【解説】H29 英語共通テスト試行調査 第2問B

共通テスト試行調査 共通テスト・センター試験英語解説


You are going to have a debate about students working part-time. In order to prepare for the debate, your group is reading the article below.

問1 In the survey mentioned in the article, the students were asked, “(  )”
1. Have you ever worked part-time abroad?
2. How much money per week do you make working part-time?
3. What kind of part-time jobs would be good for you?
4. Why do you work part-time?

問2 Your group wants to collect opinions supporting students working parttime. One such opinion in the article is that students (  ).
1. can become good communicators
2. mostly have worked part-time
3. will have a better chance of getting a full-time job
4. will learn how to dress appropriately

問3 Your group wants to collect opinions opposing students working parttime. One such opinion in the article is that students (  ).
1. cannot be helpful in the workplace
2. might perform poorly in class
3. should spend more time with their family
4. work part-time to buy what they want

問4 If students work over 20 hours a week, they may (  ).
1. begin to feel they need a well-paid job
2. continue to work hard at part-time jobs
3. lose interest in working hard after leaving school
4. want to be independent of their families

問5 The writer of this article (  ) students working part-time.
1. does not have any particular opinion about
2. partly agrees with
3. strongly agrees with
4. strongly disagrees with


【解説】問1 正解率 61.1%

問題問1 In the survey mentioned in the article, the students were asked, “(  )”
「記事で言及された調査では、学生は (  ) と質問されました」

1. Have you ever worked part-time abroad?
2. How much money per week do you make working part-time?

このような話はありません。1. は「abroad」、2. は「How much money」で、判断できると思います。この二つの選択肢は違います。

3. What kind of part-time jobs would be good for you?


Is it good or bad for students to work part-time?


4. Why do you work part-time?


The survey also reports that students have part-time jobs because they need money for going out with their friends, buying clothes, and helping their families financially.



【解説】問2 正解率 76.4%

問題問2 Your group wants to collect opinions supporting students working parttime. One such opinion in the article is that students (  ).
「あなたのグループは、アルバイトをする学生を支持する意見を集めたいと考えています。 記事の中のそのような意見の1つは、学生は (  ) ということです」


2. mostly have worked part-time


3. will have a better chance of getting a full-time job

4. will learn how to dress appropriately

1. can become good communicators


Students can improve their communication skills



【解説】問3 正解率 72.0%

問題問3 Your group wants to collect opinions opposing students working parttime. One such opinion in the article is that students (  ).
「あなたのグループは、アルバイトをする学生に反対する意見を集めたいと考えています。 記事のそのような意見の1つは、学生は (  ) ということです」

1. cannot be helpful in the workplace
2. might perform poorly in class
3. should spend more time with their family
4. work part-time to buy what they want


Students who work too hard are so tired during class that they might receive poor grades in school.




【解説】問4 正解率 74.8%

問題問4 If students work over 20 hours a week, they may (  ).
「もし学生が週20時間以上働くと、彼らは (  ) かもしれない」

1. begin to feel they need a well-paid job
2. continue to work hard at part-time jobs
3. lose interest in working hard after leaving school
4. want to be independent of their families

設問の over 20 hours a week に注目すると、第四段落の最後にこうあります。

Research suggests that if students work part-time over 20 hours a week, they will probably have some of the negative experiences mentioned above.

「the negative experiences mentioned above / 上で言及されているネガティブな経験」というのは、問3で確認した第三段落のものです。


They may become less motivated to work hard after graduation.


【解説】問5 正解率 59.6%

問題問5 The writer of this article (  ) students working part-time.
「この記事の筆者はアルバイトをする学生に (  )」

1. does not have any particular opinion about
2. partly agrees with
3. strongly agrees with
4. strongly disagrees with


In my view, part-time work is not always bad for students.


not always で「常に~ではない」と部分否定になっています。これを「常に~ではない」と間違えたり、あるいは、not を見落としてミスする人がいたかもしれません。

特に not を見落とすと、そのあとが否定的な話ばかりになるので、筆者は反対意見だと感じてしまうかもしれません。注意しましょう。

