively. Today, I would like to invite your opinions on this topic.

Brian : Thank you. I’d like to express my view on video games. Sometimes, teenagers who enjoy playing video games seem likely to attempt the tricks that they see. This could lead to serious injuries. On the other hand, playing certain video games allows people to gain skill in using their eyes and hands at the same time. Having such skills can help young people increase their enjoyment of sports activities.

Moderator : So, Brian, you are saying that video games are helpful in (  ).

1. developing concentration
2. getting serious injuries
3. improving physical responses
4. promoting eyesight


筆者 (話者) の主張は最後にあることが多いです。最後の英文を見てみると、こうあります。

Having such skills can help young people increase their enjoyment of sports activities.



1. developing concentration
2. getting serious injuries
3. improving physical responses
4. promoting eyesight

テレビゲームによって身につく技術ですが、まず2.はまったく見当違いですね。4. は常識で考えると、逆に視力は落ちそうですよね。1. は少し迷うところですが、集中力は技術とは違いますね。

3. の生体反応の改良・・・と書くとなにやらわからなくなりますが、本文にも書いてありますが、「目と手を同時に使う」練習をすることで、反射神経も良くなるんじゃないのですか? という話です。まぁこれなら納得いきますね。



問題次の英文は、テレビゲームの影響について、クラスで行われたディスカッションの一部である。文中の(   ) に入れるのに最も適当なものを下の1~4のうちから1つ選べ。

Madoka : It is true some video games have cool characters who perform neat tricks, and kids try to imitate them. But I think video games could also influence teenagers in a positive way. I’ve read some studies which say that playing video games encourages you to try harder and achieve more. For example, when you’re playing a game and you lose, you might keep on trying to master it until you succeed.

Moderator : You and Brian have offered different opinions. Okay, Madoka,
your view is that (  ).

1. imitating characters can teach us manners
2. neat tricks teach you cool ideas
3. video games help you learn to never give up
4. video games help you make more profits



For example, when you’re playing a game and you lose, you might keep on trying to master it until you succeed.

・keep on ~ing / ~し続ける


1. imitating characters can teach us manners
2. neat tricks teach you cool ideas
3. video games help you learn to never give up
4. video games help you make more profits




問題次の英文は、テレビゲームの影響について、クラスで行われたディスカッションの一部である。文中の (   ) に入れるのに最も適当なものを下の1~4のうちから1つ選べ。

Moderator : Are there any other views which we should consider?

Joe : Video games definitely influence some teenagers in bad ways. There was an incident in which two teenagers were found with a rifle in their home. They had used it to shoot at trucks passing by, and had killed a man. It seems that they were influenced by a video games. Parents should check the content of video games before buying them for their children. They need to take an active role in determining what their children are allowed to play.

Moderator : Thank you, Joe. You have mentioned one negative aspect of video games. What you said is that (  ).

1. children cannot stop playing video games, and sit indoors all day long, resulting in poor health
2. children who play many video games can understand the difference between reality and virtual reality
3. people kill other people because they believe that they will come back to life again by pressing the reset button
4. video games may make children imitate improper behavior, so parents should choose games carefully



They need to take an active role in determining what their children are allowed to play.
彼ら (両親) は遊ぶことを子供たちに許すかを決める積極的な役割を果たす必要がある

・what は先行詞を含む、関係代名詞になります。

選択肢の意味は こうなっています。

1. children cannot stop playing video games, and sit indoors all day long, resulting in poor health
2. children who play many video games can understand the difference between reality and virtual reality
3. people kill other people because they believe that they will come back to life again by pressing the reset button
4. video games may make children imitate improper behavior, so parents should choose games carefully


