【解説】H30 英語共通テスト試行調査 第6問B

共通テスト試行調査 共通テスト・センター試験英語解説


You are studying about world ecological problems. You are going to read the following article to understand what has happened in Yellowstone National Park.

Yellowstone National Park, located in the northern United States, became the world’s first national park in 1872. One of the major attractions of this 2.2-millionacre park is the large variety of animals. Some people say that Yellowstone is the best place in the world to see wolves. As of December 2016, there were at least 108 wolves and 11 packs (social families) in the park. By the 1940s, however, wolves had almost disappeared from Yellowstone National Park. Today, these wolves are back and doing well. Why have they returned?
The wolves’ numbers had declined by the 1920s through hunting, which was not regulated by the government. Ranchers on large farms raising cattle, horses, and sheep did not like wolves because they killed their animals. When the wolves were on the point of being wiped out by hunting, another problem arose— the elk herds increased in number. Elk, a large species of deer, are the wolves’ principal source of food in the winter. The elk populations grew so large that they upset the balance of the local ecosystem by eating many plants. People may like to see elk, but scientists were worried about the damage caused by the overly large population.
To solve this problem, the U.S. government announced their intention to release young wolves brought from Canada. It was hoped that the wolves would hunt the elk and help bring down the population. However, because many ranchers were against bringing back wolves, it took about 20 years for the government and the ranchers to agree on a plan. In 1974, a team was appointed to oversee the reintroduction of wolves. The government published official recovery plans in 1982, 1985, and finally in 1987. After a long period of research, an official environmental impact statement was issued and 31 wolves were released into Yellowstone from 1995 to 1996.
This project to reduce the number of elk was a great success. By 2006, the estimated wolf population in Yellowstone National Park was more than 100. Furthermore, observers believe that the wolves have been responsible for a decline in the elk population from nearly 20,000 to less than 10,000 during the first 10 years following their introduction. As a result, a lot of plants have started to grow back. The hunting of wolves is even allowed again because of the risk from wolves to ranchers’ animals. While hunting wolves because they are perceived as a threat may seem like an obvious solution, it may cause new problems. As a study published in 2014 suggested, hunting wolves might increase the frequency of wolves killing ranchers’ animals. If the leader of a wolf pack is killed, the pack may break up. Smaller packs or individual wolves may then attack ranchers’ animals. Therefore, there is now a restriction on how many wolves can be hunted. Such measures are important for long-term management of wolf populations.

問1 The decline of wolves in Yellowstone National Park in the early 1900s resulted in (  ).
1. a decrease in the number of hunters, which was good for the wolves
2. a decrease in the number of ranchers, which reduced the human population
3. an increase in the number of elk, which damaged the local ecosystem
4. an increase in the number of trees and plants, which helped elk to hide

問2 Out of the following four graphs, which illustrates the situation the best?

問3 According to the article, which two of the following tell us about the current situation in the park? (Choose two options. The order does not matter.)
1. More travelers are visiting the park than thirty years ago.
2. One species was saved but another has become extinct instead.
3. People have started hunting wolves around this area again.
4. The park has both wolves and elk, as well as rich vegetation.
5. There is a new rule to reduce the elk population in the park.

問4 The best title for this article is (  ).
1. A Decrease in the Number of Ranchers’ Animals
2. Addressing Problems With Nature’s Balance
3. Nature Conservation Around the World
4. Releasing Elk in National Parks


【解説】問1 正解率 55.9%

問題問1 The decline of wolves in Yellowstone National Park in the early 1900s resulted in (  ).
「1900年代の初め、イエローストーン国立公園のオオカミが減少した結果、(  ) が発生しました」

1. a decrease in the number of hunters, which was good for the wolves
2. a decrease in the number of ranchers, which reduced the human population
3. an increase in the number of elk, which damaged the local ecosystem
4. an increase in the number of trees and plants, which helped elk to hide




the elk herds increased in number


The elk populations grew so large that they upset the balance of the local ecosystem by eating many plants.


【解説】問2 正解率 36.9%

問2 Out of the following four graphs, which illustrates the situation the best?


31 wolves were released into Yellowstone from 1995 to 1996.

ということは、1996年の時点でオオカミはイエローストーンに存在しているわけです。「3」と「4」のグラフの wolves に注目してください。1996年の wolves の数は 0 になっています。そのあとに増えていますので、放された瞬間にオオカミが絶滅なんてことはありませんよね。



Furthermore, observers believe that the wolves have been responsible for a decline in the elk population from nearly 20,000 to less than 10,000 during the first 10 years following their introduction.



【解説】問3 正解率 17.5%

問題問3 According to the article, which two of the following tell us about the current situation in the park? (Choose two options. The order does not matter.)
「記事によると、次のうちどれが公園の現在の状況について教えてくれますか? (2つのオプションを選択してください。順序は関係ありません)」

1. More travelers are visiting the park than thirty years ago.


2. One species was saved but another has become extinct instead.

オオカミの代わりにエルクが絶滅したということでしょうか? 違いますね。


By the 1940s, however, wolves had almost disappeared from Yellowstone National Park.

しかし、これは「the current situation / 現在の状況」ではありませんよね。この current がなければ、家畜の代わりにオオカミが絶滅したと考えて、ありっちゃありなのかな?

でも almost disappeared は絶滅とは違いますよね。いやグラフを見ると1987年の時点では絶滅しているんでしょうか。そんなこんなで、この選択肢を選んだ人がいたのかもしれません。

3. People have started hunting wolves around this area again.


The hunting of wolves is even allowed again because of the risk from wolves to ranchers’ animals.


4. The park has both wolves and elk, as well as rich vegetation.


As a result, a lot of plants have started to grow back.


As of December 2016, there were at least 108 wolves and 11 packs (social families) in the park.
「2016年12月現在、公園には少なくとも108匹のオオカミと11パック (社会家族) がいた」



5. There is a new rule to reduce the elk population in the park.




【解説】問4 正解率 51.8%

問題問4 The best title for this article is (  ).


1. A Decrease in the Number of Ranchers’ Animals
4. Releasing Elk in National Parks


2. Addressing Problems With Nature’s Balance
3. Nature Conservation Around the World




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