【解説】H30 英語共通テスト試行調査 第3問B

共通テスト試行調査 共通テスト・センター試験英語解説


You found the following story in a study-abroad magazine.

問1 According to the story, Deborah’s feelings changed in the following order: (  ).
1. nervous → confused → happy → shocked → sorry
2. nervous → confused → sorry → shocked → happy
3. nervous → happy → shocked → confused → sorry
4. nervous → happy → sorry → shocked → confused
5. nervous → shocked → happy → sorry → confused
6. nervous → sorry → confused → happy → shocked

問2 The gift Deborah chose was not appropriate in Japan because it may imply (  ).
1. a long stay
2. congratulations
3. growing anger
4. passion for living

問3 From this story, you learned that Deborah (  ).
1. chose a begonia for her teacher because she learned the meanings of several flowers in her class
2. not only practiced her Japanese but also learned about Japanese culture because of a begonia
3. visited the hospital with her teaching assistant to see her teacher and enjoyed chatting
4. was given an explanation about the begonia by Mr. Hayashi and learned its hidden meaning


【解説】問1 正解率 74.8%

問題問1 According to the story, Deborah’s feelings changed in the following order: (  ).

Deborah’s feelings がどの様に変わっていったかという問題です。本文を読みながら感情に関する語句があれば、しるしをしておくと後で見返しやすいですね。

まず本文四行目に nervous が出てきました。しかし、これは選択肢の全てに当てはまります。

そして次の感情は、まず次の行に But があります。but は逆接の接続詞ですから、nervous の逆の感情になると考えられます。そして having a great time とありますので、happy と想像できます。


「surprised and upset」→「puzzled」→「apologize」

shocked → confused → sorry

3. nervous → happy → shocked → confused → sorry


【解説】問2 正解率 62.1%

問題問2 The gift Deborah chose was not appropriate in Japan because it may imply (  ).
「Deborah が選んだ贈り物は日本では不適切でした。なぜならそれは (  ) かもしれません」

This is because a plant in a pot has roots, and so it cannot be moved easily.

ということで、1. a long stay ですから、正解は「1」です。



そういえば Deborah が持って行ったベゴニアも「赤」でした。ということは二重の意味でダメだったんですね。そりゃ笑っていた林先生の表情も、変わってしまいます。

【解説】問3 正解率 56.2%

問題問3 From this story, you learned that Deborah (  ).
「この物語から、あなたは Deborah が (  ) とわかりました」

1. chose a begonia for her teacher because she learned the meanings of several flowers in her class


3. visited the hospital with her teaching assistant to see her teacher and enjoyed chatting


Deborah decided to go to the hospital with her classmates
「Deborah はクラスメイトと一緒に病院に行くことを決めた」


4. was given an explanation about the begonia by Mr. Hayashi and learned its hidden meaning

ベゴニアの花の意味が分かるくだりは第三、第四段落にあります。ベゴニアの説明をしたのは Teaching Assistant ですね。林先生ではありません。だからこの選択肢はダメです。

2. not only practiced her Japanese but also learned about Japanese culture because of a begonia


