
2010年度センター試験英語解説 共通テスト・センター試験英語解説


問題次の英文は、地域の公開討論会で行われた高齢者問題についての議論の一部である。(   )に入れるのに最も適当なものを、下の1~4のうちから1つずつ選べ。


Chair : Today’s discussion is about how younger people should communicate with the elderly. We invited three panelists: Dr. McDonald, a medical doctor, and Mr. Johnson and Ms. West, who are researchers specializing in gerontology, or the study of the elderly. Mr. Johnson, can you start our discussion?

Mr. Johnson : Certainly. I often notice people communicate in a particular way with the elderly. People exaggerate their way of speaking, for instance, by using a loud voice. Sometimes people speak as if they were talking to a child, but I wonder if older people really like this. In my observations at senior centers, even doctors and nurses employ this particular way of speaking. However, I wonder if this is a good way to communicate with them.

Chair : That’s an interesting observation. You’re saying that (  ). What do you think, Dr. McDonald?

1. doctors and nurses often use too many technical expression
2. many elderly people are comfortable when they speak to doctors
3. medical professionals also speak differently to the elderly
4. some people can’t communicate without speaking like children



I often notice people communicate in a particular way with the elderly.

次は逆接の接続詞 but の後ろを見てみましょう。

but I wonder if older people really like this.

文末の代名詞 this が何を指すのかが知りたいですよね。代名詞が指すものは基本的に直前の文にあることが多いです。そこで直前の文を見てみましょう。

Sometimes people speak as if they were talking to a child


次の逆接をあらわす単語である However の後ろを見てみましょう。この文は最終文ということもありますので二重に大切ということになります。

However, I wonder if this is a good way to communicate with them.
「しかしながら、私はこれが彼ら (お年寄りの人々) とのコミュニケーションを取る方法としてよいかどうか不思議に思うのです」


In my observations at senior centers, even doctors and nurses employ this particular way of speaking.

つまり this = this particular way of speaking = 子供に話しているかのような話し方。


1. doctors and nurses often use too many technical expression
これは本文中の this particular way of speaking がわからなかった人に対しての、センター試験作成者からのトラップです。「この特別な話し方」は「子供に話しているかのような話し方」ですから違いますね。

2. many elderly people are comfortable when they speak to doctors
そんなこと書いていないですね。ちなみに comfortable は「コンフォタブル」です。「コンフォータブル」ではありませんので注意です。2009年のセンター試験に出ていましたね。

3. medical professionals also speak differently to the elderly
これは本文のIn my observations at senior centers, even doctors and nurses employ this particular way of speaking. の内容と同じですね。

4. some people can’t communicate without speaking like children



問題次の英文は、地域の公開討論会で行われた高齢者問題についての議論の一部である。(   )に入れるのに最も適当なものを、下の1~4のうちから1つずつ選べ。


Chair : What do you think, Dr. McDonald?

Dr. McDonald : Well, as doctors, we have to be considerate when we talk to patients. We should adjust how we communicate with older people to make sure they understand what we say. Often, they can’t hear well, so it’s important to speak to them slowly and clearly. They need to understand us, so they can respond to questions we may have. I’m sure they’re grateful when they’re addressed in this manner. I feel that when you meet a person who appears to be old, you should always show consideration by speaking in such a manner.

Chair : OK. Dr. McDonald, with his professional experience, thinks that (  ). What are your thoughts on this point, Ms. West?

1. age has nothing to do with speech style
2. more intelligent words should be used
3. special attention should be paid to the elderly
4. the elderly should speak more slowly and clearly



Well, as doctors, we have to be considerate when we talk to patients.


I feel that when you meet a person who appears to be old, you should always show consideration by speaking in such a manner.


I’m sure they’re grateful when they’re addressed in this manner.


They need to understand us, so they can respond to questions we may have.

ん? やり方がここに書かれていませんね。確かに代名詞は直前にあることが多いのですが、そうでない場合ももちろんあるのです。さらに直前の文章を確認してみましょう。

Often, they can’t hear well, so it’s important to speak to them slowly and clearly.

これですね。such a manner = to speak to them slowly and clearly ということです。ちなみにこの文中に important があります。「重要な」という意味ですが、やはり言葉の意味どおりこの単語があるということは重要なことがそこで言われている可能性が高いですね。

1. age has nothing to do with speech style

2. more intelligent words should be used
そんなことは書かれていないですね。まぁ、お年寄りは長く生きているからその分賢いので・・・ってことですか? 前問で「子供に対して話すような話し方」みたいな話題がありましたから、その流れの選択肢なんでしょうか?

3. special attention should be paid to the elderly
一番最後の文章がこれに当たりますね。正直言うと such が何を指すのかなんてわからなくても、この選択肢を選ぶことができそうでしたね。

4. the elderly should speak more slowly and clearly



問題次の英文は、地域の公開討論会で行われた高齢者問題についての議論の一部である。(   )に入れるのに最も適当なものを、下の1~4のうちから1つずつ選べ。


Chair : What are your thoughts on this point, Ms. West?

Ms. West : I’m an older person myself, but I’m afraid I have to disagree with Dr. McDonald. He said he could tell who needs to be spoken to clearly and slowly from their appearance. I guess you base your judgment of older people on their slow movements, gray hair, and wrinkles. But that‘s a stereotype of the elderly. Some older  people may not need any special adjustments during conversation. Rather, such adjustments may insult them. I don’t want to be addressed like that, or stereotyped in that way.

Chair : Thank you. Ms. West’s comments emphasize that our judgments of elderly (  ).

1. don’t determine our behavior
2. don’t hurt their feelings
3. should be based on their appearance and movements
4. shouldn’t be made without careful consideration




I’m an older person myself, but I’m afraid I have to disagree with Dr. McDonald.

マクドナルドさんというのは前問に出てきた人ですね。「お年寄りにはゆっくり明瞭に話しかけるべきだ」と言った人です。その人に反対というのですから、どういうことか大体わかりますね。しかも [but] という逆接の接続詞の後になっていますのでこれがこの人の主張ということです。

次は中盤にある But の後ろを見てみましょう。

But that‘s a stereotype of the elderly.


I guess you base your judgment of older people on their slow movements, gray hair, and wrinkles.

that = their slow movements, gray hair, and wrinkles ですね。

ちなみに guess は少し弱いですが、主張をあらわす言葉でもありますので、重要かも知れないという気持ちでこの部分は丁寧に読む必要があるかもしれません。


I don’t want to be addressed like that, or stereotyped in that way.



our judgments of elderly (  ).

に続く言葉ですね。 ということはヒントは

I guess you base your judgment of older people on their slow movements, gray hair, and wrinkles.


1. don’t determine our behavior

He said he could tell who needs to be spoken to clearly and slowly from their appearance.


2. don’t hurt their feelings


Rather, such adjustments may insult them.


3. should be based on their appearance and movements

should という助動詞は「主張」を表します。ウエストさんはそんなこと言っていませんよね。むしろ逆です。もしこの選択肢に should がなかったら、一般論としてありだったかもしれませんね。

4. shouldn’t be made without careful consideration

最終文の I don’t want to be addressed like that, or stereotyped in that way. にもあるように、ウエストさんは固定観念で判断されたくないと言っているのですから、これが正解でしょう。ただ、この最終文だけで判断するというより、ウエストさんの発言全体から判断される感じですね。




