【解説】H30 英語共通テスト試行調査 第2問B

共通テスト試行調査 共通テスト・センター試験英語解説


Your English teacher gave you an article to help you prepare for the debate in the next class. A part of this article with one of the comments is shown below.

問1 According to the rule explained in the article, students in primary and middle schools in France won’t be allowed to (  ).
1. ask their parents to pay for their mobile phones
2. bring their mobile phones to school
3. have their own mobile phones until after graduation
4. use their mobile phones at school except for special cases

問2 Your team will support the debate topic, “Mobile phone use in school should be limited.” In the article, one opinion (not a fact) helpful for your team is that (  ).
1. it is necessary for students to be focused on studying during class
2. students should play with their friends between classes
3. the government will introduce a new rule about phone use at school
4. using mobile phones too long may damage students’ eyes

問3  The other team will oppose the debate topic. In the article, one opinion (not a fact) helpful for that team is that (  ).
1. it is better to teach students how to control their mobile phone use
2. students should use their mobile phones for daily communication
3. the cost of storing students’ mobile phones would be too high
4. the rule will be applied to all students at the country’s primary and middle schools

問4 In the 3rd paragraph of the article, “One must live with the times” means that people should (  ).
1. change their lifestyles according to when they live
2. live in their own ways regardless of popular trends
3. remember their childhood memories
4. try not to be late for school

問5 According to his comment, Daniel McCarthy 15 the rule stated in the article.
1. has no particular opinion about
2. partly agrees with
3. strongly agrees with
4. strongly disagrees with


【解説】問1 正解率 80.0%

問題問1 According to the rule explained in the article, students in primary and middle schools in France won’t be allowed to (  ).
「その記事で説明されたルールによると、フランスの初等・中等の学生は (  ) することを許されない」


1. ask their parents to pay for their mobile phones
3. have their own mobile phones until after graduation


2. bring their mobile phones to school

これはありえますね。というか、日本の小・中学校の多くは校則でこうなっているんじゃないですか? ですが、本文にはこうあります。

Students will be allowed to bring their phones to school,


4. use their mobile phones at school except for special cases


but not allowed to use them at any time in school without special permission.


【解説】問2 正解率 41.6%

問題問2 Your team will support the debate topic, “Mobile phone use in school should be limited.” In the article, one opinion (not a fact) helpful for your team is that (  ).
「あなたのチームが『学校での携帯電話の使用を制限すべき』というテーマを支持するとき、(  ) という記事内のある意見 (事実ではない) があなたのチームに役立ちます」

3. the government will introduce a new rule about phone use at school


1. it is necessary for students to be focused on studying during class
4. using mobile phones too long may damage students’ eyes


「携帯電話を制限すべき」という意見については、一番下の Comments にある Daniel McCarthy の意見を見ればよいですね。

Young people need to develop social skills such as how to get along with other people.

これは選択肢 2. の内容とおおむね同じです。

2. students should play with their friends between classes
「授業の間 (休み時間)、学生は友達と遊ぶべきです。」


【解説】問3 正解率 48.8%

問題問3  The other team will oppose the debate topic. In the article, one opinion (not a fact) helpful for that team is that (  ).
「他のチームがその討論のテーマに反対するとき、記事内の (  ) という意見が役に立ちます」

4. the rule will be applied to all students at the country’s primary and middle schools


2. students should use their mobile phones for daily communication


1. it is better to teach students how to control their mobile phone use

第二段落の最後で、教育大臣の Jean-Michel Blanquer がこう言っています。

but their use has to be somehow controlled
「しかし、それら (携帯電話) の使用は何らかの方法でコントロールしなければならない」



If all schools had to provide lockers for children to store their phones, a huge amount of money and space would be needed.

これは選択肢 3. の内容と同じです。

3. the cost of storing students’ mobile phones would be too high


【解説】問4 正解率 54.1%

問題問4 In the 3rd paragraph of the article, “One must live with the times” means that people should (  ).
「記事の第三段落にある “One must live with the times” は (  ) すべきだということを意味しています」


It doesn’t make sense to force children to have the same childhood that we had.
「私たちが過ごしたものと同じ子供時代を、過ごすことを (今の) 子供たちに強制するのは意味がありません」

これを踏まえて考えると「One must live with the times / 時間とともに生きるべき」は、選択肢 1. の内容に近いですね。

1. change their lifestyles according to when they live
「生きているとき (時代) に合わせて、生活様式を変える」


2. live in their own ways regardless of popular trends
3. remember their childhood memories
4. try not to be late for school


【解説】問5 正解率 62.7%

問題問5 According to his comment, Daniel McCarthy (  ) the rule stated in the article.
「Daniel McCarthy のコメントによれば、彼はこの記事で述べられたルールに (  )」

1. has no particular opinion about
2. partly agrees with
3. strongly agrees with
4. strongly disagrees with

Well done, France!





鼻が乾いているネコです。中学生・高校生の英語を指導しています。そこで気づいたことや、みんながよくするミスをを踏まえて記事を書いています。英語参考書の出版経験あり。X や Facebook では、「お気楽英語」の更新情報をつぶやいたり、なんかそれらしいことをつぶやいたりしています。


