
2020年度センター試験英語解説 共通テスト・センター試験英語解説


問題次の文章はある説明文の一部である。この文章を読み、下の問いの (  ) に入れるのに最も適当なものを、それぞれ下の1~4のうちから1つずつ選べ。

Sports coaches and players are interested in how training programs can be designed to enhance performance. The order of practice potentially facilitates learning outcomes without increasing the amount of practice. A study was conducted to examine how different training schedules influence throwing performance.

In this study, elementary school students threw a tennis ball at a target laid on the floor. They threw the ball from three throwing locations at distances of 3, 4, and 5 meters from the target. The target consisted of the center (20 cm wide) and nine larger outer rings. They served as zones to indicate the accuracy of the throws. If the ball landed in one of the outer zones, 90, 80, 70, 60, 50, 40, 30, 20, or 10 points were recorded accordingly. If the ball landed outside of the target, no points were given. If the ball landed on a line separating two zones, the higher score was awarded.

What is the total score achieved by the five throws in this figure?


What is the total score achieved by the five throws in this figure?

この図のスコアは何点か? という問題ですね。



If the ball landed on a line separating two zones, the higher score was awarded.

ということで、80+50+50+30+20=230 で正解は、4. です。




問題次の文章はある説明文の一部である。この文章を読み、下の問いの (  ) に入れるのに最も適当なものを、それぞれ下の1~4のうちから1つずつ選べ。

The students were assigned to one of three practice groups: Blocked, Random, or Combined. All students were instructed to use an overarm throwing motion to try to hit the center of the target with the ball. On the first day of this study, they each completed a total of 81 practice throws. Students in the Blocked group threw 27 times from one of the three throwing locations, followed by 27 throws from the next location, and ended practice with 27 throws from the final location. In the Random group, each student threw the ball 81 times in the order of throwing locations that the researchers had specified. No more than two consecutive throws were allowed from the same location for this group. In the Combined group, the students started with a blocked schedule and gradually shifted to a random schedule. On the next day, all students completed a performance test of 12 throws.

Which of the following statements is true about the experiment?

1. Eighty-one throws were made from the same initial throwing location in the Blocked group.
2. The distance from the target remained unchanged during the entire experiment for the Combined group.
3. The set of throws from the same location involved various ways of throwing for the Combined group.
4. Throwing three or more times in a row from the same location was against the rules for the Random group.


Which of the following statements is true about the experiment?

選択肢のうちでどれが正しいか? という問題です。

1. Eighty-one throws were made from the same initial throwing location in the Blocked group.
「Blocked group は最初の投てきと同じ場所から81回投げた」


Students in the Blocked group threw 27 times from one of the three throwing locations, followed by 27 throws from the next location, and ended practice with 27 throws from the final location.
「Blocked group の生徒は3つの投球場所の1つから27回投げ、次の場所から27回投げ、最後の場所から27回投げて練習を終了しました」


2. The distance from the target remained unchanged during the entire experiment for the Combined group.
「Combined group に対する実験全体の間、ターゲットからの距離は変化しませんでした」

Combined group に関しては、第三段落の最後あたりにこうあります。

In the Combined group, the students started with a blocked schedule and gradually shifted to a random schedule.
「Combined group では、生徒は blockedスケジュールから始め、徐々に randomスケジュールに移行しました」

Blocked group と一緒に最初はやるのですから、選択肢1. で見た通り、投げる場所は変えます。Random
group も場所を変えますので、どちらにしろこの選択肢は違います。

3. The set of throws from the same location involved various ways of throwing for the Combined group.
「Combined group に対して、同じ場所からの投てきのセットは様々な投てきの方法が含まれていた」


All students were instructed to use an overarm throwing motion to try to hit the center of the target with the ball.


4. Throwing three or more times in a row from the same location was against the rules for the Random group.
「同じ場所から3回以上連続して投げることは、Random group の規則に違反していました」


No more than two consecutive throws were allowed from the same location for this group.

