
2019年度センター試験英語解説 共通テスト・センター試験英語解説


問題 次の会話は、退職する恩師への贈り物について相談している生徒たちのやり取りの一部である。(  ) に入れるのに最も適当なものを、下の 1~4のうちから選べ。

Sean: Thanks for coming in on a Saturday, everyone. It wasn’t easy to find a time for us all to sit down and talk. As you know, Ms. Guillot is retiring this year. It is our responsibility to arrange a gift for her on behalf of all current and former students. We don’t have much time before her party, so I’d really like to reach a final decision today. Did you come up with any ideas?

Alex: Not exactly, but I’ve heard that many teachers get bored after retirement. I don’t think we should get her something like a painting, because it would just sit on the wall. If we buy her something that she can make the most of on a daily basis, then she will feel the appreciation all her students have for her more often.

Sean: Thanks, Alex. So, you think giving her something (  ) would be appropriate, right?

Alex: Yes. I think that would be best.

1. she can use quite regularly
2. to make her house look nice
3. to share at the retirement party
4. we students made ourselves


Alex が買ったらよいと考えているものを選ぶ問題です。

1. she can use quite regularly

Alex はこう言っています。

If we buy her something that she can make the most of on a daily basis, then she will feel the appreciation all her students have for her more often.

ということで、この選択肢が正解です。can make the most of on a daily basis が can use quite regularly に言い換えられていることに気づけるかどうか、という問題です。

2. to make her house look nice

Alex はこう言っています。

I don’t think we should get her something like a painting, because it would just sit on the wall.


3. to share at the retirement party

retirement に関してはこう言っています。

I’ve heard that many teachers get bored after retirement.


4. we students made ourselves




問題 次の会話は、退職する恩師への贈り物について相談している生徒たちのやり取りの一部である。(  ) に入れるのに最も適当なものを、下の 1~4のうちから選べ。

Thomas: I don’t think Ms. Guillot will be bored in her retirement. We all know that she is very active. She often participates in sporting events and loves spending time outside. I heard that on Saturdays and Sundays, she runs in the mornings and plays tennis in the evenings. She hardly ever stays indoors and never misses her daily walk even if it is raining.

Anne: And, she loves doing work in her garden, too. I’ve seen some pictures of her house. She has a beautiful garden and a massive deck. She has a great variety of flowers and vegetables. She often spends time relaxing on her deck just enjoying the view of her garden.

Sean: Thomas and Anne, it seems that you both think we should consider Ms. Guillot’s (  ) when we buy her present.

Anne: That’s right. But it’s a little hard to come up with an actual item, isn’t it?

1. art works
2. garden
3. leisure time
4. weekends


Thomas and Anne, it seems that you both think we should consider Ms. Guillot’s (  ) when we buy her present.
「Thomas と Anne 、君たち両方ともプレゼントを購入するときには、Guillot 先生の (  ) を考慮する必要があると考えているようだね」

1. art works


2. garden

garden については、Ann がこう言っています。

she loves doing work in her garden, too.

ただ、Thomas は garden について、何も言っていません。ということで、この選択肢は違います。

3. leisure time

直接 leisure time という言葉は出てきていませんが、Thomas と Anne が言っているのは、Guillot 先生の「余暇」の話ですね。ということで、この選択肢が正解です。

4. weekends

weekends については、Thomas がこう言っています。

I heard that on Saturdays and Sundays, she runs in the mornings and plays tennis in the evenings.

ただ、Anne は weekends について、何も言っていません。ということで、この選択肢は違います。

問1とは違って、問2は二人の共通点を見つける問題でした。Thomas と Anne の話に、一見共通点はなさそうに感じますが、それでも共通点を探っていくという能力。いわゆる折衝力を問われているのでしょう。

そう考えると Sean はかなり有能ですね。



問題 次の会話は、退職する恩師への贈り物について相談している生徒たちのやり取りの一部である。(  ) に入れるのに最も適当なものを、下の 1~4のうちから選べ。

Mimi: Why don’t we get her something she can use for entertaining people? Ms. Guillot loves cooking and I heard she has small parties at her house every couple of weeks. Hmm…, I don’t
think we need to get her anything to use in the kitchen, as she seems to have plenty of that kind of stuff already. And usually, people who like cooking have their own preferences when it comes to things like that.

Sally: I agree. She’s told us about her parties. She often mentions that whenever she has them, everyone has to go inside to eat if they want to sit down. Perhaps something that she can
use when entertaining her guests would be most appropriate.

Anne: I think that’s a great point. Once she has retired, I’m sure she’ll be having more of those parties. Who knows? Maybe she’ll even invite us!

Sean: That would be nice, wouldn’t it, Anne? Well, thank you for all your ideas. Considering what we have discussed, I think a present such as (  ) will be best as it seems to match what
everyone has said about Ms. Guillot.

1. a large bunch of flowers
2. a statue for her garden
3. some outdoor furniture
4. some sets for cooking


Considering what we have discussed, I think a present such as (  ) will be best as it seems to match what everyone has said about Ms. Guillot.
「私たちが話し合ったことを考えると、Guillot 先生についてみんなが言ったことに一致しているように思えるので、私は (  ) のようなプレゼントが最高だと考えます」

全員の意見を踏まえて、何を買うのかという問題です。あれだけみんなが好き放題言って、結果何を買うのでしょうか? テストということを別にしても気になりますね。

1. a large bunch of flowers

問1で Alex が否定していた、「絵」と同類ですね。この選択肢は違います。

2. a statue for her garden

少し大げさになりましたが、これも Alex が言う something that she can make the most of on a daily basis には程遠いです。この選択肢は違います。

3. some outdoor furniture

Sally がこう言っています。

She’s told us about her parties. She often mentions that whenever she has them, everyone has to go inside to eat if they want to sit down. Perhaps something that she can use when entertaining her guests would be most appropriate.


問1で Alex が言っていた「日常的に使う」ということに関しては、Anne がこう言っています。

Once she has retired, I’m sure she’ll be having more of those parties.


4. some sets for cooking

Mimi がこう言っています。

Why don’t we get her something she can use for entertaining people? Ms. Guillot loves cooking and I heard she has small parties at her house every couple of weeks.
「彼女が人々を楽しませるために使用できるものを彼女が手に入れるのはどうですか。Guillot 先生は料理が大好きで、2、3週間ごとに家で小さなパーティーを開いているそうです」


Hmm…, I don’t think we need to get her anything to use in the kitchen, as she seems to have plenty of that kind of stuff already. And usually, people who like cooking have their own preferences when it comes to things like that.




鼻が乾いているネコです。中学生・高校生の英語を指導しています。そこで気づいたことや、みんながよくするミスをを踏まえて記事を書いています。英語参考書の出版経験あり。X や Facebook では、「お気楽英語」の更新情報をつぶやいたり、なんかそれらしいことをつぶやいたりしています。


