


You ought to ( 1 )than to go to such a dangerous place.(センター)
1. have better  2. know better  3. make better  4. turn better

know better than to do「~しないだけの分別がある」決まり文句として覚えよう


This is the ( 2 ) best book I’ve ever read.(センター)
1. far  2. most  3. much  4. very

best が最上級。最上級を強調する語は?


John is the ( 3 ) of the two.(鶴見大)
1. more strong  2. stronger  3. most strong  4. strongest



The longer I stayed in America, ( 4 ) I liked the country.(拓殖大)
1. much more  2. and than  3. the more  4. by far better

The+比較級~, the+比較級~


Tom is ( 5 ) than honest.(四天王寺国際仏教大)
1. clever  2. more clever  3. cleverer  4. the clever



I’m sorry to hear about your problem.
But if you had taken my advice, you ( 6 ) in such trouble now.(センター)
1. haven’t been  2. would be  3. would have been  4. wouldn’t be

if節は had taken と過去完了の形だが、主節には now がある。


I worked hard; ( 7 ) I should have starved.(青山学院)
1. as  2. otherwise  3. for  4. but

should have starved と仮定法過去の形になっている。


“He’s a good skier, isn’t he?”
“Yes, he really is. I wish I ( 8 ) like him.(センター)
1. can ski  2. could ski  3. ski  4. will ski

I wish+仮定法過去の形


I suggested to Mary ( 9 ) with me to collect empty cans on the street, but she said she was too busy.(センター)
1. come  2. that she come  3. that she had come  4. to have come

suggest の that節の中は S+(should)+原形


Although I am her elder, she treats me ( 10 ) her servant.(札幌大)
1. like my being  2. as I was  3. as if I were  4. even if were

as if+S+過去形「まるで~であるかのように」
