
2016年度センター試験英語解説 共通テスト・センター試験英語解説


問題次の会話は、「異文化理解」をテーマとして、ある大学で行われた授業のやりとりの一部である。(  ) に入れるのに最も適当なものを、下の1~4のうちから一つ選べ。

Professor: Good morning. I’m sure everyone did the homework reading, so I want to begin today’s class on intercultural communication. My first question is “Why do we need to study intercultural communication?” Would anyone like to answer?

Student 1: Yes, I’ll try to answer that. People may think the way they do things or the way they view the world is “natural” and “correct.” When they encounter someone doing things differently, they regard it as “strange” or “wrong.” Having an awareness of intercultural communication can help us understand and deal with misunderstandings when they arise. I think it is especially important these days because people travel overseas for many reasons, such as work, study, or vacations. The opportunities to meet people from other countries have increased greatly. With this increased contact, there are more chances for trouble between people from different cultures.

Professor: Right. As you said, studying intercultural communication is useful because (  ).

1. intercultural knowledge encourages people to study in a foreign country
2. some way of living are considered to be more correct than others
3. there were many more cases of intercultural communication in the past
4. we can cope with cultural misunderstandings more easily and smoothly


As you said, studying intercultural communication is useful because (  ).
「あなたが言ったように、異文化コミュニケーションを学ぶことは (  ) のために有用です」


1. intercultural knowledge encourages people to study in a foreign country


I think it is especially important these days because people travel overseas for many reasons, such as work, study, or vacations.


2. some way of living are considered to be more correct than others


People may think the way they do things or the way they view the world is “natural” and “correct.”


3. there were many more cases of intercultural communication in the past


The opportunities to meet people from other countries have increased greatly.


4. we can cope with cultural misunderstandings more easily and smoothly


Having an awareness of intercultural communication can help us understand and deal with misunderstandings when they arise.




問題次の会話は、「異文化理解」をテーマとして、ある大学で行われた授業のやりとりの一部である。(  ) に入れるのに最も適当なものを、下の1~4のうちから一つ選べ。

Professor: Let’s move on to the concept of “culture.” You should know that because culture is all around us all the time, it is difficult to define. Therefore, we tend to discuss culture in terms of characteristics. Can anyone give an example of a cultural characteristic?

Student 2: The characteristic I found interesting is that people belonging to a culture have the same values, beliefs, and behaviors. Values are things that are felt to be of worth, like the Japanese concept of “mottainai.” Beliefs are things that people believe to be true, and these cover a wide variety of areas. For example, people in a culture might share beliefs about the kinds of foods that are unacceptable. Behavior is about people’s actions, and people in the same culture can often be seen behaving similarly.

Professor: That’s good explanation. That means (  ).

1. having the same beliefs as other cultural groups is important.
2. people from the same cultural group usually behave differently
3. people’s attitudes to food determine which cultures they are from
4. shared behaviors may make you a member of a cultural group


Student 2 の発言をまとめればよいです。

1. having the same beliefs as other cultural groups is important.


The characteristic I found interesting is that people belonging to a culture have the same values, beliefs, and behaviors.


2. people from the same cultural group usually behave differently

選択肢 1. で確認した内容もそうですし、さらに本文にこうあります。

Behavior is about people’s actions, and people in the same culture can often be seen behaving similarly.


3. people’s attitudes to food determine which cultures they are from


For example, people in a culture might share beliefs about the kinds of foods that are unacceptable.

内容としては大体あっていますね。ただ本文では「might / かもしれません」が入っていますから、選択肢の「determine / 決定する」が言葉として強すぎます。

4. shared behaviors may make you a member of a cultural group

選択肢 1. 2. で確認した通り、同じ文化グループの人は同じような行動をすることがあります。ということは同じ行動をとることは、同じグループと言えそうです。命題の逆ですね。

ただ命題が真だとしても、その逆が必ずしも真とは限りません。ですが、選択肢は「may / かもしれない」となっていますので、違う場合の保険がかけられています。

3. と 4. で迷うところですが、4. の方が助動詞がある分、解釈に余裕がありますので適当だと思われます。



問題次の会話は、「異文化理解」をテーマとして、ある大学で行われた授業のやりとりの一部である。(  ) に入れるのに最も適当なものを、下の1~4のうちから一つ選べ。

Student 3: Can I ask a question?

Professor: Of course.

Student 3: What about people who always seem to be different from those around them? Sometimes I don’t do things in the same way as my friends. So if we need to have the same behavior for group membership, does that mean those who are not the same aren’t members of their cultural group?

Professor: That’s a good question. To answer it we need to think in terms of cultural norms rather than individual examples.

Student 3: What is a cultural norm?

Professor: Well, a cultural norm is a rule or standard of behavior shared by members of a cultural group.

Student 3: Then what happens to the people who do not follow the cultural norms?

Professor: Well, they may belong to a smaller group, or a sub-cultural group, but that group is still considered to be part of the culture. This is true as long as their actions are within the acceptable limits of behavior for that particular culture.

Student 3: So, am I right in thinking that (  )?

Professor: Yes. I hope this has cleared things up for you. OK. I think we’re ready to move on and think about another characteristic of culture.

1. a culture contains groups that make up one large group
2. acting differently isn’t allowed for group membership
3. it is important to be in the group that follows the cultural norms
4. the number of sub-cultural groups should be limited


So, am I right in thinking that (  )?
「それでは、私が (  ) と考えているのは正しいですか」

これは今までとは傾向が変わって、Professor の発言内容をまとめる問題です。特に (  ) の直前の Professor の発言をしっかり確認するとよいです。

1. a culture contains groups that make up one large group


Well, they may belong to a smaller group, or a sub-cultural group, but that group is still considered to be part of the culture.


2. acting differently isn’t allowed for group membership

Student 3 が、こういう質問をしています。

So if we need to have the same behavior for group membership, does that mean those who are not the same aren’t members of their cultural group?

その質問に対する答えが、選択肢の 1. で確認した内容です。分かりづらい内容ですが、少なくとも「許されない」ということではありません。この選択肢は違います。

3. it is important to be in the group that follows the cultural norms
「cultural norms に従うグループに参加することが重要だ」

cultural norms に関してはこうあります。

Well, a cultural norm is a rule or standard of behavior shared by members of a cultural group.
まあ、cultural norms は、文化グループのメンバーが共有するルールまたは行動基準です。

グループが cultural norms に従うのではなく、グループの中に cultural norms があるということです。ということで、この選択肢は違います。

4. the number of sub-cultural groups should be limited

limit に関しては、本文にこうあります。

This is true as long as their actions are within the acceptable limits of behavior for that particular culture.

limit という単語はありますが、グループ数を制限するという話ではありません。この選択肢は違います。

この問題は消去法で絞っていくのが実践的ですね。1. と 2. で迷うところですが、2. の表現がきつすぎるので、正解は 1. かなぁ、という感じで選ぶことになるかと思います。



  1. まーちゃんごめんね より:




