
2012年度センター試験英語解説 共通テスト・センター試験英語解説


問題次の文章と図およびグラフを読み、下の問いに対する答えとして(  )に入れるのに最も適当なものを、それぞれ下の1~4のうちから1つずつ選べ。

Wood used in the construction of homes must be stable. That is, it must not change size too much. But wood from a tree that has just been cut down will shrink considerably over time. This shrinkage is caused by moisture (water) within the wood escaping into the atmosphere. The drying process of wood is known as “seasoning.” There are actually two ways to season wood. One way is to allow the natural drying process to occur. The other is to put it in a special oven called a kiln. Kiln drying is much faster than natural method.
During the seasoning process, water is removed from the wood until the moisture content of the wood is approximately equal to the humidity of the air around it. These changes in size due to shrinkage are not uniform because changes depend on the kinds of trees, the way trees are cut, and the surrounding conditions.
It is also important to note that even after seasoning, there will always be some small changes in size due to changes in the humidity of the surrounding air. For example, last year, I used a 230 mm wide piece of eastern white pine wood to make a cabinet door. It changed in width across the grain (Figure 1), shrinking by 2 mm from the original in the winter and expanding by 3 mm from the original in the summer.

figure 1 The eastern white pine wood used in the cabinet door

Between the winter and summer, what was the difference in width across the grain of the wood used in the cabinet door? (   )
1. 2mm
2. 3mm
3. 5mm
4. 8mm


Between the winter and summer, what was the difference in width across the grain of the wood used in the cabinet door?


今回の問題で言えば、winter / summer / in width across the grain / cabinet door などの言葉を頭の片隅に入れておいて本文を読んでいき、同じ表現か似た (言い換えられた) 表現がでてくれば、そこを重点的にチェックしていくという感じです。


shrinking by 2 mm from the original in the winter and expanding by 3 mm from the original in the summer.

となれば、もうわかりますね。夏と冬でどれだけ違うのか? というのが設問だったのですから、「2+3=5」で答えは3ですね。


あるいは設問中にある across the grain はfigure 1の図中にも描かれてありますから、本文中の(Figure 1)周辺にその該当部分があるのではないかと目当てをつけるのも1つの方法かもしれません。(いや、これはやり過ぎ?)

それはともかく、本文中に出ている「2mm」や「3mm」というものを見て、そのまま選択肢 1. や 2. を選ばないようにしましょう。図表読解で数字が絡んだ問題は(簡単な)計算がたいてい必要です。むしろ逆に「1. 2. は違う」と踏んでかかってもよいかもしれませんね。



問題次の文章と図およびグラフを読み、下の問いに対する答えとして(  )に入れるのに最も適当なものを、それぞれ下の1~4のうちから1つずつ選べ。

The moisture content of wood changes according to the seasons even when it is kept indoors. Wood is often painted to prevent sharp changes in moisture content, which cause expansion and shrinkage. However, no paint can completely block the passage of moisture. Paint only acts to slow down the transfer of moisture to or from the wood. As illustrated in the graph (Figure 2), the moisture content of unpainted wood inside a house may change according to the seasons from 4% to about 14%, while the moisture content of a painted piece kiln-dried wood in the same house will only vary around the 8% line. Wood that has been naturally dried to around 13% moisture content and then painted will continue to dry gradually until it reaches about the same percentage of moisture as painted kiln-dried wood.

(W=winter, S=summer)
Figure 2 Seasonal changes in the moisture content of interior wood
(Location: Northern United States)
Understanding Wood: A Craftsman’s Guide to Wood Technology
R.B. Hoodly(2000)を参考に作成

Which of the lines in the graph (Figure 2) represent painted wood? (   )
1. A and B
2. A and C
3. A, B, and C
4. B and C


Which of the lines in the graph (Figure 2) represent painted wood?

その該当部分は(Figure 2)の後にあります。


the moisture content of unpainted wood inside a house may change according to the seasons from 4% to about 14%


これは塗装された木か、塗装されていない木かというと・・・unpainted とありますので、「塗装されていない木」です。ということは・・・選択肢 1. 2. 3. は間違いということですので、正解は 4. となります。


while the moisture content of a painted piece kiln-dried wood in the same house will only vary around the 8% line.

8%辺りを…ということはグラフで言えば「B」ですね。painted とあることから「塗装された木」です。


Wood that has been naturally dried to around 13% moisture content and then painted will continue to dry gradually until it reaches about the same percentage of moisture as painted kiln-dried wood.

最初13%で、その後 painted kiln-dried wood と同じくらいになるということですね。painted kiln-dried wood は上の青字の文にあるとおり「B」ですから、13%から8%になるということです。

ということはグラフの「C」ですね。これも painted とありますから「塗装された木」です。


これは非常に珍しいことで、普通こういう選択肢だとたいてい 1. 2. 3. の中から正解があるものです。そのイメージを逆手に取った問題だったということなのでしょうか。



問題次の文章と図およびグラフを読み、下の問いに対する答えとして(  )に入れるのに最も適当なものを、それぞれ下の1~4のうちから1つずつ選べ。

Wood used in the construction of homes must be stable. That is, it must not change size too much. But wood from a tree that has just been cut down will shrink considerably over time. This shrinkage is caused by moisture(water) within the wood escaping into the atmosphere. The drying process of wood is known as “seasoning.” There are actually two ways to season wood. One way is to allow the natural drying process to occur. The other is to put it in a special oven called a kiln. Kiln drying is much faster than natural method.
During the seasoning process, water is removed from the wood until the moisture content of the wood is approximately equal to the humidity of the air around it. These changes in size due to shrinkage are not uniform because changes depend on the kinds of trees, the way trees are cut, and the surrounding conditions.
It is also important to note that even after seasoning, there will always be some small changes in size due to changes in the humidity of the surrounding air. For example, last year, I used a 230 mm wide piece of eastern white pine wood to make a cabinet door. It changed in width across the grain (Figure 1), shrinking by 2 mm from the original in the winter and expanding by
3 mm from the original in the summer.
The moisture content of wood changes according to the seasons even when it is kept indoors. Wood is often painted to prevent sharp changes in moisture content, which cause expansion and shrinkage. However, no paint can completely block the passage of moisture. Paint only acts to slow down the transfer of moisture to or from the wood. As illustrated in the graph (Figure 2), the moisture content of unpainted wood inside a house may change according to the seasons from 4% to about 14%, while the moisture content of a painted piece kiln-dried wood in the same house will only vary around the 8% line. Wood that has been naturally dried to around 13% moisture content and then painted will continue to dry gradually until it reaches about the same percentage of moisture as painted kiln-dried wood.

figure 1 The eastern white pine wood used in the cabinet door

(W=winter, S=summer)
Figure 2 Seasonal changes in the moisture content of interior wood
(Location: Northern United States)
Understanding Wood: A Craftsman’s Guide to Wood Technology
R.B. Hoodly(2000)を参考に作成

問3 Which of the following statements is true? (   )

1. Kiln-dried wood does not later change size due to the humidity in the air.
2. Oven-dried and naturally dried wood are both influenced by the surrounding air.
3. The moisture content of painted wood does not change.
4. Wood can be “seasoned” by painting it.


Which of the following statements is true?


1. Kiln-dried wood does not later change size due to the humidity in the air.
「Kiln-dried wood は空気中の湿度によって後でサイズが変化しない」


there will always be some small changes in size due to changes in the humidity of the surrounding air.


2. Oven-dried and naturally dried wood are both influenced by the surrounding air.


3. The moisture content of painted wood does not change.


4. Wood can be “seasoned” by painting it.


There are actually two ways to season wood. One way is to allow the natural drying process to occur. The other is to put it in a special oven called a kiln. Kiln drying is much faster than natural method.
他方はキルンと呼ばれる特別のオーブンにそれを入れることです。 キルン乾燥は自然な方法よりはるかに速いです」




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