
2016年度センター試験英語解説 共通テスト・センター試験英語解説


問題次の物語を読み、下の問いの (  ) に入れるのに最も適当なものを、下の1~4のうちから一つ選べ。

“No one thought I would amount to much,” Uncle John said, as he stood in the kitchen, showing me how he put together an award-winning four-course dinner. I had just graduated from university, and this dinner was his gift to me. It felt great to have a well-known chef cooking for me. On top of this, I was excited because in a few days he was going to compete in The Big-Time Cook Off, a nationwide TV cooking contest.

At the beginning of the story, Uncle John was (  ).

1. cooking for The Big-Time Cook Off
2. making a special meal for Mike
3. training Mike for the contest
4. trying to improve his recipes


At the beginning of the story, Uncle John was (  ).
「物語の始めに、ジョンおじさんは(  )」

1. cooking for The Big-Time Cook Off
「The Big-Time Cook Off のために料理を作っていた」

The Big-Time Cook Off については、こうあります。

On top of this, I was excited because in a few days he was going to compete in The Big-Time Cook Off, a nationwide TV cooking contest.
「これに加えて、数日後彼は全国的なテレビ料理コンテスト、The Big-Time Cook Off に出場することになっていたので、私は興奮しました」

on top this で「これに加えて」の意味です。後ろに来る内容を強調する表現です。

The Big-Time Cook Off に出場しますが、そのための料理を作っていたのではありません。この選択肢は違います。

2. making a special meal for Mike


I had just graduated from university, and this dinner was his gift to me.


3. training Mike for the contest


showing me how he put together an award-winning four-course dinner.
「受賞歴のある four-course dinner をどうやって組み立てたかを、わたしに見せてくれながら」



4. trying to improve his recipes




問題次の物語を読み、下の問いの (  ) に入れるのに最も適当なものを、下の1~4のうちから一つ選べ。

When Uncle John was young, his family lived in the countryside. His mother taught at a local school, but when John was 10, she had to quit to take care of her elderly mother. Until then, his father had been kind and had had enough time to play with John and his two younger sisters. But as bills kept piling up, the family got into trouble. John’s father finally had to take a job in a city far away, so he could only come home on the weekends.
Gradually, because of his busy work schedule, John’s father began looking tired whenever he came home.

Uncle John’s father began working in the city because (  ).

1. he was tired of living in the countryside
2. it was easier to spend time with his father
3. the family needed more money for living
4. Uncle John’s mother had become sick


Uncle John’s father began working in the city because (  ).
「ジョンおじさんの父親は、街で働き始めました。なぜなら (  )」

1. he was tired of living in the countryside

tired に関しては、本文にこうあります。

Gradually, because of his busy work schedule, John’s father began looking tired whenever he came home.


2. it was easier to spend time with his father


Until then, his father had been kind and had had enough time to play with John and his two younger sisters.



3. the family needed more money for living


John’s father finally had to take a job in a city far away


But as bills kept piling up, the family got into trouble.


4. Uncle John’s mother had become sick


but when John was 10, she had to quit to take care of her elderly mother.




問題次の物語を読み、下の問いの (  ) に入れるのに最も適当なものを、下の1~4のうちから一つ選べ。

Gradually, because of his busy work schedule, John’s father began looking tired whenever he came home. To tell the truth, he had changed from being good-humored to being in a bad mood all the time. When he was home, he just wanted to rest. He often scolded John for small things. Wanting to be accepted by his father, John tried to do his best but never felt he was good enough. Eventually, he started avoiding his father. He began hanging out at the shopping mall with friends, sometimes skipping his classes. Little by little John’s grades got worse. His parents and teachers were worried about his future.
Why were Uncle John’s parents and teachers worried about his future?

1. He just wanted to rest at home.
2. He lost interest in studying.
3. He stopped avoiding his father.
4. He was no longer good-humored.


Why were Uncle John’s parents and teachers worried about his future?


His parents and teachers were worried about his future.


Little by little John’s grades got worse.


1. He just wanted to rest at home.

Gradually, because of his busy work schedule, John’s father began looking tired whenever he came home.