ということで、正解は4. です。


問題次の文章はある説明文の一部である。この文章を読み、下の問いの (  ) に入れるのに最も適当なものを、それぞれ下の1~4のうちから1つずつ選べ。

Results showed that during the practice of 81 throws, the Blocked group performed worse than the other two groups. Performance test scores were also analyzed. The Combined group showed the best performance among the three groups, followed by the Random group and then by the Blocked group.

Which of the following statements is true about the results?

1. The Blocked group had the best score both during practice and on the performance test.
2. The Blocked group showed the worst score among the three groups on the performance test.
3. The Combined group showed lower accuracy than the Random group on the performance test.
4. The Random group had the lowest accuracy both during practice and on the performance test.


Which of the following statements is true about the results?

選択肢の中でどれが正しいか? という問題です。

ざっと選択肢に目を通すと、選択肢1. 4. は both during practice and on the performance test について書かれてあり、選択肢2. 3. は on the performance test のみについてのものです。


Results showed that during the practice of 81 throws, the Blocked group performed worse than the other two groups.
「結果は、81スローの練習中に、Blocked group は他の2つのグループよりもパフォーマンスが悪いことを示しました」

選択肢の1. 4. はこうなっています。

1. The Blocked group had the best score both during practice and on the performance test.
「Blocked group は、練習中とパフォーマンステストの両方で一番良いスコアでした」

4. The Random group had the lowest accuracy both during practice and on the performance test.
「Random group は、練習中とパフォーマンステストの両方で正確さが一番低かった」

練習中は Blocked group が一番悪かったのだから、これらの選択肢はともに違います。


The Combined group showed the best performance among the three groups, followed by the Random group and then by the Blocked group.
「Combined group は3つのグループの中で最高のパフォーマンスを示し、Random group 、Blocked group の順に続きました」

選択肢2. 3. はこうなっています。

2. The Blocked group showed the worst score among the three groups on the performance test.
「Blocked group は、パフォーマンステストで3つのグループの中で最悪のスコアを示しました」

3. The Combined group showed lower accuracy than the Random group on the performance test.
「Combined group は、パフォーマンステストで Random group よりも低い精度を示しました。」

本文の内容から、Combined group > Random group > Blocked group の順ですから、正解は2. です。



問題次の文章はある報告書の一部である。この文章とグラフを読み、下の問いの(  )に入れるのに最も適当なものを、それぞれ下の1~4のうちから1つずつ選べ。

It is still uncertain if similar results can be obtained for adults in training programs for other throwing actions, such as those seen in bowling, baseball, and basketball. This will be addressed in the following section.
(Esmaeel Saemi 他(2012) Practicing Along the Contextual Interference Continuum: A Comparison of Three Practice Schedules in an Elementary Physical Education Setting の一部を参考に作成)

What will most likely be discussed next in this report?

1. Mental imagery training of underhand throws
2. Observation of younger students’ movements
3. Overarm throws with eyes closed
4. Various kinds of throwing motions


What will most likely be discussed next in this report?


This will be addressed in the following section.

この文の This が指す内容が、この問題の答えです。指示語が指すものは直前にあることが多いです。

It is still uncertain if similar results can be obtained for adults in training programs for other throwing actions, such as those seen in bowling, baseball, and basketball.

今回は elementary school students による実験でした。また投げ方は overarm throwing motion 限定でしたね。なので、この実験の結果がそのまま、上記の例に当てはまるかどうかは分からない、という話です。


1. Mental imagery training of underhand throws


2. Observation of younger students’ movements

幼稚園ってことでしょうか? 本文では for adults とありますよね。これも違います。

3. Overarm throws with eyes closed


4. Various kinds of throwing motions

ボウリング、野球、バスケットボールでは、ボールを投げるという意味では同じですが、投げ方が違いますよね。これについて次のセクションで説明すると言っていますので、正解は選択肢4. です。


