

【解説】H30 英語共通テスト試行調査 第6問A

問題はこちら→ You are preparing for a group presentation on gender and career development for your class. You have found the a...

【解説】H30 英語共通テスト試行調査 第5問

問題はこちら→ Your group is preparing a poster presentation entitled “The Person Who Revolutionized American Journalism,” usin...

【解説】H30 英語共通テスト試行調査 第4問

問題はこちら→ You are doing research on students’ reading habits. You found two articles.Reading Habits Among Studentsby David...

【解説】H30 英語共通テスト試行調査 第3問B

問題はこちら→ You found the following story in a study-abroad magazine.問1 According to the story, Deborah’s feelings changed i...

【解説】H30 英語共通テスト試行調査 第3問A

問題はこちら→ You found the following story in a blog written by a female exchange student in your school.問1 At the school fes...

【解説】H30 英語共通テスト試行調査 第2問B

問題はこちら→ Your English teacher gave you an article to help you prepare for the debate in the next class. A part of this ar...

【解説】H30 英語共通テスト試行調査 第2問A

問題はこちら→ You are a member of the cooking club at school, and you want to make something different. On a website, you foun...

【解説】H30 英語共通テスト試行調査 第1問B

問題はこちら→ You visited your town’s English website and found an interesting notice.問1 The purpose of this notice is to find...

【解説】H30 英語共通テスト試行調査 第1問A

問題はこちら→ You are a member of the English club. You are going to have a farewell party for one of the members, Yasmin from...