こういう状況なので、ジョンの父親は家で休みたいと思ったでしょう。しかし設問から考えて、選択肢の He が指しているのはジョン自身です。ということで、この選択肢は違います。

2. He lost interest in studying.


He began hanging out at the shopping mall with friends, sometimes skipping his classes.


3. He stopped avoiding his father.

avoiding に関して、本文にこうあります。

Eventually, he started avoiding his father.


4. He was no longer good-humored.


To tell the truth, he had changed from being good-humored to being in a bad mood all the time.

本文の he はジョンの父親です。しかし設問から考えて、選択肢の He が指しているのはジョン自身です。ジョン自身の機嫌の良し悪しという話はありませんので、この選択肢は違います。



問題次の物語を読み、下の問いの (  ) に入れるのに最も適当なものを、下の1~4のうちから一つ選べ。

One Sunday morning, while John’s mom was out taking care of her own mother, his father was napping in the TV room. John’s sisters were hungry, so John started to cook something for them. He was not sure how cook, but he did not want to bother his father.
Suddenly, the kitchen door opened, and his father was standing there. “Dad, I’m sorry if I woke you up. Chelsea and Jessica are hungry, and I was trying to cook them some eggs.” His dad looked at him seriously for a moment. “Eggs? Eggs aren’t good for lunch on a beautiful Sunday like today. Let’s grill some steaks in the backyard.” “Are you sure? You must be tired.” “It’s OK. I like cooking. It reminds me of my college days when I worked part-time as a cook. I’ll show you how to prepare delicious steaks.”
To John’s surprise, his father became energetic when he started cooking. He took John aside and explained to him in detail that cooking was, in a way, like a science project. “You need to measure that ingredients precisely and know which items go together. If you master this, you can provide pleasure for a great many people.” John felt close to his father for the first time in a long time. From then on, John spent more time at home. He started cooking for his family regularly, and then later for his friends at college. John always felt happy when he cooked, and this happiness spilled over into other areas of his life.
Uncle John worked his way through college with jobs in restaurants, and eventually he became a chef at a famous restaurant. He really liked the job and worked hard developing his own special techniques. He was finally able to open his own restaurant serving his unique style of food. He won several awards and cooked for the rich and famous.
This brings us back to the contest. Uncle John and I were excited about his being selected. Yet, he shared something really touching with me there in the kitchen. “You know, Mike,” Uncle John said, “I’m thrilled to be able to go on TV as a part of The Big-Time Cook Off. But what makes me the happiest is to stand here with you, one of the people I care about, and talk─just you and me. It’s exactly like what my dad did for me one fine day in summer, so many years ago. And that made all the difference in my life.”

What helped to change Uncle John’s life the most?

1. Eating an award-winning dinner with his friends
2. Entering cooking contests such as The Big-Time Cook Off
3. Making a connection with his father through cooking
4. Spending time talking with Mike in the kitchen


What helped to change Uncle John’s life the most?

1. Eating an award-winning dinner with his friends


He started cooking for his family regularly, and then later for his friends at college.

その当時はまだ受賞はしていません。また、第一段落で an award-winning four-course dinner をマイクに作っていますが、マイクは友達ではなく、「おい」です。


2. Entering cooking contests such as The Big-Time Cook Off
「The Big-Time Cook Off などの料理コンテストへの参加」


Uncle John and I were excited about his being selected.

確かに The Big-Time Cook Off に参加できることは、彼の人生を変えるかもしれません。ですが、それは先の話です。問題は過去形ですから、すでに起こったことが答えにになります。


3. Making a connection with his father through cooking



and this happiness spilled over into other areas of his life.


4. Spending time talking with Mike in the kitchen


But what makes me the happiest is to stand here with you, one of the people I care about, and talk─just you and me.


And that made all the difference in my life.


It’s exactly like what my dad did for me one fine day in summer, so many years ago.

つまりジョンの父がしてくれたことが、ジョンおじさんの人生を変えたのです。それは先ほど選択肢 3. で確認した内容ですね。ということで、この選択肢は違います。



問題次の物語を読み、下の問いの (  ) に入れるのに最も適当なものを、下の1~4のうちから一つ選べ。

“No one thought I would amount to much,” Uncle John said, as he stood in the kitchen, showing me how he put together an award-winning four-course dinner. I had just graduated from university, and this dinner was his gift to me. It felt great to have a well-known chef cooking for me. On top of this, I was excited because in a few days he was going to compete in The Big-Time Cook Off, a nationwide TV cooking contest.

When Uncle John was young, his family lived in the countryside. His mother taught at a local school, but when John was 10, she had to quit to take care of her elderly mother. Until then, his father had been kind and had had enough time to play with John and his two younger sisters. But as bills kept piling up, the family got into trouble. John’s father finally had to take a job in a city far away, so he could only come home on the weekends.

Gradually, because of his busy work schedule, John’s father began looking tired whenever he came home. To tell the truth, he had changed from being good-humored to being in a bad mood all the time. When he was home, he just wanted to rest. He often scolded John for small things. Wanting to be accepted by his father, John tried to do his best but never felt he was good enough. Eventually, he started avoiding his father. He began hanging out at the shopping mall with friends, sometimes skipping his classes. Little by little John’s grades got worse. His parents and teachers were worried about his future.

One Sunday morning, while John’s mom was out taking care of her own mother, his father was napping in the TV room. John’s sisters were hungry, so John started to cook something for them. He was not sure how cook, but he did not want to bother his father.

Suddenly, the kitchen door opened, and his father was standing there. “Dad, I’m sorry if I woke you up. Chelsea and Jessica are hungry, and I was trying to cook them some eggs.” His dad looked at him seriously for a moment. “Eggs? Eggs aren’t good for lunch on a beautiful Sunday like today. Let’s grill some steaks in the backyard.” “Are you sure? You must be tired.” “It’s OK. I like cooking. It reminds me of my college days when I worked part-time as a cook. I’ll show you how to prepare delicious steaks.”

To John’s surprise, his father became energetic when he started cooking. He took John aside and explained to him in detail that cooking was, in a way, like a science project. “You need to measure that ingredients precisely and know which items go together. If you master this, you can provide pleasure for a great many people.” John felt close to his father for the first time in a long time. From then on, John spent more time at home. He started cooking for his family regularly, and then later for his friends at college. John always felt happy when he cooked, and this happiness spilled over into other areas of his life.

Uncle John worked his way through college with jobs in restaurants, and eventually he became a chef at a famous restaurant. He really liked the job and worked hard developing his own special techniques. He was finally able to open his own restaurant serving his unique style of food. He won several awards and cooked for the rich and famous.

This brings us back to the contest. Uncle John and I were excited about his being selected. Yet, he shared something really touching with me there in the kitchen. “You know, Mike,” Uncle John said, “I’m thrilled to be able to go on TV as a part of The Big-Time Cook Off. But what makes me the happiest is to stand here with you, one of the people I care about, and talk─just you and me. It’s exactly like what my dad did for me one fine day in summer, so many years ago. And that made all the difference in my life.”

What does Uncle John find most rewarding?

1. Developing unique four-course dinners for famous people
2. Having meaningful relationships with people close to him
3. Making people happy through cooking on TV shows
4. Serving many people delicious meals in his restaurant


What does Uncle John find most rewarding?

1. Developing unique four-course dinners for famous people
「有名人向けの独特な four-course dinners の開発」

Developing に関して、本文にこうあります。

He really liked the job and worked hard developing his own special techniques.


He won several awards and cooked for the rich and famous.


2. Having meaningful relationships with people close to him

But what makes me the happiest is to stand here with you, one of the people I care about, and talk─just you and me.


3. Making people happy through cooking on TV shows


I’m thrilled to be able to go on TV as a part of The Big-Time Cook Off.
「The Big-Time Cook Off の一環としてテレビに出演できることをとてもうれしく思います」

ですが、その直後に But があります。逆接の接続詞はその後ろにより重要なものが来ます。ということで、テレビに出演するよりももっとうれしいことが、次にくるはずです。それが先ほど確認した、選択肢 2. の内容です。


4. Serving many people delicious meals in his restaurant




鼻が乾いているネコです。中学生・高校生の英語を指導しています。そこで気づいたことや、みんながよくするミスをを踏まえて記事を書いています。英語参考書の出版経験あり。X や Facebook では、「お気楽英語」の更新情報をつぶやいたり、なんかそれらしいことをつぶやいたりしています。


